Title: P1247676899LvXda
1 English 102 Final Exam Part I Review
2Section I 25 Multiple Choice _at_ 3 points each
Example According to Coyle, which of the
selections below is not one to consider before
using a direct quotation,
a) accuracy
b) authority
c) cogency
d) vividness
3 Section I Continued
Example When revising a draft for a research
paper, a writer may convert a direct quotation
into a paraphrase, but cannot restructure a
paraphrase into a direct quotation without
a) finding new, but similar, material to
rearrange the words
b) returning to the original source
c) using ellipsis marks and interpolation
4 Section I Continued
Example The construction of a formal outline for
a 1999 MLA formatted research paper requires that
a) all body paragraphs be represented by Arabic
b) the introduction and the conclusion be excluded
c) omnibus headings, like Summary and Example be
5 Section I Continued
Example When revising sentences in a research
paper, a writer should change most passive voice
verbs to active voice
a) to avoid incorrect grammar
b) to effect more coherency
c) to make the prose more direct and concise
6 Section I Continued
Example Most unintentional plagiarism occurs
when students inaccurately transcribe from
a) outline notes
b) quotation notes
c) paraphrase notes
7 Section I Continued
Example A colon may be used to introduce a
quotation but only if
a) it is preceded by an absolute phrase
b) it is preceded by an independent clause
c) it is preceded by a dependent clause
8 Section I Continued
Example The primary difference between the
EBSCOhost and INFOTRAC data bases (SCC Library
web page) is
- EBSCOhost has magazines and journals,
- INFOTRAC only scholary journals
b) EBSCOhost has five collections of
mainly business and psychology collections INFOTR
AC has four collections related to Humanities
c)EBSCOhost has an electic array of single data
basesINFOTRAC has four collections of general
data bases
9Section II 10 True or False _at_ 1 Point each
The most common mechanical device used for
textual interpolation is parentheses.
10 True or False Continued
A sentence outline does not have to effect the
same degree of parallelism as a topic outline.
11 True or False Continued
A paraphrase, which restates an authors ideas in
different words and structure, is used primarily
to clarify or interpret a passage .
12 True or False Continued
Each iraqi will be allowed to carry his or
her own high-tech device into the voting booth.
13 True or False Continued
Regarding the punctuation for the introducing of
a quotation, when the word that precedes a
direct quote, a comma is always placed after it.
14 True or False Continued
A superfluous modifier is implied by the noun or
verb it modifies.
examples devastating war, conservative
republican, foreign imports, melted down, 2am in
the morning, true fact, followed behind, free
gift, green in color, Corona Lite, sunset in the
west, In my opinion, I personally think . . .
Often called a tautology
15 True or False Continued
The standard MLA form for a Works Cited book
entry requires that the student display four
major elements author, title, publication data,
and inclusive page numbers.
16 True or False Continued
1999 MLA formatting for a research paper in the
Humanities requires 1 margins on all text pages,
double spacing of all text, and single spacing of
all display quotations.
17 True or False Continued
A guiding principle used in formal outlining, to
determine whether and where an item belongs is
called deduction.
18 True or False Continued
Oil is thicker than truth.
19 Section III
Directions Choose the answer (a through e)
which most accurately describes the Works Cited
entry as correct. 3 _at_ 5 points each
20George W. Bush My Worst Three Years Were Second
Grade 6 Dec. 2004 The Village Idiot 42-44
a) Bush, George My Worst Three Years Were
Second Grade. The Village Idiot 6 Dec.
2002 42-44
b) Bush, George. My Worst Three Years Were
Second Grade. The Village Idiot 6
Dec. 2004 42-44.
c) Bush, George. My Worst Three Years Were
Second Grade. The Village Idiot 6 Dec.
2004 42-44.
d) Bush, George. My Worst Three Years Were
Second Grade The Village Idiot 6 Dec.
2004 42-44.
e) No changes necessary entry is correct
21Carroll, Lou. S. The Iraqi War Malice in
Blunderland. Washington, D.C. Full Court
Press 2004.
a) Carroll, Lou S. The Iraqi War Malice in
Blunderland. Washington, D.C. Full Court
Press, 2004
b) Carroll, Lou S. The Iraqi War Malice in
Blunderland Washington, D.C. Full Court
Press, 2004.
c) Carroll, Lou S The Iraqi War Malice in
Blunderland. Washington, D.C. Full Court
Press, 2004.
d) Carroll, Lou S. The Iraqi War Malice in
Blunderland. Washington, D.C. Full Court
Press, 2004.
e) No changes necessary entry is correct
22The FCC was wrong to censor Hamit Jackson for her
wardrobe malfunction on Sesame Street.