Title: A Plan to Barcode All Fishes
1A Plan to Barcode All Fishes
- CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart, Tasmania
2Why barcode fish - 1
- Although the largest vertebrate group (about 50
of all vertebrate species), they have a
manageable number of species - c. 20 000 marine (15 648 in Fish Base, 91 with
subspecies) - c. 15 000 freshwater (13 544 in Fish Base, 152
with subspecies) - (705 shared marine / freshwater species)
- c. 80 brackish only (82 in Fish Base, 1 with
3Why barcode fish - 1
- Although the largest vertebrate group (about 50
of all vertebrate species), they have a
manageable number of species - c. 20 000 marine (15 648 in Fish Base, 91 with
subspecies) - c. 15 000 freshwater (13 544 in Fish Base, 152
with subspecies) - (705 shared marine / freshwater species)
- c. 80 brackish only (82 in Fish Base, 1 with
subspecies) - Systematically very diverse
- Superclass Agnatha (jawless fish)
- Class Cyclostomata lampreys, hagfish
- Subphylum Gnathostomata (jawed vertebrates)
- Superclass Pisces (jawed fish)
- Class Chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish -
chimaerids, sharks, rays - Class Osteichthyes bony fish - coelacanths,
lungfishes, eels, carps, tunas, salmons,
flatfishes, sea horses etc
4Why barcode fish - 2
- Global value at first sale
- Capture fisheries in 2000 c. US 81 billion
- Aquaculture (excl. plants) in 2000 c. US 52
billion - Ornamental fish
- Retail trade in US alone in 2000 c. US 3
billion - Sports fishing
- In Australia in 1984, recreational fishers c.
US 2 billion.
5Why barcode fish - 2
- Global value at first sale
- Capture fisheries in 2000 c. US 81 billion
- Aquaculture (excl. plants) in 2000 c. US 52
billion - Ornamental fish
- Retail trade in US alone in 2000 c. US 3
billion - Sports fishing
- In Australia in 1984, recreational fishers c.
US 2 billion. - Fisheries activities globally generate trade gt
US 200 billion - And employ 35 million people
- (65 marine capture, 15 inland capture, 20
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management).
9Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions).
10Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions). - Identification of threatened, endangered and
protected species (conservation).
11Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions). - Identification of threatened, endangered and
protected species (conservation). - Identification of fish eggs and fish larvae
(ecosystem research, direct and indirect
fisheries management).
12Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions). - Identification of threatened, endangered and
protected species (conservation). - Identification of fish eggs and fish larvae
(ecosystem research, direct and indirect
fisheries management). - Identification of prey items in stomach contents
(food webs and ecosystem research).
13Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions). - Identification of threatened, endangered and
protected species (conservation). - Identification of fish eggs and fish larvae
(ecosystem research, direct and indirect
fisheries management). - Identification of prey items in stomach contents
(food webs and ecosystem research). - Identification of historical, archived and museum
material (taxonomy).
14Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions). - Identification of threatened, endangered and
protected species (conservation). - Identification of fish eggs and fish larvae
(ecosystem research, direct and indirect
fisheries management). - Identification of prey items in stomach contents
(food webs and ecosystem research). - Identification of historical, archived and museum
material (taxonomy). - Identification of new species and possible
fusions, insights into phylogenetic relationships
(fish biology, evolution).
15Applications of Fish Barcoding
- Identification of fish, fillets, fins, and
fragments (marketing, substitutions, quota and
bycatch management). - Identification of processed product e.g. canned
fish, dried fish, mixtures (substitutions). - Identification of threatened, endangered and
protected species (conservation). - Identification of fish eggs and fish larvae
(ecosystem research, direct and indirect
fisheries management). - Identification of prey items in stomach contents
(food webs and ecosystem research). - Identification of historical, archived and museum
material (taxonomy). - Identification of new species and possible
fusions, insights into phylogenetic relationships
(fish biology, evolution). - Possible production of DNA microarrays from the
sequence data
16What is needed?
- Specimens
- Relevant data per specimen
- Storage and taxonomic facilities
- Genetic facilities
- Database
- Organisation
17What is needed for Fish-BOL?
- Specimens
- One or more tissue specimens per
species/subspecies - Tissue samples not stored in formalin but in
ethanol or frozen - Accurate records for each specimen
- Use existing specimens where possible to reduce
costs - Collect new specimens by piggy-backing on
existing cruises/collecting - Consider a centralised tissue bank (at least per
18What is needed for Fish-BOL?
- Specimens
- One or more tissue specimens per
species/subspecies - Tissue samples not stored in formalin but in
ethanol or frozen - Accurate records for each specimen
- Use existing specimens where possible to reduce
costs - Collect new specimens by piggy-backing on
existing cruises/collecting - Consider a centralised tissue bank (at least per
region)? - Relevant data per specimen
- Species identity, GPS location (including depth),
names of collector identifier, date of
collection, storage location - Photograph of original specimen when possible
19What is needed for Fish-BOL?
- Storage and taxonomic facilities
- Storage of tissues and whole animals until
sequencing completed (where possible) - Storage of one or more voucher specimens per
species (per region?) - Specimens to be identified by expert taxonomist
- Undescribed species will require vouchers
20What is needed for Fish-BOL?
- Storage and taxonomic facilities
- Storage of tissues and whole animals until
sequencing completed (where possible) - Storage of one or more voucher specimens per
species (per region?) - Specimens to be identified by expert taxonomist
- Undescribed species will require vouchers
- Genetic facilities
- Sequencing will require access to automated
sequencer - Samples can be sent to a central sequencing
facility (within region?) - Each sample to be sequenced in both directions to
get consensus sequence for database - Electropherograms retained
- Each species to be represented by multiple
specimens, preferably from different locations
21What is needed for Fish-BOL?
- Database
- Publicly-accessible (at least for search /
specimen identification) - Single database and a database manager
- Data input and correction simple (locally, or by
database manager?) - Outputs to include simple analyses and lists of
species - Links with other databases especially FishBase
- Probably will need to be mirrored in several
locations - Common names standardised to FishBase common
22What is needed for Fish-BOL?
- Database
- Publicly-accessible (at least for search /
specimen identification) - Single database and a database manager
- Data input and correction simple (locally, or by
database manager?) - Outputs to include simple analyses and lists of
species - Links with other databases especially FishBase
- Probably will need to be mirrored in several
locations - Common names standardised to FishBase common
names? - Organisation
- Scientific, taxonomy and database committees?
- Regional co-ordinators? What regions?
- Database manager
- Support funding
23FAO Statistical Areas with numbers of marine
species in blue (FishBase)
24Marine fish species by FAO areas
- Aim for 5 per species per FAO area?
- Aim to get the 5 samples from diverse parts of
the area (but marine - population differentiation ltlt freshwater
population differentiation)
25Marine fish species by FAO areas
- Aim for 5 per species per FAO area?
- Aim to get the 5 samples from diverse parts of
the area (but marine - population differentiation ltlt freshwater
population differentiation)
26A Possible Structure
There are many other possibilities of course,
e.g. having co-ordinators for each FAO area,
separate Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean
co-ordinators, or North Pacific and South/Central
Pacific.. Each FAO area has a list of species
which the co-ordinator would be responsible for
updating, eg. species collected, barcoding
status, database entry Need to avoid / minimise
duplication of effort within an area.
27Barcoded Australian fish specimens in relation to
FAO areas
28Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
29Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
30Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area?
31Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
32Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
- Import / export regulations of tissues
33Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
- Import / export regulations of tissues
- Identify experienced taxonomists for each
34Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
- Import / export regulations of tissues
- Identify experienced taxonomists for each
area/region? - Coping with taxonomic / identification
35Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
- Import / export regulations of tissues
- Identify experienced taxonomists for each
area/region? - Coping with taxonomic / identification
uncertainty - Common names - standardise on English Fish Base
36Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
- Import / export regulations of tissues
- Identify experienced taxonomists for each
area/region? - Coping with taxonomic / identification
uncertainty - Common names - standardise on English Fish Base
names? - What funding agencies might support this push?
37Some of the questions that need answers
- Decide on an organisational structure
- Sampling protocols (numbers of samples per
species, identification, sample storage, data
collection, sequencing strategies, database
insertion) - Database structure - single overall, plus subsets
per area? - Centralised tissue banks(s)?
- Import / export regulations of tissues
- Identify experienced taxonomists for each
area/region? - Coping with taxonomic / identification
uncertainty - Common names - standardise on English Fish Base
names? - What funding agencies might support this push?
- Time frame - is five years realistic?