Title: Vygotsky
- Constructivist
- Development cant be separated from its social
- Learning can lead development
- Language plays a central role in mental
2Vs Goal of Education
- To equip children with mental tools
- Each culture has mental tools people use when
performing higher mental functions
3Think slide
- Does school specifically prepare children for the
world they enter after graduation? -
4My Gram graduated in 1901
- School could not prepare her for about 75 of
soon available occupations - There were no airplanes, no cars, no TVs,
telephones were uncommon, houses werent
electrified - For that matter, bras and crayolas werent
invented yet
5Has that changed?
- Probably not.
- When I graduated from h.s. there were no
computers in homes, no cell phones, no c.d.s, no
V.C.Rs, no digital cameras and airplane travel
was still a novelty.
6Which all means
- Vygotsky was so rightwe need to teach mental
tools, cultural tools to find things out - It is estimated that 50 of your students will be
in jobs youve never heard of
7Co-construction between Learner Teacher
- L struggles to understand
- What am I supposed to be learning?
- T struggles to assess what student understands
- Where do I go next?
8Learning can lead Develop.
- Sure there are develop prerequisites that limit a
childs ability to learn (cant learn logical
thinking w/out language) - but
- Learning can hasten and even cause
- development
- Conclusion lead em a bit
9Dev cant be separated from social context
- Social context is childs cultural and social
environment - Determines how we think, what we think
10Language plays a central role in mental
- Difficult to co-construct w/out it
- Language allows the child to consider future
events, past events
11Zone of Proximal Development
- ZPDprobably most important V concept
- ZPDrange of tasks too difficult for children to
master alone but that can be learned with help.
- Lower level independent performance
- Can do this w/out you
- Higher levelassisted performance
- Cant do this without help
13Limits of ZPD
- ____level of assisted performance
- more assistance
- less assistance
- ____level of independent performance
14Limits of ZPD
- At maximum assistance, child can perform the task
with help but cant sustain it - Some skills are beyond ZPD child cant learn
them even w/ teacher assistance -
15ZPD reveals skills on edge of emergence
- Children at same independent level may be on very
different levels of ZPD - Ones ready to move on
- The other isnt
- Tactic for helping child in his/her ZPD
- Provide more support at beginning of skill
17Scaffolding Learning
- Task is NOT made more simple
- As skills increase, remove scaffolding
18Ultimate goal of scaffolding
- Teach a strategy that the child can use as a tool
19Leading Activity for Preschool
- Importance of play
- the activity during which preschool children
exert the most self-regulation
20Mature Play
1. Plan ahead 2. Use language to create pretend
situation 3. Coordinate multiple themes
roles 4. Recognize that roles have implicit
rules. 5. Use symbolic actions may use extended
time frame.
21Supported by research
- Children gained more by mature play than by being
drilled in 1st grade concepts - Because play focused attention, deliberate
memory, self-regulation.
22Leading activities for School aged children
- Act of learning something
- Like what? Anythingsports, cooking, music,
school subjects
23What about Nintendo?
- Yes, when learning to play it
- No, when reacting and not thinking things through
24What about TV?
- (kill your TV, kill your TV, kill your TV)
- No, TV is likely too passive
- even on educational shows no intention to learn
25Teaching Tactics
- Dynamic assessment
- Assesses independent and assisted levels of ZPD
26Language as a tool
- Public external speech-direct behavior of others
- Private external speech direct ones own
behavior - consider this allows the teacher to hear
childs thinking
27Private Inner Speech
- Child begins to say internally what (s)he
formerly said aloud - My greatest lectures are in my car, en route to
28Verbal Thinking
- Speech becomes automatized
- Less mental energy
- Can do several thoughts at once
29Vygotskys application
- Thinks step 2 (private external speech) should be
encouraged in class - Allow them to talk aloud
- Again, teacher can hear the thinking
30Metro application
- Do this, do this now
- Read work aloud (except on tests)
- Helps to proofread, eliminate silly errors
31Shared Activities
- Social context provides motivation to learn
- Clarifies and elaborates thinking
- Promotes other regulation (regulate others
behavior, then yourself)
32Teachers should plan
- Who to pair with whom, choice of partner is very
33Paired with
- Scaffolds lrn process
- Increases language, clarifies own understanding
- Increase in lang. Forces clarification
34Strengths of Vygotsky
- Acknowledges teachers role in dev
- Provides practical suggestions on teaching
- Explains cultural differences
35Lab 6
- Task for independent level should be something
they can do - Go through mediator card with child.
- ZPD is related incorrectly to smart upper level
of ZPD should be something you cant do without
help no matter how smart you are.
36Mildred Parten (1932)
- Identified 6 stages of play
- 2. Solitary play-playing alone
- 3.Onlooker play-watches others
37Play continued
- 4. parallel play-plays separately from others but
uses same toys, mimics them. - 5. associative play-involves social interaction
but w/ little organization. - 6. cooperative play-social interaction, organized