Title: Climate Change and the Future of Nuclear Energy
1Climate Change and theFuture of Nuclear Energy
- Steve Fetter
- School of Public Policy
- University of Maryland
- UMCP Physics Department
- 30 October 2007
2What Is the Energy Problem?
- Security too dependent on Middle East oil
- Oil is a commodity traded on open markets
potential for mischief by a single supplier
(e.g., Iran) is limited - Middle East oil is a modest fraction of U.S.
(10) and world (25) consumption - Security risks are related to large flows of
money to undemocratic and potentially hostile
3All Countries
Persian Gulf
4U.S. Oil by Region of Origin, 2005
5(No Transcript)
6What Is the Energy Problem?
- Security too dependent on Middle East oil
- Scarcity we are running out of oil and other
energy resources - era of cheap oil and gas may be ending, but
- huge fossil resources remain that can be
recovered (and converted to portable fuels) at
reasonable cost
7Fossil Fuel Resources
8What Is the Energy Problem?
- Security too dependent on Middle East oil
- Scarcity we are running out of fossil fuels
- Sustainability carbon emissions from continued
burning of fossil fuels will have disastrous
9World Energy Consumption
10World Carbon Emissions
Compare to 590 GtC in the preindustrial atmosphere
11CO2 Concentration
12Global Average Temperature
Total increase since 1850 0.6-1 C Rate of
increase since 1950 1-1.6 C/century 11 of last
12 years were warmest on record
Tree rings, etc.
13Climate Change Imperative
- The ultimate objectiveis to achieve
stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in
the atmosphere at a level that would - prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference
with the climate system. Such a level should be
achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow
ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change,
to ensure that food production is not threatened
and to enable economic development to proceed in
a sustainable manner. - Article 2, UNFCCC
14The Stabilization Goal
- Dangerous interference now seems inevitable
the challenge is to avoid catastrophic change - Doubling of CO2 (from 275 to 550 ppmv) would lead
to an equilibrium global-average temperature
increase of 2 to 4.5 ºC - at low end, equal to EU goal of 2 ºC
- at high end, comparable to increase at end of ice
age - severe impacts likely, but true
catastrophecollapse of THC or WAIS, runaway
feedbacksseems unlikely - Dont forget the other GHGs
15Other Greenhouse Gases
- GHGs other than CO2 now equivalent to 80 ppmv
CO2 stabilization at lt100 ppmv unlikely, so - 450 ppmv CO2 equivalent doubling
80 ppmv equiv.
CO2 CH4 N2O halocarbons
100 ppmv
CO2 only
16Equivalent Doubling Stabilization Scenario
17Carbon Emissions
18Emission Scenarios
19Carbon Mitigation Requirement2010-2050
Required reductions 7 to 18 GtC/y in 2050
(60-80 below reference scenarios) For
comparison 1000 large (1 GWe) coal-fired power
plants emit 1 GtC/y
20Major Mitigation Options
- Demand reductions
- Increased energy efficiency
- Taxes or cap-and-trade carbon permit system
- Renewables
- Wind
- Solar
- Biomass
- Fossil fuels with carbon sequestration
- Nuclear
21Alternatives to Nuclear
22Advantages of Nuclear
- Largest installed base of carbon-free supply
alternatives, extensive operating experience and
industrial base - Unlike wind and solar, can provide baseload
electricity also industrial heat - Unlike biomass and coal with sequestration, small
resource requirements - But lots of nuclear will be needed to make a
significant contribution
23Growth Scenario for Nuclear Provides 25 of
carbon reduction needed for stabilization at an
equivalent doubling
24Key Issues for Nuclear
- Cost
- market penetration is highly sensitive to cost
- Safety
- serious accident could halt nuclear expansion
- Waste
- political resolution sufficient to allow
expansion - Proliferation
- expansion must not make it significantly easier
for countries or groups to acquire weapons
25Cost of Electricity, Current US Reactors
Average COE, 2005, all sources
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
110 120 130 140
Koomey Hultman (submitted) 2007
26Wheres the Learning Curve?
27Future Costs
- Estimated cost of electricity (COE) for a new US
nuclear reactor
28Nuclear v. Alternatives (/MWh)
plus backup/storage above 20 of load
- New LWRs estimated to have accident probabilities
at least 10x less than current LWRs 10x growth
possible without increased overall risk - core damage lt 106 per reactor-year
- core damage loss of investment
- large release lt 107 per reactor-year
- large release one or more off-site casualties
- If correct, lt3 risk of core damage, lt0.3 of a
large release in next 50 years in growth scenario - safe enough?
- Analysis presumes proper reactor operation and
maintenance by well trained and highly
disciplined staff, overseen by independent,
capable, and diligent regulatory body - Much of growth in electricity demand years will
occur in countries without this safety culture
an accident anywhere is an accident everywhere - In the near-term, expand training and technical
assistance programs - In the longer term, develop inherently safe
reactors, far less vulnerable to operator error
31Waste Disposal
- Geological disposal is cheap
- The cost of building and operating the Yucca
Mountain repository in Nevada is financed by a
1/MWh charge2 of the cost of nuclear-generated
electricity - Geological disposal is safe
- Calculated doses are below current EPA limits for
100,000 yr for maximally exposed individual - Doses in other geologies could be much lower
32Calculated Doses for Maximally Exposed Individual
at YM
occupational limit
CT scan
natural background
EPA limit
cross-country flight
300 simulations
33Waste Disposal
- Geological disposal is not easy
- no disposal of spent fuel or high-level waste has
occurred, in US or elsewhere else - seen as barrier to expansion of nuclear power,
but - There is no urgency
- spent fuel can be stored safely and inexpensively
in dry casks for 50-100 years - ample time to license repository or consider
other options
34Two of these casks can store the spent fuel from
operation of large reactor for one year
35Waste Disposal
- Yucca Mountain is limited by law to 70,000 tons
of spent fuel - equal to spent fuel discharged by current
reactors by 2010 (plus defense waste) - 500 reactors (100 of U.S. electricity
consumption) would discharge 20 t/y, leading some
to claim one YM needed every 7 years, but - physical capacity of YM is 9 times greater lots
of additional, similar land available nearby
- Fresh fuel, reactors, spent fuel are easy to
safeguard, highly resistant to diversion and
theft - Uranium enrichment
- separative work required to fuel 1 reactor with
LEU could be used to produce HEU for 25
bombs/year - HEU production readily detectable in known
facilities, but clandestine enrichment is very
difficult to detect - Reprocessing
- spent fuel discharged by 1 reactor contains
enough Pu to build 25 bombs/year--protected by
high radiation - if spent fuel is reprocessed, separated Pu or Pu
fuels is vulnerable to diversion and theft
37Bush Administrations Solution Global Nuclear
Energy Partnership
- Promote global expansion of nuclear energy while
- reducing risk of nuclear proliferation
- minimizing nuclear waste
- Key elements
- limit enrichment, reprocessing to supplier
states - suppliers provide fresh fuel to user states,
take back spent fuel - suppliers reprocess spent fuel, transmute TRU in
burner reactors
38Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
Reliable fuel services leasing and take-back
Enhanced safeguards
Small-scale reactors
39A Critique of GNEP
- Proliferation
- how do we limit number of supplier states?
- Economics
- increased cost who will pay? user states?
ratepayers? taxpayers? - Waste
- reduces required repository space (at a very high
price), but repository still needed
40Reliable Fuel Services
- Supplying fresh fuel, taking back spent fuel
should discourage enrichment and reprocessing - focus has been on guaranteeing supply of fresh
fuel - key to success is guaranteed take-back of spent
fuel - Impact of voluntary arrangements will be limited
- does not address hard cases like Iran, which
rejected a lease/take-back offer from Russia - Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, South
Africa, Ukraine interested in being suppliers
41Proliferation-Resistant Recycle?
- Protect Pu by keeping it with mixed with other
transuranics (TRU NpPuAmCm) - dose rate from TRU 60x higher than pure Pu, but
only 0.05 rem/h (50,000x less than spent fuel,
2000x less than IAEA standard) - TRU can be used directly in weapon, or Pu
separated from TRU in glove box using
straightforward chemistry - Am and Cm complicate material accountancy
- Process could be modified to produce pure Pu
- No reprocessing/recycle can be proliferation
resistant but why bother trying if it is
restricted to countries considered safe?
42Increased Cost
- Fast reactors (needed to burn TRU) likely to cost
more than thermal reactors - GE estimates 30 more per GW, MWh
- Proven fast-reactor fuels also produce TRU
- many recycles needed to burn up TRU
- fastthermal capacity 11
- new infertile fuels needed to go as low as 13
- Average cost of electricity 15 higher
- 100 million/year per GW of total capacity
- who will pay? user countries? supplier countries?
- who will build fast reactors?
43GNEP Fuel Cycle
20 t/y LEU fuel
1 GWe ? 33 ? 85
20 t/y spent LEU 1.2 TRU
240 kg/y TRU
User Countries
Supplier Countries
860 kg/y TRU
620 kg/y TRU
1 GWe ? 38 ? 85 CR 0.7
44Waste Disposal Benefits?
- Recycle and burning of TRU reduces long-term heat
load and toxicity of waste - geologic repository (e.g., YM) still needed
- required repository area reduced by 5x, at high
cost - Separation of long-lived fission products (Sr,
Cs) could reduce repository area by additional
20x - would require safe storage for 300 years
- storage of spent fuel for 300 years much
simpler, cheaper
45Policy Alternatives
- Spent-fuel take-back is key incentive to
voluntarily forego enrichment, reprocessing - promote national take-back and international
repositories for waste disposal - Voluntary arrangements will not be sufficient
new binding arrangements are needed - Article IV of NPT recognizes inalienable right
of all the Parties to use of nuclear energy for
peaceful purposes - Article VI of NPT, parties undertake to pursue
negotiations in good faith on nuclear
disarmament - Could restrictions on enrichment and reprocessing
be linked to pursuit of prohibition of nuclear
46Technology Alternatives
- No need to press for commercialization of fast
reactors and/or reprocessing/recycle - Alternative concepts that might have substantial
advantages over LWRs - High-temperature gas-cooled reactors
- higher efficiency lowers cost, H2 production
possible - potential safety and nonproliferation advantages
- Small, long-lifetime sealed-core reactors
- poor economy of scale, but mass production could
bring unit cost down - potential safety and nonproliferation advantages
48Resource Extension?
- TRU recycle would extend U resources, facilitate
transition to breeder reactors - But low-cost uranium resources sufficient to
support nuclear expansion through end of century
on once-through fuel cycle - Better to defer reprocessing, recycle, breeder
reactors until economical - Spent fuel can be stored until recycle is
economical Pu isnt thrown away
49Cumulative U consumptionLWRs with direct disposal
50Increase in Repository Capacity
Assumptions 200 C drift wall, 100 C mid-drift 50
GWd/t spent fuel, separation/emplacement at 25
years, closure at 100 years Phillip Finck,
Benefits of the Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle, 10
March 2006
Fraction of Sr, Cs in waste
Fraction of Transuranics (Pu, Am, Cm) in Waste