Title: Diamonds in the Data Mine
1Diamonds in the Data Mine
Article by Gary Loveman Presented by Jeff
Orton Autumn Christensen Jake Jensen
2If you build it they will come
The Best in the Business.......
"One of these things is not like the others . .
. One of these things just isn't the same." -
Sesame Street
3Why is Harrahs the best casino in the business?
- 1 Data Mining
- Total Gold program The program problems the
Data diamond mine. - 2 Customer Service
- Competition strategy
- If you build it they will come Wow factor
mentality focused on constantly attracting new
customers. - Satres vision for Harrahs Geographic divers.
focus on cultivating lasting customer
4Slicing and Dicing
- Most important statistic
- Only 36 of gaming budget spent at Harrahs
- Program to induce more spending at Harrahs
- Slice and dice data to develop effective
marketing promotions - Loyalty strategy based on same-store sales growth
5New Program
- Goal
- To get a customer to visit regularly
- Develop a close relationship with customers
- Who are the target customers?
- 26 of gamblers generated 82 of revenues
- Who are the best customers?
- Models based on an individuals play to predict
customer worth
6Visible Perks
- Rewarding customers for spending in ways that
adds to their value - Treating customers different depending on their
value - Gold, Platinum, and Diamond
- Customers see and aspire to reach the perks of
the higher card - Every experience was redesigned to drive
customers to want to earn a higher card
7Total Rewards Program
- Link incentives to customer satisfaction
- Intensive training
- Do not reward based on financial measures
- Meeting budget _at_ expense of service is a bad idea
8Harrahs Total Reward Program
- Bonuses based on speedy and friendly service
according to customers perceptions - 2002 14.2 million in bonuses handed out, 43
million since inception of program
9Let the neighbors lure tourists with knights on
horseback, fiery volcanoes, pirate ships, and
mini-Manhattans. Well just keep refining what
were already pretty good at