War of Attrition Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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War of Attrition Models


Each player has only one decision: when it will stop the game. Example: Duel ... when the player will stop the game, and what it will do when it stops the game. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: jamesd51
Tags: attrition | game | models | stop | war


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: War of Attrition Models

War of Attrition Models
Games of Timing
  • War of attrition models are one type of games of
    timing. These games are played in continuous
    time. Each player has only one decision when it
    will stop the game.
  • Example Duel
  • Strategies in games of timing specify when the
    player will stop the game, and what it will do
    when it stops the game.

War of Attrition in Continuous Time
  • In a war of attrition, the players compete for a
    prize. Call its value P. When one side quits,
    the other side gets the prize. Once the game
    starts, both sides accumulate costs as time
  • Let cA(t) cB(t) -t. Then if a player quits
    at time t, its payoff is -t, and the other
    players is P - t.

Critical Stopping Times
  • The time where a players accumulated costs equal
    the value of the prize is critical to solving
    wars of attrition.
  • Example As critical time is P.
  • A player will always quit by its critical time
    because it would prefer to quit at time 0 than
    continue the game after its critical time even if
    it wins the prize by doing so.

Equilibrium with Complete Information
  • In the symmetric case, we construct a symmetric
    mixed strategy equilibrium
  • Let Q(t) be the cumulative quit rate for each
    player. Then optimal play means

  • Solution to this differential equation is
  • Q(t) 1 - e-t/P
  • The distribution of duration times declines over

Asymmetric Costs
  • Asymmetric costs is different. Let cA(t) -t and
    cB(t) -2t. Then if A quits at time t, As
    payoff is -t, and Bs is P - 2t.
  • When both sides value for the prize and costs
    are common knowledge, the side with the higher
    cost quits immediately (t 0).
  • Why? In the example, A knows that B will quit by
    time ½P. A can guarantee itself ½P by waiting
    until this time. Because this payoff is greater
    than As value for quitting any time before ½P, A
    will never quit before then.
  • Consequently, B cannot win the prize and should
    quit at t 0.

Fearons Audience Cost Model
  • This model represents a crisis as a war of
    attrition, with the difference that only the side
    that quits pays the accumulated costs.
  • Audience costs, whether domestic or
    international, only suffered by the loser of the
  • Types given by value for war drawn from WA,0
    and WB,0 with cumulative distributions FA(w)
    and FB(w).

  • Each can quit the game by backing down or
    attacking. Backing down gives the other side the
    prize attacking gives both sides their war
  • If a side backs down, it suffers audience costs
    of -ai(t). For ease, let these costs accumulate
    linearly in time.

  • Lock-in is key strategic dynamic. A type is
    locked-in if -ai(t) lt wi as it would never back
  • In equilibrium, there is a horizon. After the
    horizon, no type remaining quits it does not
    matter who attacks or when. Before the horizon,
    each sides probability of backing down is given
    by the following

(No Transcript)
Bargaining Models vs. War of Attrition
  • War of attrition models are another way to think
    about bargaining even though the parties cannot
    make offers other than the entire prize.
  • Impressionist evidence from crises and wars about
    absence of give-and-take bargaining.
  • Kennan and Wilson article on testing models of
    bargaining with data on strikes.
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