Title: The Age of the Republic
1Test Your Knowledge
The Age of the Republic
2Who was Comenius? Had similar ideas to
Locke Had notion of universal education Both
3Thats Right! Comenius was both of those things.
4Who promoted the organization of the first
hospital in America? Benjamin Franklin Thomas
Jefferson Noah Webster
5Thats Right! Benjamin Franklin promoted it.
6Who emphasized self education? Noah
Webster Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin
7Thats Right! It was Benjamin Franklin.
8Who believed in improvement through reason and
observation? Thomas Jefferson Noah
Webster Benjamin Franklin
9Thats Right! Thomas Jefferson believed in
improvement through reason and observation.
10What does civic education mean? A knowledgeable
citizenry is essential for a democracy Only
civilized people can gain an education Educati
on will be taught in the civic
11Thats Right! Civic education means that a
knowledgeable citizenry is essential for a
12Who believed in civic education? Noah
Webster Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin
13Thats Right! Thomas Jefferson believed in civic
14Who began as a schoolmaster and taught by
memorization? Benjamin Franklin Thomas
Jefferson Noah Webster
15Thats Right! Noah Webster began as a
16Who believed in free education? Thomas
Jefferson Noah Webster Benjamin Franklin
17Thats Right! Noah Webster believed in free
18Who believed that learning is a life-long
activity? Benjamin Franklin Thomas
Jefferson Noah Webster
19Thats Right! It was Benjamin Franklin.
20Sorry, try again!
21Congratulations! You're done!