Title: History of Electronic Resources at UofS Libraries
1History of Electronic Resources at UofS Libraries
- David Fox
- August 27, 2001
2History of Electronic Resources
Skins Game Challenge !!
- David Fox
- August 27, 2001
3History of Electronic Resources Skins Game
- An audience participation event
- Quiz questions
- Fabulous prizes!
- Contest budget 3.75
- 15 seconds to answer question
- Skins Game If no correct answer, or in the case
of a tie, prize carries over to the next question.
- Refreshing, ice-cold Coca Cola products
- The official soft drink of the U of S
- from the ITS fridge
- Regularly a 0.75 value!
5History of Electronic Resources Scope
- end-user databases
- (not fee-based, mediated searching)
- locally mounted / remote
- 1988 -
6Local vs Remote end-user searching
- Local 1988 1998
- standalone CD-ROMs
- Networked CD-ROMs
- Remote 1998
- WWW databases
7Quiz Question 1
- QWhat was UofS Libraries first WWW- based
database, and when was it acquired? - A International Index to Music Periodicals
- August 1997
8Distribution of UofS database formats
- Local
- WebSPIRS 36
- Local CD-ROM 12
- 55 (42.3)
- Remote WWW 75 (57.7)
- Total 130
9SKLIB/BUCAT/INFOACCESS and locally mounted
databases 1988-
- INFOACCESS a local database service initiated in
1988 - - 9 track tapes !
- BUCAT Brandon University DBMS
- - acquired 1987 installed on DCS server
- - initally used to build Govt Pubs, Spec Coll
databases - SKLIB Vax 3600
- - acquired, installed June 1988
- acquire database from vendor
- ship to BU/TKM for processing (1-3 months)
- - convert to MARC
- load, index, develop display formats (Laura
Stewart) - add to INFOACCESS menu
- BUCAT - command line searching
- - symbols used for logical
- 1988 (3) Govt Pubs CODOC ERIC/CIJE
- 1989/90 (7) PsycINFO CIHM Spec Pamphlets UofR
CODOC - 1990/91 (16) CBCA, Humanities Index Spec
Manuscripts Theses Hist. of Photography
Landmarks of Science American Culture Series I
II American Periodical Series - 1991/92 (21) CINAHL, CEI USGPO Diefenbaker
Lib Univ. Archives - 1992/93 (31) Film Library Social Science
General Science ILP IRBNYC (Ebib) SNI, STU
12Quiz Question 2
- QWhat did IRBNYC stand for?
- A Items Received But Not Yet Catalogued
- 1993/94 (32)
- Co-op Studies Diefenbaker Archives
Becker Sorokin - - CODOC UofR CODOC IRBNYC
- 1994/95 (31)
- GEAC Acquisitions Ejournals SICC
GEOLTHES - - American Culture I II Landmarks of
Science History - of Photography American Periodical
14INFOACCESS statistics
15Quiz Question 3
- QWhat prestigious award did UofS Libraries win
for the INFOACCESS service, and in what year? - A CACUL Innovative Achievement Award 1991
16CD-ROM Databases
- The standalone CD-ROM era 1987
- 1st database Cambridge Medline HSL Jan 87
- 2nd database SP ERIC Education Oct 87
- external CD-ROM drives US2,000
- first on campus?
- no local service!
- Needed correct version of retrieval software for
specific CD-ROM hardware
17CD-ROM Databases
- Â Networked CD-ROMs 1992
- Logicraft/Meridian trials, 1991
- DEC Infoservers 1992
- TSN Laserquest, BIP Sept 92 BOP, CDMARC
Names 1993 - PSN/Automenu ABI/Inform, Agricola, CAB,
Dissertation Abstracts, MLA Bibliography,
PsycLIT, and Romulus, PAIS Jan 93 Sport
Discus -
- 1992-94 available via Pathworks Infoserver
client (OPACs specially configured staff
stations) / PCSPIRS - 1994 Windows NT / WinSPIRS
18The Agony of CD-ROM Networking
- Â TSN The TechNet is available to the
privileged few on Pathworks who have enough
memory to run it. We are working to provide
access to increasing numbers of workstations by
reconfiguring them to maximize the available
memory. This process may include installing
menuing systems and batches that force reboots
to drop memory-resident utility programs, virus
checkers, and whatever else is taking up the
required memory. Because of the sloppy, piggish,
brain-dead, network-hostile nature of the
commercial programs, we are unable to guarantee
that they will work if you make any changes to
our configurations. - SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT REPORT TO
19The Ecstasy of CD-ROM Networking
- Â On June 16, Gordon Rowland of the College of
the Agriculture became the first faculty member
outside the Library to have the PSN available
from his office. Gordon's computer was also the
first on campus to be installed with the
Infoserver client software for DOS, which enables
Infoserver access from non-Pathworks networked
workstations. - When last seen Gordon was happily performing
searches on "somaclonal flax" on CAB and
20SilverPlatter ERL server
- Implemented July 1995 with MEDLINE, CINAHL,
HealthPlan, PolTox, Biological Abstracts, CAB,
and Agricola (WinSPIRS) - Current Contents added, Sept 95
- WebSPIRS implemented, summer 96
- Summer 96 Addition of BNNA, Canadian Education
IRIS, OHMTADS, RTECS), GeoRef, MLA Bibliography,
PAIS, Sociofile. - Aug 2001 36 titles
21Databases on INNOPAC
- September 1995
- Multidisciplinary Journal Index (MJI)
- Index to Legal Periodicals (ILP)
22Interesting Factoid
- The MJI was not the first combined Wilson index
created at UofS Libraries - The Combined Wilson Index was introduced on
23Law/Govt Publications server 1996
- ABI Global, America History and Life, Canadian
Case Digests, Dissertation Abstracts, E-Stat,
Federal Legislation Infobases, Global BIP, Globe
Mail 1994 and 1995, Historical Abstracts,
Romulus, Tax Partner, Women's Resources
International - Non-SilverPlatter, Windows-based CD-ROMs
- Replaced by Bedrock in 98
24Quiz Question 4
- QWhat was the name of our first full-text,
full-image version of ABI/INFORM? - A ABI/INFORM Power Pages (96/97 ?)
25Database Consortia Local
- SCOILC 1995 99
- Members UofS, SPL, SIAST Kelsey, STF
- Databases CBCA, CEI, MJI, CINAHL, Medline
26Database Consortia Provincial
- Provincial Library 1998 -
- Members All SK libraries
- Databases InfoTRAC dbs (5) Micromedia dbs (7)
Cdn. Newspaper Source - Hosted by UofS (4)
- SK Education Library Consortium 1998
- Members UofS, UofR, SIAST, STF, SK Ed. Resource
Centre, RBE Main Lib - Databases Education FT ERIC
27Database Consortia Provincial, contd
- SK University Libraries Consortium 1996 -
- Members UofS, UofR
- Shared databases Social Work Abstracts, Criminal
Justice Abstracts - Hosted for UofR Exceptional Child Education
Resources, Mental Measurements Yearbook
28Database Consortia Regional
- COPPUL 1995 -
- Members 15 COPPUL libraries
- Databases lots
- Hosted by UofS PAIS
29Database Consortia National
- CNSLP 2001 -
- Members 64 CARL libraries
- Databases Web of Science, Springer LINK, IDEAL,
MathSciNet, ACS, RSC, IOP
30Database Consortia Pros Cons
- Pros
- Greater purchasing power
- Cost savings?
- Cons
- Management overhead
- Reduces flexibility to make local decisions
31U-Search and the Web, 1994 -
- U-Search was introduced in September 1994
- First version was a text-based menu
32Quiz Question 5
- QWhat was the name of the first U-Search menu
program for the OPACs, and who created it? - A DougLynx Doug MacDonald
33U-Search and the Web, 1994 -
- Remote access/Lynx/UnixSPIRS
- Pilot Windows95/Netscape/WinSPIRS version of
U-Search was introduced in December 95 on 7 OPAC
stations - Remote access/Lynx/UnixSPIRS
- WebSPIRS introduced, summer 1996
34Remote access/User authentication Geac
- 1987-91 remote access to Geac OPAC (VUCAT) 8
users 1200 baud - Aug 91 increased to 16 users 2400 baud
- UofS dialup still limited to 1200 baud
- Jan 92 UofS dialup increased to 9600 baud
- Geac access still limited to 2400 baud by VUCAT
- User authentication none
35Remote access/User AuthenticationINFOACCESS
- Initially none.
- CBCA. No written license unrestricted access on
INFOACCESS from 1990 1993. - First attempt at access control involved creation
of accounts with different menus for different
SONIA - June 93 remote telnet access to INFOACCESS
account terminated - In Dec 93 this was carried a step further by
implementing separate logins for individual
36Remote access/User AuthenticationU-Search
- Oct 95 5 different versions of U-Search menu
for different classes of users - Confusing for Lib staff and time consuming to
maintain - U-Search versions were unified in summer 97
- Access control at the database level
- Access scripts
- Proxy server 99
- E-Z proxy Nov 00
- 2001 Moving to database access control by
specific patron type
- Weve done a lot of interesting stuff
- Electronic resources environment has become
increasingly complex over the past 13 years - All of the types of electronic resources are
still in place - Clear shift from local to remote access
- Main issues are no longer technical
- We are now in a relatively stable period
- Main issues are now licensing and access control
38Future Issues
- Licensing and access control
- How to handle hundreds of databases
- Database selection wizard
- Cross database searching common front ends
virtual databases
39Thank you for playing the History of Electronic
Resources Skins Game Challenge