Title: Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)
- Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)
2Meanings of PA
- Theory of personality
- Theory of the mind
- Method for analyzing psychological processes
- Therapy school
- Framework for analyzing cultural products
- Worldview
3Traditional Psychology and PA
- Traditional psychology Ambivalent attitude
towards psychoanalysis.
Mainstream psychology Psychoanalysis
Psychology of variables (the individual disappears) Psychology of the subject (the individual is the focus)
4Historical division of PA
- I. Pre-analytic phase 1881 - 1894
- II. Analytic phase
- Trauma theories 1895 - 1899
- Topographic theories 1900 - 1922
- Structural theory 1923 - 1939
- III. Post-Freudian approaches
5Freud's Early Life
- Sigmund Freud was born 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia.
- His family moved to Vienna in 1860, where Freud
remained until the Nazis forced him to London in
1938. - Unusual family constellation --gt sensitized Freud
to family relationships? - Outstanding student.
- Freud enrolled in the University of Vienna's
medical school in 1873 - Outstanding teachers
- Franz Brentano
- Ernst Brücke
- Interest in mechanistic physiology.
6Preanalytic phase 1881 - 1894
- 1881 MD.
- Charcot
- Josef Breuer (Anna O Bertha Pappenheim)
- Free association
- Training at Vienna's General Hospital Studied
under the famous brain anatomist Meynert
(1833-1893). Freud Diagnosis of localized brain
injuries. - 1885 Meynert's support for a traveling grant to
study in Paris with Charcot. - Lectured to the Vienna Medical Society about his
study with Charcot and hysteria. - Freud felt that he became an outsider.
7Preanalytic phase 1881 - 1894
- Patients of hysteria were treated with
- Hypnosis
- Cathartic method
- Pressure technique
- Free association
- Free association Encourage patients to let their
thoughts run free, and to honestly report
whatever comes to mind, even if it seems
irrelevant, embarrassing or anxiety arousing. - With free association Freud discovered several
new and interesting features of hysterical
illness. - (a) A whole series of pathogenic ideas were often
behind an individual hysterical symptom --gt
Overdetermination - (b) Memories seemed to have been actively
(unconsciously) repressed by patients. - (c) Freud detected intrapsychic conflict in
8Analytic phase Trauma theories 1895 - 1899
- 1895 Studies on Hysteria (together with Breuer)
- Seduction theory
- Studies on Hysteria (1895) First great classic
of the new field psychoanalysis. - Freud and Breuer offered the hypothesis that
hysterics suffer mainly from memories of
emotionally charged experiences that have been
somehow placed beyond the reach of ordinary
consciousness --gt pathogenic ideas. - Freud and Breuer referred to many hysterical
symptoms as conversions (emotional into physical
- 1896 Freud published his seduction theory of
hysteria in a medical journal article. - Patients recalled scenes of early sexual
mistreatment, often by parents or other close
relatives. - Freud All hysterics must have undergone sexual
abuse as children. - Symptoms function as defenses against
psychologically dangerous pathogenic ideas. - Seduction theory --gt Critical reception from
medical colleagues, who stopped referring
patients to Freud. - Freud himself soon began to believe that his
patients' childhood seductions had often been
imaginary rather than real. - Masson (see film) charged that Freud merely caved
in to the medical establishment by disavowing an
unpopular point of view.
10Analytic phase Topographic theories 1900 - 1922
- 1900 The Interpretation of Dreams
- 1901 The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
- 1905 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
- 1909 Clark University
- Conscious, preconscious, unconscious
- Psychosexual stages
- Development of psychoanalytic treatment
11Topographic theories Interpretation of dreams
- Manifest content Consciously experienced content
of the dream. Fantastic images, often
unintelligible to the dreamer. - Latent content inspires the dream (in
consciousness only after free association). - Dreamers often resist the uncovering of this
latent content (much as hysterical patients
resisted the recollection of their pathogenic
ideas). - The sleeping mind transforms latent into manifest
content by means of dream work. - (a) Displacement The manifest content symbolizes
the latent content in a "safe" way with images
less distressing than the latent content --gt
Defensive function. - (b) Condensation Several different latent
thoughts may be symbolized by a single image of
the manifest content. - (c) Concrete representation Manifest content
typically represents latent ideas by means of
concretely experienced sensations
12Dreams The Primary and Secondary Thought
- Freud saw both dreams and hysterical symptoms as
resulting from similar unconscious symbolic
processes. - Freud hypothesized opposed modes of mental
activity one unconscious and associated with
dream and symptom formation (primary process),
the other conscious and responsible for rational
thought (secondary process). - Infants are born with the capacity for dreams but
have to learn how to think rationally --gt
unconscious mode of thought primary process
conscious mode secondary process. - Adults' dreams and hysterical symptoms
Secondary-process thinking is abandoned in favor
of the developmentally earlier primary process.
Primary-process thought plays a positive role in
creative and artistic thinking.
13Dreams The Wish-Fulfillment Hypothesis
- Freud had concluded that all dreams represent the
fulfillment of wishes. - Dreams stimulated by latent wishes.
- Symptoms stimulated by sexual memories.
- Seduction scenes reported by hysterical patients
indirectly reflected sexual wishes rather than
actual experiences.
14Theory of Childhood Sexuality
- Patients, outwardly morally virtuous, secretly
and unconsciously harbored sexual fantasies that
respectable society would never tolerate. - Self-analysis Free association of his own dreams
and symptoms. - Unconscious hostile wishes toward his consciously
loved father. - "Sexual" wishes regarding his mother.
- Death Absence. Sexuality Any kind of sensual,
physical gratification. - Freud concluded that anyone who honestly
subjected himself or herself to analysis by free
association would discover traces of similar
wishes --gt Oedipus complex.
151905 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality.
- Freud postulated a generalized form of human
sexual drive, present from birth onward. - Human infant Born in a state of polymorphous
perversity capable of taking sexual (sensuous)
pleasure from the stimulation of any part of the
body. - In earliest infancy the mouth or oral zone
predominates as the locus of this form of sexual
gratification. - When toilet training begins, the anal zone
assumes particular importance. - After children have developed fuller control over
their bodies Stimulation of the genital zone
becomes a major source of sexual pleasure. Age of
five Oedipus complex emerges. - Latency stage (lasts until the physical
maturation of puberty) Child enters a
psychologically tranquil period suited for
16Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Freud realized that a patient has not
ambivalences toward parents or other significant
people but also toward the therapist. - Transference feelings Patients tended to
transfer onto Freud, as the therapist, motives
and attributes of the important people from their
past lives who were implicated in their neurotic
symptoms. - Enduring cure requires the uncovering and
analysis of the entire complex of underlying
conflicts --gt months or years to complete. - Freud did not provide the quick and specific
cures for hysterical symptoms he had originally
hoped for
- Freud sought to place his clinical discoveries
within a broader theoretical context --gt a
general model of the mind (metapsychology). - Freud's earliest metapsychological theorizing
neurophysiological background. - Later Freud decided to avoid neurological
technicalities by expressing his metapsychology
in completely psychological terms.
18Analytic phase Structural Theories1923-1939
- 1923 The Ego and the Id.
- Personality theory of id, ego, superego
- 1938 Vienna -gt London
- The Ego and the Id Three different kinds of
demands conflict with one another. - (a) Demands from the body itself (biologically
based urges for nourishment, warmth, sexual
gratification) --gt instincts. - (b) Demands imposed by external reality
- (c) Moral demands impinge on the mind
independently of the instincts and external
- Separate systems to process the three kinds of
psychic demands. - (a) The id as the repository of unconscious
powerful impulses and energies from the
instincts. - (b) A perception-consciousness system Conveys
information about external reality to the mind. - (c) Moral demands originate from an agency which
Freud called the superego. - Thus the id, the perception system, and the
superego all have conflicting demands on the
psyche --gt compromise. - Psychic agency responsible for compromise the
ego. - Some of the ego's compromises --gt Hysterical
symptoms (maladaptive).
20Defense Mechanism
- Freud saw everyday life as dominated by ego
compromises he called defense mechanisms
(together with Anna Freud). - Displacement Redirecting an impulse toward a
substitute target that resembles the original in
some way, but is safer. - Projection Reversing unacceptable impulses by
attributing them to someone else instead. - Intellectualization An emotion-charged subject
is approached in a strictly intellectual manner
that avoids emotional involvement. - Denial Believing and behaving as if an instinct
driven event had never occurred. - Rationalization Acting because of a motive but
explaining the behavior on the basis of another,
more acceptable one. - Sublimation Channeling energy from an instinct
to produce a creative and socially valuable
21Civilization and Its Discontents
- Love poses problems because of the possibility of
losing the loved person through desertion, death,
or other separation. - Few human experiences are more catastrophic than
the loss of a loved person, and those who have
once lost at love may be reluctant to try it
again as the answer to the human dilemma. - World War I Civilization is developing in a way
as to increase opportunities for expression of
the instincts of aggression and death, while
decreasing them for sexuality and love.
22After and beyond Freud
- Freud left an extraordinary intellectual legacy.
- For psychotherapists and psychologists, Freudian
theory remains a major source of both inspiration
and contention. - International Psycho-Analytic Association
- Erik Erikson (1902-1994) proposed a series of
psychosocial stages. - The object relations school places less emphasis
than Freud did on the role of the instincts and
more on the details of relationships with love
objects. - Alfred Adler (1870-1937)
- Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)
- Karen Horney (1885-1952)
- --gt Freud had overemphasized sexuality.