Title: Message Broker
1Message Broker
Building the Future Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI) Platform
Presenter Pam Perdue
- Update on current pilot(s) utilizing technology
- Review Message Broker concept
- Overview of components within technology
- Questions???
3Customer Account Administration Model
VCCS Customers
Enterprise Application Servers
Web Server
Message Broker(s)
PeopleSoft Directory Oracle Databases
4Directory Administration Model
5Message Broker
Workflow agent Transformation agent Business
rules agent Security Message handlers
Message Log
6SIS Conversion
SIS IMS data
PeopleSoft Application Server
Message Broker
NVCC financial aid data
Transformation changes -- different sources of
data into a PeopleSoft transaction -- various
data storage formats into UNIX formats -- old
application data codes into new application codes
7Advanced Technology Pilot
- Planned Message Broker Pilot July 99
- Replace current email web interface
- Convert from X.500 to Oracle for People Directory
- Add customer id and password to web interface
- Create directory access management tool
- Update PeopleSoft Panels for Security
- WhitePages on Oracle
- Still studying
- Adding PeopleSoft Community Database as entry