Low Density Generator Matrix Codes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Low Density Generator Matrix Codes


U2 = U1 e, e := correlation vector. Assumption: Source U2 is perfectly known at the decoder same problem as channel ... u2,c2,out,u2,c2,out... ECE Signal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: codes | density | generator | low | matrix | u2


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Low Density Generator Matrix Codes

Low Density Generator Matrix Codes
  • forSource, Channel and Joint Source-Channel

Wei Zhong and Javier Garcia-Frias Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering University of
  • Review
  • 1. Shannons Theorem
  • 2. Linear block codes
  • 3. Low Density Parity-Check codes (LDPC codes)
  • Low Density Generator Matrix codes (LDGM codes)
  • 1. Channel Coding
  • 2. Source Coding
  • 3. Joint source-channel coding

Review Shannons Theorem
  • Source coding Information sources can be
    compressed up to its entropy H.
  • Channel coding For a noisy channel, near
    error-free communications can be achieved up to
    its capacity C (info bits/ channel use).

Review Linear Block Codes
  • Two classical channel codes
  • Linear block codes
  • Convolutional codes
  • An (n,k) linear block code is determined by
  • Length of information message k
  • Length of codeword message n
  • Generator matrix G
  • Parity-check matrix H

Review Linear Block Codes
  • Let uu1 u2uk be the information message
  • Encoding
  • Codeword c uG u1u2ukG, where G is the
    generator matrix
  • Channel
  • ccn, where n is the channel noise
  • Decoding
  • scH, where
  • s is the syndrome
  • H is the parity-check matrix
  • If s is the all zero vector, claim no error
  • Otherwise, claim error and try to correct

Review Low Density Parity-Check codes (LDPC
  • Application of iterative decoding in channel
  • Gallagers thesis on the topic of LDPC codes
  • Turbo codes (1993)
  • Iterative decoding is actually an instance of
    Pearls Belief Propagation Algorithm.

Review Low Density Parity-Check codes (LDPC
  • LDPC codes are linear block codes with long block
    lengths and special structure in its parity-check
    matrix H, which is
  • low density
  • short-cycle free
  • With above features, iterative decoding can be
    applied to get good performance.

Review Low Density Parity-Check codes (LDPC
  • Bipartite graph with connections defined by
    matrix H
  • c variable nodes
  • corrupted codeword
  • s check nodes
  • Syndrome, must be all zero for the decoder to
    claim no error
  • Given the syndromes and the statistics of c, the
    LDPC decoder solves the equation
  • cHTs
  • in an iterative manner.

Review Low Density Parity-Check codes (LDPC
  • Performance of LDPC codes is VERY good
  • For AWGN and block lengths of 106, an LDPC code
    approaching capacity within 0.06 dB has been
    obtained (Richardson, Urbanke, Chung)
  • Decoding complexity is linear with time O(n)
  • Encoding complexity is substantial
  • Preprocessing to get no-low-density G from
    low-density H (Gaussian elimination) requires
  • Encoding requires O(n2)

Low Density Generator Matrix Codes (LDGM Codes)
  • Goal To design a coding scheme with O(n)
    complexity for both encoding and decoding
  • Question Can we use low density Generator Matrix
    to achieve near-Shannon performance?

Low Density Generator Matrix Codes (LDGM Codes)
  • Systematic linear block codes with low-density
    generator matrix GI P
  • uu1...uk systematic bits
  • c uP parity bits
  • LDGM codes are LDPC codes, since HPT I is also
  • Decoding can be performed in the same way as LDPC
    codes or using matrix G (intuitive for source and
    joint source-channel coding)
  • Given the syndromes and the statistics of u, the
    LDGM decoder solves the equation
  • uPc
  • in an iterative manner.

Low Density Generator Matrix Codes (LDGM Codes)
  • Low Density Generator Matrix code has linear time
    complexity O(n) in both encoding and decoding
  • How is the performance?

Low Density Generator Matrix codes (LDGM Codes)
  • As noticed by MacKay, LDGM codes are
    asymptotically bad (error floor does not decrease
    with the block length)
  • Solution Concatenated scheme

Concatenated LDGM Codes for Channel Coding
For BER10-5, resulting performance is .8 dB from
theoretical limit, comparable to state-of-the-art
coding schemes such as Turbo codes or irregular
LDPC codes
Performance of Concatenated LDGM Codes in Channel
  • Performance very close to the theoretical limits
  • Within 0.8 dB for AWGN
  • Within 0.6 dB for BSC
  • Within 1.3 dB for uncorrelated Rayleigh fading
    with perfect channel side information at the

Correlated Sources Problem of Interest
Application of turbo-like codes to achieve a
performance close to theoretical limits for
  • Source coding (compression)
  • Joint source-channel coding (compressible
    sequence transmitted through noisy channel)
  • of single and correlated sources

Correlated Sources Practical Applications
Sensor networks Several sensors in a given
environment receiving correlated information.
Sensors have very low complexity, do not
communicate with each other, and send information
to processing unit
  • Use of turbo-like codes (LDGM codes) to exploit
    the correlation, so that transmitted energy
    necessary to achieve a given performance is
  • Data compression
  • Joint source-channel coding

Joint Source-Channel Coding of Correlated
Sources General Problem
  • Two correlated sources U1,U2p(U1,U2)
  • Ri Information rate for system i

source 1
channel 1
encoder 1
source 2
channel 2
encoder 2
  • General framework, including single source as a
    particular case
  • Noiseless channel?Source coding (compression)
  • Noisy channel?Joint source-channel coding
  • Universal-like coding
  • Sources S1 and S2 do not communicate with each
  • Correlation parameters unknown at the encoders
    Simple encoders
  • In many occasions correlation model can be
    estimated in the decoding process Complexity in
    the decoding process

Joint Source-Channel Coding of Correlated
Sources Theoretical Limits
Source coding Slepian-Wolf achievable region
Joint source-channel coding Separation principle
applies Ri
  • Why joint source-channel coding?
  • Encoder much simpler. Similar complexity at the
    decoder site
  • Separated scheme can present error propagation
    between source and channel decoder

  • 20
    Joint Source-Channel Coding of Correlated
    Sources Rationale of Turbo-Like Codes
    • Turbo-like codesRandom-like codes Theoretical
      limit (in both source and channel coding)
      achieved by random coding
    • Cover and Thomas
    • Turbo-like codes perfectly suited to exploit any
      type of side information Compression of
      correlated sources as a problem of channel coding
      with side information
    • Wyner
    • Shamai and Verdu

    Source Coding of Correlated Sources Equivalent
    Model as Channel Coding with Side Information
    • XS Source 1 ? Systematic bits
    • Cx Compressed version ? Coded bits (noiseless)
    • YhXs?e Source 2 ? Corrupted systematic bits

    LDGM Codes for Source Coding of Correlated
    Sources Correlation Model
    • U2 U1 e, e correlation vector
    • Assumption Source U2 is perfectly known at the
      decoder ? same problem as channel coding, where e
      is the error vector
    • Correlation/error vector e can be
    • Binary Symmetric Channel, BSC (no memory)
    • Hidden Markov Model, HMM (with memory)

    LDGM Codes for Correlated Sources Encoder
    • Each source independently encoded using a
      different LDGM code
    • Information (compression) rate achieved by
      choosing the number of parity bits

    Source coding (data compression)
    • Concatenation not necessary

    Joint source-channel coding
    • Concatenation required to reduce the error floor

    LDGM Codes for Source Coding of Correlated
    Sources Decoder
    • Belief propagation over the graph representing
      the whole system
    • INTUITIVE IDEA In each iteration, modify the a
      priori probability of the bit nodes depending on
      the information proceeding from the other source

    Correlation model
    LDGM Codes for Joint Source-Channel Coding of
    Correlated Sources Decoder
    • Concatenation necessary to decrease the error
    • Different scheduling possibilities lead to
      similar performance

    LDGM Codes for Joint Source-Channel Coding of
    Correlated Sources Decoder
    • Schedule I (Flooding)u1,c1,in,c1,out,u2,c2,in,c2
    • Schedule IIu1,c1,in,c1,out,c1,in,c1,out,u1,u
    • Schedule IIIu1,c1,in,c1,out,u1,u2,c2,in,c2,out,u2
    • Schedule IVu1,c1,in,u1,c1,out,u1,u2,c2,in,u2,c2,o
    • Schedule Vc1,out,c2,out,u1,c1,in,u2,c2,in,u1,

    Simulation Results for Source Coding Correlation
    Defined by HMMs
    • Source 1 i.i.d. binary sequence P(0)P(1)1/2
    • U2 U1 ? e, e correlation vector
    • Correlation vector e Hidden Markov Model (with
    • A(aij), aij probability of transition from
      state i to state j
    • B(biv), biv probability of getting output v in
      state i
    • HMMs can model complicated (unknown) correlations
    • In order to achieve good performance, the
      statistical properties of e have to be exploited

    LDGM Codes for Source Coding of Correlated
    Sources Simulation Results
    • For a desired compression rate, different ratios
      of known/unknown bits can be specified
    • a? More a priori knowledge vs less compress
    • a ? More compression potential vs less a priori
    • LDPC/LDGM codes with different pairs (Rc, a) are
      simulated and optimum distribution for (Rc, a)
      can be determined for minimum compression rate

    LDGM Codes for Source Coding of Correlated
    Sources Simulation Results
    LDGM Codes for Joint Source-Channel Coding of
    Correlated Sources Simulation Results
    • Performance of different activation schedules for
      correlation parameter p0.1
    • Both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels are

    LDGM Codes for Joint Source-Channel Coding of
    Correlated Sources Simulation Results
    • Correlation Model
    • Source 1 i.i.d. binary sequence P(0)P(1)1/2
    • Source 2 Bits of source 1 are flipped with
      probability p
    • Message length9,500
    • Rate for each LDGM encoderoverall rate, Rc0.475

    Novel Contributions
    • Design of LDGM codes with good performance
    • Theoretical analysis of error floor region
    • Concatenated schemes
    • Application of LDGM codes for source coding of
      correlated sources with correlation having memory
    • Application of LDGM codes for joint
      source-channel coding of correlated sources
    • In all cases, performance very close to the
      theoretical limits, even without much code

    Future Work
    • We will consider more complicated channel and
      source models
    • We will develop optimization techniques for the
      design of irregular LDGM codes
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