Title: This month: Home Preparedness and Data Backup
1Emergency Preparedness Information
- This month Home Preparedness and Data Back-up
- Provided by Steven Craig
- 360-867-5028
- (Certified Emergency Manager- CEM)
- Emergency Response Planning Coordinator
- Visit this site often!
- This site to be updated at least once a month.
2Disaster PreparednessFIRE
- Have you thought about what you would do in case
of a fire in your home? - Practice evacuation drills with family members.
If you have a 2nd story home, identify measures
to get out safely (e.g. chain ladder), education
family members. - Have one location identified outside for muster
point. This eliminates the confusion on whether
everyone got out. - Have a phone contact number so family members can
check in to give health status in case other
members are out of town. - Have an emergency supply kit in the trunk of your
car (blanket(s), food bars, water, emergency
flashlight, etc).
3- Family Data backup
- If a fire destroys your computer, do you have the
data recorded elsewhere? - Record valuable information (word documents,
finance, genealogy) on CD, flashdrive, etc. Take
pictures, record serial numbers. Put in safety
deposit box, car, or with a trusted friend or
relative. (May want to password protect). - E-mail some files to yourself for easy
retrieval elsewhere. - Have pictures that are not replaceable?
Make copies or scan. Put in safety deposit box or
with a trusted friend or relative. A fire this
last week near Seattle destroyed a familys
entire picture collection, many over 50 years
old. Make copies today!
4New Idea just out of London Store "ICE " in
your mobile phone address book, and with it enter
the number of the person you would want to be
contacted "In Case of Emergency ". In an
emergency situation, Emergency Services personnel
and hospital staff would then be able to quickly
contact your next of kin, by simply dialing the
number programmed under "ICE". Â For more than
one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2, ICE3
- Send to Craigs_at_evergreen.edu