Nuclear Thermometers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Thermometers


Theresa B. Conway. Honors Thesis. Presentation and Defense. April ... The model also includes decay of unstable particles ... p thermometer may not be ideal... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nuclear Thermometers

Nuclear Thermometers
  • Theresa B. Conway
  • Honors Thesis
  • Presentation and Defense
  • April 19, 2001

What Does Nuclear Temperature Mean?
  • We know that temperature in general is related to
    the kinetic energy of particles 3/2KT1/2mv2avg.
  • A nucleus has particles like protons and neutrons
    bumping around it with some average Kinetic
  • Nuclear temperature is related to the Kinetic
    Energy of nuclear particles.

Nuclear Collisions
  • If two nuclei collide, the energy from the
    collision can go into the production of particles
  • High energy collisions allow heavy particles to
    be made
  • Low energy nuclear collisions cannot generate
    heavy particles

The Central Idea...
  • At a given energy, more light particles are made
    and relatively fewer heavy particles are
  • Therefore, looking at the ratio of particles
    generated can give us an idea of the nuclear

Why Find the Temperature?
Nuclear Phase Diagram
  • How can we reproduce a system that exhibits the
    quark-gluon plasma phase?
  • With a nuclear collision, of course!!

How do we find the temperature?
  • We use a ratio of particles--A ratio of four
    particle densities allows us to cancel out
    systematic effects
  • The individual Particle Density, nA, is a
    function of spin, s, chemical potential, ?, mass,
    m, and temperature, T. (non-relativistic limit)

Particles used in the ratio
Is the (p ?-)/(? ?) double-yield ratio
  • Why isnt the ratio (p K-)/(? ?0)?
  • The actual reaction channels are
    p?0 ? ?0 ? and p?0 ? p ? ?-
  • Based on these decay modes one would expect ?0 to
    be used in the ratio
  • Experimentally, it is difficult to detect the
    uncharged ?0
  • We detect ? ? particles and approximate the
    number of ? 0

  • Mass difference
    ?m(mK-mp) (m?m?) 176.8 MeV
  • This mass difference is much larger than previous
    double yield-ratio thermometers
  • Conserved Quantities
  • The particles strangeness and baryon numbers
    allow the chemical potentials to cancel out of
    the ratio since the quantities are conserved.

The ratio of particles is a function of
  • R (np nK-)/(n? n??) ? exp(-?m/T)
  • The non-relativistic expression can be solved for
  • Note the temperatures sensitivity to change in
    the ratio

First test of the (p ?-)/(? ?) thermometer
  • A thermal model was used to generate particles
  • Input parameters included temperature and baryon
    chemical potential
  • The model also includes decay of unstable
  • After the particles were generated, we counted
    the number of protons, ?-, ?, ? to calculate the
    ratio R(number of p)(number of ?-)/(number of
    ?)/(number of ? )
  • The ratio was then numerically inverted to derive
    the temperature

Results for First Test
  • Input parameters
  • chemical potential 400 MeV
  • Result
  • The thermometer is only reliable up to 70 MeV.

  • Decays!
  • Experimentally, some particles will decay before
    they are detected
  • Our program assumed that if a particle decays
    through the weak interaction, then it will live
    long enough to be detected.
  • Conversely, particles decaying via the Strong and
    EM forces are too short-lived to be detected.

Why does the graph bend over?
  • Branching ratios indicate that decays must give
    the same fractional loss of particles independent
    of the temperature
  • Remember that the ratio R ? exp(-?m/T)
  • Therefore T ? - ?m/ln R
  • This means that a fractional ?R will not cause a
    large ?T for low temperatures.
  • At high temperatures, the same ?R will cause a
    more drastic ?T .

That pesky chemical potential!
  • Mathematically, the chemical potential should
    cancel out
  • But our program depends on the ?B to thermally
    generate particles.
  • We dont know how to resolve this problem!

Second test of the (p ?-)/(? ?) thermometer
  • The URQMD AuAu Monte Carlo Simulation was used.
  • This simulates a collision of two gold nuclei and
    generates particles based on kinetics
  • Input parameters lab frame beam energy, impact
    parameter, number of collision events

Results for second test
  • The blue line was the first trial with 100 events
    for each beam energy
  • Only 6 kaons were produced at 2 AGeV so there is
    a very large error bar.
  • To reduce the error bar, we ran 2 AGeV with 500
    events as shown by the green data point
  • No absolute conclusions can be made with this
  • It is interesting to see that it seems the
    temperature approaches 70 MeV

Moving onA new thermometer
  • Why try a new thermometer?
  • The (p ?-)/(? ?) only measured up to 70 MeV.
  • We want to measure hotter nuclear temperatures
    ideally between 100 and 1000 MeV which is on the
    order of 1012 - 1014 K!

The ?/p thermometer
  • Another thermal model was used to generate
  • This model included more particles that could
  • Again, the number of ? and protons were counted
    and then their ratio was inverted numerically to
    derive the temperature

Thermal Results for the ?/p thermometer
  • This thermometer measured up to about 95 MeV.

Jackpot.....well, maybe!
  • A collision occurs over a certain amount of time.
  • Within that time, the Deltas decay before they
    reach the detectors
  • The Deltas only live for about 0.9 fm/c or 3x
    10-24 s.
  • Even something traveling at the speed of light
    would only move a distance of 9 x
    10-16 m.

?/p thermometer may not be ideal...
  • In URQMD, the Deltas decay into a proton and a
    pion before they are detected.
  • The decay particles are not a very unique
    signature which makes it difficult to deduce how
    many Deltas existed at an earlier point in the
  • So while the ?/p thermometer measured a higher
    temperature, it may not be practical

  • The (p ?-)/(? ?) thermometer was only reliable
    up to a temperature of 70 MeV.
  • The ?/p thermometer measured up to
    approximately 95 MeV which is an improvement over
    the (p ?-)/(? ?) thermometer
  • The ?/p thermometer may not be ideal

Questions to be further addressed
  • It is still not obvious how the chemical
    potential affects the (p ?-)/(? ?) thermometer.
  • The relationship between the beam energy and
    temperature in URQMD simulations needs further
  • We would like to understand how to make the ?/p
    thermometer useful in the URQMD program.

  • Special thanks to Dr. Voytas and Dr. George for
    being the best advisors. You guys were always
    there for me and I really appreciate all your
  • I would also like to thank the MSU REU program
    for introducing me to this research.
  • And thanks to Mindy and Jon for making me laugh
    when I was ready to throw in the towel!
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