Title: From Republic to Empire
1From Republic to Empire
- The Roman Republic, in the face of changing
social and economic conditions, succumbed to
civil war and was replaced by an imperial regime,
the Roman Empire
2Warm up
- How did Rome build an empire around the
Mediterranean Sea? - What were the benefits of expansion?
- What were the problems with expansion?
- What is a latifundia?
- Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus?
3Essential Questions
- Why did the Roman Republic fail to survive
challenges by Julius Caesar? - How did military conquests alter economic and
social life in Rome? - How did an imperial monarchy come to rule Rome?
4 Roman Expansion Preparedness meets
- Three Stages
- Conquest of Italy
- Conflict with Carthage expansion into western
Mediterranean Sea - Domination of Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern
5Effects of Expansion Social Economic
- New class of wealthy Romans emerges
- Latifundia estates of the wealthy
- Wealth increased corruption
- Greed and self interest replaced loyalty and
virtue - Spread of slave labor
- Roman farmers competed with farmers from other
lands - Grain prices dropped
- Forced out of business lost farms
- Forced to move to Rome for jobs
- Joined angry mobs that rioted
a latifundium, or large-scale 'plantation',
during the Republic
6Horatio was a hero who represented selfless
loyalty in defense of Rome
7Slavery in Ancient Rome
8Attempts at Reform
- Brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
- Elected tribunes by Plebeian class
- Saw need for reforms on behalf of the poor
- Provide land and grain to the poor
- Hated by wealthy Senators
- Both assassinated
9Gracchi Brothers Assassinated!
10A Century of Civil War
- Revolts demonstrated weaknesses of Republic
- Civil wars lasted 100 years
- Main issue who should rule?
- The Senate maintain style of government
- Consuls enact reforms
Sulla wins for the Patricians and become a
11Military Upheaval
- Soldiers became more loyal to their commanders
than to the Republic - Gave allegiance only to commanders because they
were paid by the commanders
12Rise of Julius Caesar
- Roman Republics greatest general
- Ambitious, popular
- Consul along with Pompey
- Military genius who conquered Gaul
- Dominated Roman politics
13Crossing the RubiconAlea jacta est!The Die
is Cast
- Pompey jealous of Caesar
- Has the Senate order Caesar to disband
army-return to Rome - Caesar refused
- Reached Rubicon River in Northern Italy and
crossed it on the way to Rome
14After Crossing the Rubicon
- Civil War erupted
- Caesar crushed Pompey his supporters
- Swept across Mediterranean reunited Empire
- Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered
15Changes Under Caesar
- Forced Senate to declare him dictator
- Created public works to employ jobless
- Gave public land to poor
- Opened citizenship to more people
- Restructured the government
- Packed the Senate
- New calendar-Julian still used today
16What were the origins evolution of Imperial
- First triumvirate
- Julius Caesar
- Pompey
- Crassas
- Julius Caesar-seized power, then assassinated
- Second Triumvirate
- Octavian
- Marc Antony
- Lepidus
- Octavian defeated Marc Antony became 1st
Emperor - Empire-unified enlarged, using imperial
authority military - Failed to provide a peaceful process for the
succession of Emperors
Triumvirate means three men refers to a group of
three men who hold political power
17Caesars Death Beware the Ides of March
- Enemies feared his growing power
- Plotted his death to save the Republic
- stabbed on the Senate floor
- Mark Antony and Octavian (Julius Caesars nephew
adopted son) hunted down the murderers - Octavian turned on Marc Antony and claimed power
in 31 BCE
18What were the causes of the decline of the Roman
- Spread of slavery in the agricultural system
- Migration of small farmers into cities and
unemployment - Civil War over the power of Julius Caesar
- Devaluation of Roman currency inflation
19From every towering roof the rubbish falls,striki
ng the head, and injuries grow rank.See how potsÂ
strike and dint the sturdy pavementThere's deathÂ
from every window where you move.You'd be a foolÂ
to venture out to dine,Oblivious of what goes onÂ
above,Without you having penned the dotted lineO
f your last testament,You can but hope they spill
 a chamberpot. Juvenal
A Hypothetical Roman Tenement Building. In the
upper-left corner, a chamberpot is being dumped
on the street below. In the lower-right corner, a
chamberpot is being emptied into a barrel located
under a staircase. Both methods of waste disposal
were common in ancient Rome
20Age of Augustus31 BCE to 14 CE
- Octavian changed name to Augustus (revered)
- Absolute power
- Formal end of the republic
- Beginning of the empire
21Imperial Rome Augustus Created a Stable
- Efficient civil service - enforced the Law
- Rule of Law
- High-level jobs open to all regardless of class
- Ordered a census to fairly tax all cities
- Postal service
- Common coinage
- Provided jobs
- Secure travel and trade throughout the Empire
22Good Emperors
- Hadrian
- Codified Roman law
- Built walls in Britain prevented non-Romans from
attacking - Marcus Aurelius
- Tried to live up to Platos ideal philosopher
king - Wrote the Meditations
- Stoic Philosophy of commitment to duty
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24Bad Emperors
- Caligula
- Appointed his favorite horse as consul
- Nero
- Had members of his own family killed
- Persecuted Christians and blamed them for causing
the terrible fire that destroyed a large area of
the city where the poor lived
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27What was the Pax Romana?
- Two centuries of peace prosperity under
imperial rule - Expansion solidification of Roman Empire
28What was the economic impact of PaxRomana?
- Established standard currency
- Guaranteed safe travel trade on Roman roads
- Promoted peace, prosperity, stability
29Pax Roman Roman Peace27-BCE- 180 CE
- Egyptians farmers supplied empire w/ grain
- Africa provided wild animals, ivory, gold
- India provided spices, cotton, gems
- Persians linked Roman roads w/ Silk Road to China
- Greeks provided new ideas philosophies
30Family Religion Changing Role of Women
- Patriarchal society
- Ideal woman loving, dignified, strong
- Greater freedom over time
- Patrician women had greatest rights
- Roman women had more than Greek women
- Went to public baths, dined out, attended theater
- Some held public office
- Ran businesses
- Earned fortunes
- Most common job was housewife
- Girls boys learned to read/write
- Upper/lower classes educated
- Rhetoric important to upper classes
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- Polytheistic
- Pious but not personal, ethical or morals
- Inspired by Greek gods goddesses
- Roman calendar filled w/ feasts to honor them
- Public display-All participatedsense of
community - Numerous cults emerged popular with women
- Cult of the Emperor
34The Games Bread and Circuses
- Chariot Races at the Circus Maximus
- Gladiator Games in the Colisseum
- Kept the mobs entertained and happy
- Provided free grain to the poor
- Didnt solve Romes problems
35Roman Achievement Blending Spreading Greco-
Roman Civilization
- Rome borrowed and absorbed Greek ideas
- Greek culture was the height of culture
- Horace said, Greece has conquered her rude
conqueror - Trade and travel during the Pax Romana helped
spread Greco-Roman civilization
36Roman Achievement Art
- Sculpture
- Borrowed from Greeks
- Very realistic
- Decorated homes, gardens, public areas
37Roman AchievementPaintings/Mosaics
- Used stone
- Different techniques
- Captured scenes of everyday life
38Roman Achievement Coins
- denarius
- worth about a day's wages for a skilled laborer
or craftsman. - Used to pay the army
- Used to pay taxes
- sestertius and the as
- used for smaller everyday purchases by the common
people - The denarius was a silver coin between the size
of a modern dime and a nickel
Coins from 118 BCE
39Roman Achievement Architecture
- Very large, imposing buildings
- Unique designs
- Colosseum
- Baths of Caracalla
- Pantheon
40Roman AchievementEngineering
- Roads
- Bridges
- Harbors
- Aqueducts
- Plumbing
41Roman AchievementScience
- Borrowed from the Greeks
- Rarely did their own research
- Applied what they learned from the Greeks to
practical situations/needs - Geography
- Greek Astronomer Ptolemys study of the Universe
- Greek Scientist Galens study of science used
scientific method to reach conclusions
42Literature Virgil
- Poet
- The Aeneid
- Linked to Homers works
- Aeneas, soldier who escaped Troy to found Rome
- Taught patriotism and unity
43Literature Ovid
- Poet
- Linked Greek and Roman culture as well
- Connected Greek gods to Roman gods
44LiteratureHorace Juvenal
- Satirists who made fun of Roman culture
- Similar to todays The Simpsons or South Park, or
Saturday Night Live
45Historians Livy
- goal was to restore pride in Rome
- Recalled Romes great past
- Recounted tales of heroes (Horatius Cincinnatus)
46Historians Tacitus
- Criticized past emperors
- Claimed leaders like Augustus destroyed Roman
47Philosophers Emperor Marcus Aurelius
- Borrowed from the Greeks -Stoic
- Accepted ideas of responsibility and acceptance
of ones fate - Taught that citizens should care for all people
48Roman Law
- Let justice be done though the heavens fall
- Famous Roman saying
- Commitment to the rule of law regardless of
49Roman Law Two Systems
- Civil Law
- Laws that applied to all Roman citizens
- Law of Nations
- All non-citizens under Roman control
- Citizenship granted to all and the two systems
merged - Became basis for American legal system
50Roman Law Principles
- All people are equal before the law
- The accused are presumed innocent
- The accused are allowed a trial
- Guilt must be established through evidence
- Decisions made by a fair judge
51What was the political impact of the Pax Romana?
- Created a civil service
- Developed a uniform rule of law