LMC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spirals and no way to gain it. Ellipticals have very little gas ... (think Niagra Falls, scaled 'way up'). The gas doesn't fall all the way into the black hole ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LMC

Andromeda and 2 dwarf (size of LMC/SMC) galaxies
QSO 3C273 jet
NGC 3310
M87 jet
M85, S0
M87 Ellip
M87 core and jet
Why was Hubble wrong that Ellipticals evolve into
  • Ellipticals low angular momentum
  • Spirals and no way to gain it
  • Ellipticals have very little gas and dust
  • Spirals have no way to gain it.

Galaxy Formation Scenario Black Holes at first
About 107 years after the BB the first black
holes (BHs) formed as seeds Gas collapses about
the BHs to form QSOs Quasi Stellar Objects.
  • The QSOs turn on
  • Powered by the in-fall of the matter
  • (think Niagra Falls, scaled way up).
  • The gas doesnt fall all the way into the black
  • Due to angular mo. and also light pressure

Why do QSOs have their name?
Because they look like stars!
Galaxy QSO star
Scenario, cont.
If most of the spin of the system ends up in
the black hole gt an elliptical and some times
jets These systems formed so long ago, that they
have turned all their gas into stars that they

Spirals are younger due to angular mo. slowing
down the gas in-fall, i.e. formed later and star
formation continues, so Hubble got the right
(early versus late) name.
QSOs , AGNs and Black holes
Why do we think QSOs are powered by massive(106
-108 solar masses) or more black holes?
  • (1)
  • Objects are extremely luminous (10-100 times a
  • If assume the redshift tells us their distance.

QSOs , AGNs and Black holes, cont.
  • (2)
  • The intensity (brightness) varies on times lt
  • Information is carried from one side to the
    other to cause brightening
  • Therefore the emitting region is 1 week light
  • Remember the distance to the star closest to
    the sun is 4 light YEARS away!
  • gt A great deal of energy out of a very small

We know how much light stars make and its
impossible to have that compact a star system and
not have it turn into a black hole. From
estimated lifetime of QSO and brightness, can
calculate an in-fall rate and mass needed to
make the light ( L GM( dM/dt)/R) where dM/dt
mass in-fall rate, L luminosity, R radius of
stopping region just outside BH gt Massive
106-108 solar mass Black Holes exist at cores of
QSOs , AGNs and Black holes, cont.
(3) The jets we see can only be easily explained
by spinning black holes.
QSOs , AGNs and Black holes, cont.
How do we get jets and radio lobes? Think boom
and direction of boom defined by the spin axis
of the black hole.
M87 core and jet
QSOs , AGNs and Black holes, cont.
AGNs Active Galactic Nuclei which at their most
powerful are QSOs.
QSOs and AGN much more numerous in the past.
Why do they die out? We dont really know. We
say they used up most of fuel, but this is a
Mais la vie nest pas facilebut life is not
The true story of galaxy evolution is not
understood yet and we also have to ask as we do
about how people develop abilities and
Do galaxies look they way they do because of
inherited a characteristics or because of their
Galaxies and collide and change
In simplest form if galaxies collided they can
sweep out their gas and dust and turn into S0s.
So, the higher the local density of galaxies the
fewer spirals well see as the higher the
density,the higher the probability of collision
Galaxies and collide and change
And, when we go back in time, this is more or
less what we find...
The more distant clusters have more spirals and
fewer S0s and the nearby systems seem to be
nearly all ellipticals and S0s, and all clusters
tend to have most of their spirals near the
outside as the spirals are just falling in.
Galaxies caused by collisions?
Expanded views
Expanded view Antenna Galaxy
Whirlpool galaxy
Connection to BB
The universe changing as we go back in time (z)
Consistent with there being a start and the
formation of galaxies out of the primoridal mist
Connection with BB, cont.
BB gives an age to universe and an expansion
rate. Find QSOs back to a 1z 7 which is
about 90 of the way back in the universe Gas
collapse must take place quickly. Dont know
how CDM almost works and HDM doesnt work
Stay tuned.
Brick wall breaks up into fragments.
How galaxies and QSOs started and if they started
before the first stars we dont know
But simple myth is BHs gt QSOs gt galaxies.
We dont understand how BHs or QSOs can grow so
quickly, and if we see QSOs much further back, we
may be embarrassed. And we dont really know how
or why QSOs die off.
The nay sayers
Halton (Chip) Arp and the Burbidges (Geoff
Margaret) Redshifts dont tell us the distances
to QSOs!
Example X-ray image. Are these objects
physically related or chance coincidences?
These X-ray bright (easily detectable with an
X-ray telescope) QSOs appear connected, but have
wildly different redshifts.
Nay sayers, cont.
But if these are physically connected, then
either the connections are unreasonably long (Gpc
1000 Mpc 1000 cluster of galaxy radii) or the
redshifts dont tell us the distance. Others,
say these are chance coincidences. Chip, Geoff
and Margaret, say No way, and z doesnt tell
distance for QSOs and new physics is likely
involved. Is this worse than L gt 0?
Mini Summary
Nearly all the measurements of
dark matter,
galaxy evolution,
age measurements,

element abundances,
cosmic microwave background fit within
our frame work of an expanding universe and a Hot
Big Bang
Observational Problems
When pushing the limits were always in danger of
screwing up. How much will stand the test of time?
Do we have the z versus distance correct (
Lambda not equal 0 SN)
Will our cluster counts hold up?
Will the CMB results remain consistent with the
standard predictions?
Will abundances be made to agree with BBN? Will
we find the cosmic web??
We think were on the right track, but
Stay tuned!
Theory Problems
What the heck is the dark energy?
Is dark matter a particle we can predict or is
the graitational effect due to branes and other
Do we really understand how light and dark matter
get distributed and how galaxies and clusters
form and evolve?
Have we really got BBN right?
Can we be sure were using the right model of how
CMB fluctuations formed?
Time Capsule Predictions
(1) The standard Dogma Inflation L gt 0 WIMPS
the cosmic web, all exist and will be found and
or explained.
Time Capsule Predictions, cont.
(2) Branes No Inflation L gt 0 No WIMPS the
cosmic web exists. Other proof of parallel
Time Capsule Predictions, cont.
(2) Branes No Inflation L gt 0 No WIMPS the
cosmic web exists. Other proof of parallel
Time Capsule Predictions, cont.
(3) Nay Sayers Redshift seriously wrong and
overall new physics (but not Branes, not WIMPS,
not L) is needed to explain cosmology.
Time Capsule Predictions, cont.
(4) Prof. Ulmers ultra-conservative in the end
we will be able to explain all we see with purely
currently known (verified in the lab)
conventional physics No WIMPS (Wb about 0.1,
within errors of cluster, galaxy masses, and
nucleo-synthesis) CMB interpretation and
measurements will not need a flat universe or
extra physics (WIMPs) to explain galaxy and
cluster formation, smooth CMB, and CMB (and
galaxy) power distribution. no L gt 0 (SN
measures wrong).
Time Capsule Predictions, cont.
(4) Prof. Kibblewhites ultra-ultra-conservative
in the end we will be able to explain all we see
with purely currently known (verified in the lab)
conventional physics No WIMPS (Wb about 0.1,
within errors on cluster, galaxy masses, and
nucleo-synthesis) CMB interpretation and
measurements can have a flat universe (GR is not
right) no need for extra physics to explain
galaxy and cluster formation, smooth CMB, and CMB
(and galaxy) power distribution. No L gt 0 (SN
measures wrong).
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