Title: Hantavirus
- Loraine Wu
- Howard Zeng
- Yuka Yamaguchi
2What is Hantavirus?
- Hantaviruses belong to the bunyaviridae family of
viruses. - Hantavirus leads to diseases such as HPS
(Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome) and HFRS
(Hemorrhagic Fever and Renal Syndrome) - There are many different strains of Hantaviruses,
but only a few strains of Hantavirus actually
lead to disease
3Old World Hantavirus vs New World Hantavirus
- Found mostly in Europe and Asia
- Carried by rodents
- Causes HFRS
- Targets the kidney
- Mortality rate is lt10-15
- Vaccine exists for these strains
- Discovered in the four corners in America
- Carried by rodents
- Causes HPS
- Targets the lungs
- Mortality rate is 50-60
- Vaccine does not exist for these strains
4The History of Hantavirus
- In 960 AD, Chinese medical records document a
possible outbreak of HFRS - About 1000 years later (1913) Russian clinical
records from eastern Siberia also document the
symptoms of a mysterious disease, which is highly
suspected to have been HFRS
5Virus of Wars?
- An outbreak of Field nephritis occurred in both
German and Allied troops during WWI in Flanders,
Belgium - During WWII, Field nephritis makes another
appearance. - During the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in
1934, Hantavirus also made an appearance - Throughout the war, focal outbreaks of HFRS
occurred - From the initial encounter with HFRS, Japanese
physicians immediately began a full study of the
6Those smart Japanese doctors
- By 1940, the Japanese had a comprehensive
clinico-pathological description of the disease - The disease had incubation period was estimated
to be about 2-3 weeks - Mortality rates were found to be around 10
7Is it the mouse?
- In 1944, Japanese physicians and scientists begin
testing on human subjects - Tissues from wild mice A. agrarius and from mites
were injected into volunteers to induce the
disease. - From these studies the Japanese physicians
deduced that the mice and the mites were possible
carriers of the disease causing virus
- Soviet scientists were also hard at work
- Annual outbreaks of HFRS (aka Tula fever) were
seen in the Amur River Valley of Russia beginning
in 1932 - Soviets also performed tests on human subjects to
discover the natural reservoir for this disease - They deduced that 3 species of mites were
incapable of transmitting the disease to humans
9It IS the mouse
- In 1939, an incident occurred that incriminated
field mice more clearly - Workers in 2 different camps, 4 km apart were
engaged in earth moving labor - 31 workers in one camp and those living around
that camp fell ill with HFRS - Only 1 other worker from the other camp fell ill
- Rodent contact was documented to be the highest
in the camp with the infected workers
10Mouse genocide
- In Sept 1961, rodents (Clethnommys glareolus and
C rustlius) were sent from Kirov county in Russia
to Moscow as part of a tick borne encephalitis
test - On October 18, the first worker fell ill
- By Nov 1, 20/23 of the workers had contracted the
disease! - 44/94 casual visitors contracted HFRS
- All the mice were sacrificed on Nov 2, and the
last case of HFRS was documented on Nov 29 - 5 of the workers who had previously contracted
HFRS did not contract the disease because of
acquired immunity - Fortunately, there were no fatalities
11Hantavirus strikes again
- America met HFRS in 1951 during the Korean War
- By 1954, over 3,000 UN soldiers had been
clinically diagnosed with this disease, which had
been given the name Korean Hemorrhagic fever - The Japanese literature was quickly translated to
gain a better understanding of this illness - The mortality rate for these soldiers was 7
12Hanta virus
- After the coded serum sample from convalescent
HFRS patients in the Soviet Union were studied in
1978, scientists finally made the crucial
connection between field nephritis, KHF and Tula
fever. - Hantavirus is named for the Hantaan River which
flows through the endemic region in Korea. (this
is where the prototype strain was found) - At this point, scientist were able to isolate and
propagate the virus - In 1983, the World Health Organization finally
adopted the name HFRS to describe all the
previous outbreaks of Hantavirus
13Hantavirus in America
- In April, 1993 a young healthy Navajo woman in
the four corners dies of an acute respiratory
disease - The fiancée of the dead woman also dies on his
way to her funeral - The blood vessels in his lungs had spurt blood
and had caused him to drown in his own blood
14The mysterious illness
- An Indian Health physician began to notice an
outbreak of an unexplained illness that caused
death among normal healthy young adults - After calling his colleagues, he discovered that
10 people had already died of a similar
respiratory disease - Autopsies did not reveal any sign of viral
pneumonia, influenza or any other common disease
that attacked the lungs - Although this disease was not specific to the
Navajo people, to the media, the disease became
known as the Navajo disease - When the number of cases doubled to about 20
victims, the CDC was called in
15The CDC
- In May 1993, the CDC was called in to investigate
the case. - The CDC, using immunofluorescent techniques and
their virus library, was able to positively
identify this new virus as a relative of the
hantavirus strains that were found on the
Eurasian continent - However, scientists were skeptical for 3 reasons
- The only hantaviruses known were on the Eurasian
continent - The diseases caused by the Eurasian hantavirus
strain did not cause respiratory failure - The new virus in the four corners appeared to
be 5 times as lethal as the strain in Europe!
16Those smart Navajo elders.
- The CDC also spoke to some of the Navajo elders
- The elders noted that because of the increase in
rainfall that year, the pinon crop as well as the
mice population had thrived that year - According to oral tradition, in 1918 and 1932, a
similar outbreak had occurred, and mice were
always seen as the carriers of disease - This information helped incriminate the mouse as
a reservoir and also helped positively identify
the virus as a Hantavirus
17Human to human transmission?
- In 1996, there was an outbreak of HPS in Southern
Argentina - 18 incidents of HPS were discovered within a
period of 3 months - Among the 18, 5 of the patients were physicians
- The mouse/rat population was low in 1996, thus
further suggesting that person to person
transmission was very probable in this incident - The pattern of transmission for Andes strain does
not follow that of any other hantavirus
18- Figure 1. Transmission tree for HPS cases in
southern Argentina, September-December 1996,
indicating dates of onset of symptoms, survivor
status, and proposed lines of transmission. Lines
of transmission are hypothetical since many of
the patients had contact with multiple HPS
patients. Bold lines denote husband and wife. The
two sporadic cases, U and R, are not shown.
19 Fi
gure 2. Towns involved in the 1996 HPS outbreak
in southern Argentina.
20Hantavirus HFRS
- Hantavirus named according to rodent host/First
Hantavirus detection
21Hantavirus HPS
22Hantavirus HPS
23(No Transcript)
24Tracking HPS in the United States (1993 till
- As of April 2001, 283 hantavirus cases have been
confirmed in 31 states - Mean age of those contracting the disease was 37,
Range 10-70 - Mortality rate 50
- Incidents of HPS date back to 1959 and 1978
although it was unidentified at the time - The most popular vectors include the deer mouse
and cotton rat
25HPS Statistics as of March 28, 2002
26Topics of Molecular Biology
- Bunyaviridae family
- Structure and properties
- Transcription and replication
- Pathogenesis
- Host and epidemiology
- Transmission
27Family Bunyaviridae
28Bunyaviridae Family
- Similarities
- RNA viruses
- Enveloped
- Tri-segmented genome
- Differences
- Hantavirus transmitted through aerosolized rodent
urine, feces and saliva. - Others genera transmitted through arthropod
2923 Well-described Hantaviruses
(Adapted from work by Simmons and Riley)
30Virus is Rodent-specific
31(No Transcript)
32Physical Properties of Virion
- Spherical or oval-shaped.
- Diameter 80-120 nm.
- Unique grid-like surface pattern -- transmembrane
glycoproteins. - Survive 12 hours at 4 ?C, high salt concentration
and non-physiological pH. - 1-3 days after drying.
(Image taken from CDC)
33Viral Genome
- Granular, filamentous interior consists of genome
and protein structure. - Single-stranded negative-sense RNA.
- Approximately 13 kb.
- Three segments
- Small (S) 1,700 bases.
- Medium (M) 3,600 bases.
- Large (L) 6,500 bases.
(Original image kindly provided by Dr. Simmons of
U. Missouri)
34Panhandle Structure
- The 3 and 5 terminal sequences are conservative
and complementary, forming panhandle structure. - Believed to be initiation signals for
transcription and gene expression.
(Images adapted from work by Meyer and Schmaljohn)
35Protein Products
(Images adapted from work by Jonsson and
- Four proteins products
- S segment ? Nucleocapsid protein.
- Encapsulate vRNA and cRNA.
- Regulate replication and transcription.
- Nucleocapsid protein vRNA Ribonucleocapsids.
36Protein Products Contd
- M segment ? Glycoproteins, G1 and G2.
- Associated with the lipid membrane.
- Interact with integrin receptors on host cell
surface. - Induce neutralizing antibody response in animals.
- L segment ? RNA-dependant RNA polymerase (RdRp)
- Associated with the ribonucleocapsids.
- Endonuclease Cleave host mRNA caps, which are
used to prime transcription from vRNA to mRNA. - Replicase Generate copies of the genome.
- Helicase Unwind RNA during transcription.
37Transcription Viral Entry
- Virion binds to a host cells surface receptor.
- Enter the cell through receptor-mediated
endocytosis. - Pathogenic hantaviruses use ?3 integrin receptor.
- Non-pathogenic hantaviruses use ?1 integrin
receptor. - Virus uncoats in the cytoplasm, and releases the
three ribonucleocapsids.
38Transcription and Translation
- Primary transcription
- For all negative-sense RNA virus, an initial
burst of transcription. - Viral RNA polymerase transcribes viral RNA into
mRNA. - Viral mRNAs are translated into proteins.
- Polymerase and nucleocapsid proteins are
translated on free ribosomes. - G1 and G2 proteins are translated on
membrane-bound ribosomes.
- An uncharacterized signal switches transcription
to replication. - Maybe cytoplasmic accumulation of nucleocapsid
(Image provided by Dr. Simmons of Univ. of
- RdRp makes complementary RNA (cRNA).
- cRNA is used as template to make viral RNA
(vRNA). - Production of vRNA results in more viral genomes
for packaging into progeny virions. - Increases the number of templates for mRNA
40Prime and Realign Model
- Question 1 How does hantavirus cap the 5 end of
its mRNA transcripts? - Answer Cap snatching.
- Question 2 Where does hantavirus get the primers
from for transcription? - Answer Stolen host mRNA caps are used as
primers. - Observations
- The 5 end of viral mRNA is heterogeneous.
- 5 UAG triplets (stop codon) are deleted.
- Commonly, there is a terminal G.
41Prime and Realign Model Contd
- Garcin, et al. proposes that G residue aligns
with vRNA template to initiate transcription. - After a few RNAs are added, the mRNA slips back
to realign with the template.
- Replication has a similar prime and realign
model. - When cRNA is made, RdRp cleaves off the terminal
G base.
42Virion Assembly
- Nascent vRNA associate with nucleocapsid and
polymerase proteins upon transcription. - G1 and G2 are expressed from a single mRNA, and
are cleaved cotranslationally. - Virus and proteins assemble in the Golgi
43Virion Release and Persistence
- Virions are transported to the cell surface
within Golgi vesicles. - Two hantavirus strains, including Sin Nombre
Virus, bud from cell membranes. - Infected cells are not lysed.
- Hantavirus infection is persistent in cultured
cells and in rodents. - Maintain viral genetic information
- Avoid the rodent immune system
44The Big Picture
(Image kindly provided by Dr. Simmons of Univ. of
- In both cell cultures and rodents, hantavirus
does not cause clinical symptoms, despite the
presence of large amounts of antibodies. - In human, the virus causes HFRS and HPS.
- The pathogenesis of HFRS and HPS are incompletely
understood. - Lack of animal models for human symptoms.
- The requirement for Biosafety Level 3 or 4
containment limits the number of laboratories
that can work on it.
46?3 Integrins and Pathogenesis
- Observation All pathogenic hantaviruses use ?3
integrin receptors to infect host cells. - Experiment When ?3 receptors are blocked by
integrin-specific antibodies, cells are not
infected by Sin Nombre Virus (SNV), New York
Virus (NY-1), Hantaan Virus (HTN) or Seoul Virus
(SEO). - Hantavirus pathogenesis is related to the use of
?3 integrin receptor.
47?3 Integrins
- ?3 integrins are critical surface receptors on
endothelial cells and macrophages in human. - platelet activation and adhesion
- endothelial cell adherence
- capillary integrity and vascular permeability
- Hantavirus dysregulates normal ?3 functions,
which are fundamental to pathogenesis. - HFRS- and HPS-causing hantaviruses have different
G1 and G2 composition - Interactions between viral G proteins and ?3
receptors contribute to pathogenic differences.
48Immune Response Pathogenesis
- Observation The onset of hantavirus symptoms
coincide with immune response. - Autopsy results showed higher than normal numbers
of interleukin (IL), tumor necrosis factor (TNF),
interferons (INF), and activated T cells. - Hantavirus pathogenesis is a result of the host
inflammatory response to the virus. - Hantavirus pathogenesis awaits for a suitable
animal model. - Hooper, et al. reported Syrian hamsters
inoculated with Andes Virus strain develop
compatible HPS symptoms.
49Rodent Hosts and Epidemiology
- Carried by peri-domestic and wild rodents.
- Each strain of hantavirus is generally associated
with a single rodent species. - 100 rodent species have been screened, and 23
hantaviruses found ? 1/4 of the rodents are
carriers. - There are about 2000 species of rodents. 2000 x
1/4 500 different strains of hantaviruses. - Not all hantaviruses cause disease, e.g.,
Prospect Hill virus found in the US. - HPS-causing rodents in the US belong to the
Muridae family, Sigmodontinae subfamily.
50Rodent Hosts in the United States
- Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus).
- Carrier of Sin Nombre strain, primary agent of
HPS in the US. 250300 cases since discovery. - gt 50 mortality rate.
51White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)
- Carrier of New York strain.
52Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus)
- Carrier of Black Creek Canal strain.
53Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris)
- Carrier of Bayou strain.
- gt 40 mortality rate.
54Rodent Transmission
Infected rodent
Virions in excretion (urine, feces, saliva).
Biting, fighting, sexual behavior.
Naive rodent
55From Rodent to Human
- Breathing contaminated air, touching contaminated
surface, and bite from infected rodent.
56Person-to-Person Transmission
- In general, hantavirus is not transmitted among
human. - The Andes strain found in the 1995 outbreak in
Argentina may be an exception.
- Negative-sense RNA virus.
- Family Bunyaviridae. 23 strains so far.
- Simple structure tri-segmented genome 4
proteins. - Simple replication and transcription.
- Prime and realign model.
- Pathogenesis is unclear.
- Dysregulate ?3 integrin receptor.
- Immunoresponse.
- Carried by rodents.
- Transmitted through inhalation or contact with
rodent excretion.
- Clinical Manifestations
- Comparison
- Diagnostics
- Treatments
- Vaccines
59Clinical Manifestations
- Hantavirus is associated with two frequently
fatal human diseases - a. Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS)
-15 fatality - b. Nephropathia Epidemica (NE) a mild form of
HFRS - Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
- -50 fatality
60Stages of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
- After an incubation period of 1 or 2 weeks (4-40
days) -
- 1)Febrile Phase
- 2)Hypotensive Phase
- 3)Oliguric Phase
- 4)Diuretic Phase
- 5)Convalescent Phase
61HFRS Febrile Phase
- Persists 3-5 days
- Sudden onset of fevers and chills
- Accompanied by headache, severe myalgia, nausea
- Blurred vision, photophobia, pain on ocular
movement - Flushing of face, V-area of the neck and back
- petechiae
- Abdominal pain and back pain.
- Vascular leak syndrome thirst, edema,
hemoconcentration, postural hypotension
62HFRS Hypotensive phase
- -Lasts for hours or days
- - Blood pressure decrease, hypovolemia, shock
- -worsening of bleeding manifestations petechiae,
epistaxis, gastrointestinal and intracranial
bleeding - -levels of urea and creatinine in blood rise,
proteinuria - - leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia
33 of all HFRS deaths are linked to multi-organ
hypoperfusion at this stage
63HFRS Oliguric Phase
- Lasts 3-7 days
- Elevation of blood pressure
- Hypervolemia leading to hypertension
- Urine output decreases (renal dysfunction)
- Blood electrolyte imbalance
- Continuation of hemorrhagic symptoms
- Severe complications cardiac failure pulmonary
edema, and cerebral bleeding - 50 of fatalities during this phase
64HFRS Recovery
- Diuretic Phase
- Lasts a few days to a few weeks
- Clinical recovery begins
- 3-6 liters of urine/ day
- Anorexia, lassitude due to dehydration
- Convalescent Phase
- Lasts 2-3 months
- Progressive improvement in glomerular filtration,
renal blood flow, and urine concentrating ability
65Nephropathia Epidemica (NE)
- Puumala strain
- Most common form of HFRS in Europe
- Generally a milder form of HFRS
- Similar sequence of symptoms, but attenuated
- Only 6 of serologically confirmed cases require
66Stages of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
- After asymptomatic incubation of 4-30 days
- 1) Febrile Phase
- 2) Cardiopulmonary Phase
- 3) Diuretic Phase
- 4) Convalescent Phase
67HPS Febrile phase
- Lasts 3-5 days (1-12 days)
- Fever, myalgias, malaise
- Other symptoms headache, dizziness, anorexia,
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. - Difficult to diagnose as HPS at this stage, since
the symptoms are similar to many other viral
Image from CDC
68HPS Cardiopulmonary Phase
- Non-productive cough and tachypnea appear
- Presentation and rapid progression of shock and
pulmonary edema (4-24h). - Hypovolemia due to progressive leakage of high
protein fluid from blood to lung interstitium and
alveoli - Myocardial failure
- Hypotension and oliguria
- Death within 24-48 hours due to hypoxia and/or
circulatory compromise.
- Diuretic Phase
- Rapid clearance of pulmonary edema
- Resolution of fever and shock
- Early sign spontaneous diuresis
- Convalescent Phase (up to 2 months)
- Slow but full recovery
- Short term finding pulmonary dysfunction.
- Decreased small-airways flow and diminished
diffusing capacity
- Clinical Laboratory Findings
- Thrombocytopenia (decrease in number of
platelets) this is consistent in almost all
cases in Americas - Normal or elevated white cell count on
presentation of symptoms which increases to high
values as disease progresses (leukocytosis). - A left shift and presence of immunoblasts from
late in febrile phase. - Hemoconcentration
- Radiologic Findings
- Radiography of chest show progression from slight
interstitial edema to bilateral alveolar edema
Images from CDC
72HPS Differential Diagnosis
- During prodromal phase difficult to differentiate
HPS from other acute febrile conditions. - Blood picture circulating immunoblasts and
thrombocytopenia - Cardiopulmonary phase
- Common cause of diffuse pulmonary edema is silent
myocardial infarction - Obtain ECG and echocardiogram
- Bilateral pneumonia with sepsis, adult
respiratory distress syndrome complicating
systemic infections, sepsis syndrome complicated
by disseminated intravascular coagulation or
alcohol toxicity
73Similarities between HFRS and HPS
- Febrile illnesses with acute onset
- Generalized vascular involvement (capillary leak,
vasodilation) - Common laboratory features thrombocytopenia,
proteinuria, and leukocytosis with occurrence of
activated lymphocytes in peripheral blood. - Theory same pathophysiological events, different
location. - The main difference between the two conditions
seems to be the difference in location of the
particular vascular beds afflicted.
74Similarities Post-mortem Analysis
- The lack of histological lesions in both HFRS and
HPS cases to explain disordered organ function - Hantaviruses induce altered endothelial function
without overt cell death
Image from CDC
- Functional derangement of vascular endothelium
- Increased permeability of microvascular beds
75Similarities Spectrum of Illnesses
- There is no clear delineation the symptoms of
some HFRS and HPS causing strains overlap - HFRS cases without apparent renal involvement
- Renal involvement in HPS cases
- HPS associated with Bayou and Black Creek Canal
viruses display moderate to prominent renal
involvement. - HPS associated with SNV without pulmonary
symptoms - Pulmonary manifestations in HFRS
- Pulmonary complications recorded in 6 of 828
patients in 1954 outbreak of HFRS fatal
complications in 2
76Etiological Diagnosis
- Serologic
- Detection of circulating immunoglobulins.
- Usually there is a robust immune response by the
time symptoms are present (24hours within one
week of infection) - IgM present 3-6 months after infection
- IgG can be detected for years post infection
- ELISA IgM capture assay, using either SNV,
Laguna Negra, or Andes antigens depending on
location - Broad cross-reactivities
- Western blot assay using recombinant antigens
and isotype specific conjugates for IgM/IgG
differentiation - Indirect Immunofluorence
- Rapid immunoblot strip assay (RIBA) an
investigational prototype assay to identify serum
antibody to recombinant proteins and peptides
specific for different strains of hantavirus
77Etiological Diagnosis
- Immunohistochemistry can test formalin fixed
tissues with specific monoclonal and polyclonal
antibodies - -retrospective
- RT-PCR Demonstration of hantavirus antigen in
tissues by immunochemistry - Use of genus specific primers
- Confirms genotype of the infecting virus
- Exponential production of product that may be
sequenced for further study
78Treatment Bad News
- There is NO CURE for HFRS or HPS!!
- Aggressive supportive care
- Fluid management
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Ventilatory support
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Pressor agents (blood pressure support)
- Inotropic agents (cardiac support)
- Increases cardiac muscle contractility
- Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy until HPS is
proven (to cover for differential diagnoses) - Intravenous ceftriaxone or aminoglycoside
- Doxycycline
80Experimental TreatmentExtracorporeal Membrane
Oxygenation (ECMO)
- CASE REPORT University of New Mexico Hospital
(UNMH) - ECMO as rescue therapy
- - Physicians reviewed hemodynamic and
oxygenation data from the 14 HPS patients treated
at UNMH during the 1993 Four Corners outbreak -
- - Identified the findings that correlate with
100 mortality from HPS related cardiopulmonary
failure -
- - Identified three patients with confirmed HPS
and severe cardiopulmonary failure, with
predicted 100 mortality to be put on ECMO -
- - 2 of 3 survived with good outcome
81ECMO how does it work?
- Takes over the function of heart and lungs while
the patient recovers from initial cause of
pulmonary/cardiac failure
- Three components
- 1)membrane artificial lung that adds oxygen and
removes carbon dioxide - 2) roller pump that moves the patients
deoxygenated blood to the membrane and back into
the body - 3) heat exchanger that warms the blood back to
body temperature
- Venoarterial ECMO A catheter takes blood from
a major vein, runs it through the ECMO machine,
and then replaces the blood, under pressure, to
arterial circulation.
82ECMO Why isnt it used?
- Complications of the therapy itself
- Cost tens of thousands to a million dollars per
patient depending on length of time necessary - Only specialized tertiary care institutions have
these units.
83Experimental Treatmentantiviral agents
- RNA virus mutagen antiviral guanosine analog
- Inhibits hantavirus growth in vitro
- Mechanism is unknown
- Severson et al (2003) hypothesize that ribavirin
challenges the fidelity of the hantavirus
polymerase, causing error catastrophe
www. sch-plough.com/prod/prod03_anti.htm
- Effective in treating HFRS if administered 5 days
after onset of disease. - -Lessens renal failure
- -Decreases bleeding manifestations
- -Decreases overall mortality
- Not proven effective in HPS
- Open label protocol treating 30 patients with HPS
with IV ribavirin (June 4, 1993 to September 1,
1994), comparing outcome to 34 untreated HPS
patients - Treated mortality rate of 47 (14/30)
- Untreated mortality rate of 50 (17/34)
- Most enrolled were ill in the early phase of the
epidemic or presented in nonepidemic areas where
diagnosis may have been delayed. - Treatment with ribavirin may have come too late.
- Currently in progress an NIH sponsored
double-blinded placebo controlled trial of
intravenous ribavirin for presumed HPS - Designed to treat patients in the earliest stage
of illness before the onset of shock. - And so we await the results
- Future strategies for treatment
- Target the hantavirus/ß-3 integrin interaction
- Immunologic approach
- Target host inflammatory responses
- In progress work to find inhibitors of TNF-?
- No hantavirus vaccines are currently approved for
common use in the U.S. - Inactivated virus vaccines in Asia
- Cell culture derived vaccines in China
- Vaccination trial with gt100,000 participants
showed that four years after primary vaccination,
average prevention rates were gt90 - Formalin inactivated rodent brain derived
vaccines for HFRS (from SEOV and HTNV
infections). - Example Hantavax, commercially produced in South
Korea - Seroconversion of 97 one month after second
vaccination - Safe, only minor side effects
- U.S. is now focusing on recombinant DNA
approaches. - Investigational vaccinia HTNV vaccine is
currently offered to laboratory workers at
- HFRS febrile illness with acute renal dysfuntion
- HPS febrile illness with acute pulmonary
dysfunction. - Both characterized by vascular leakage.
- Treatment is mainly supportive
- Inactivated virus vaccines are available for HFRS
in Asia - There are no vaccines for HPS
89- Based on current human population growth and
- development trends, hantavirus diseases will
become - more common in the near future unless public
health - measures are taken to curtail or eliminate
rodents from - human communities.
- -JA Lednicky Department of Pathology,
Loyola University Medical Center,
90Hantavirus as a bioweapon?
- In more recent years, it has been more common for
outbreak investigators to consider the
possibility of a terrorist event when they
investigate the cause of an outbreak - The 1993 outbreak of Hantavirus in the Four
Corners represented an incident in which a
bio-terrorist attack was suspected - Throughout the investigation there were rumors
that a biological agent had been released as an
act of genocide against the Navajo people
91Speculation of Hantavirus use?
- The outbreak in Korea in 1950 is suspected to
have been caused by bioterrorist attack - In 1995, an outbreak in Bosnia infected over 250
people (outbreak) - Because this virus has made an appearance at
almost every major war of the 20th century, it
has definitely been suspected to have been used
as a biological weapon - However, it is unknown whether this occurs mainly
because of increased exposure during wartime or a
disruption in the ecosystem resulting in an
increase in the mouse population
92HFRS as a bio-weapon
- HFRS is categorized as a Biological Agents
Category A High priority - Easily disseminated or transmitted person to
person - High mortality - major P.H. impact
- Cause public panic, social disruption
- Special action for P.H. preparedness
- However, there are currently quick and efficient
diagnostic tests - Treatments for HFRS available
- Vaccines are against HFRS are also available
94HPS as a bio-weapon
- Hantavirus causing HPS are classified under
Biological Agents Category C third priority - Emerging Pathogens
- Availability
- Ease of production
- Potential for high morbidity, mortality and major
public health impact
- SNV is highly lethal in its aerosolized form
(four corners incident) - Certain forms (the Andes virus) are suspected of
being able to transmit through human contact - There are no vaccines
- Natural immunity to HPS is low
- Mice populate the entire United States
- Can pose a worldwide threat because it is carried
by all types of rodent
96If hantavirus were to be used
- The hantavirus can only exist 1-3 days outside of
the host because of its weak lipid envelope - However, the symptoms will take anywhere from
4-40 days to show, thus delaying the impact of
the weapon release - This may cause secondary and tertiary waves of
illness, especially if a strain that has
properties that allow for human-human
97The good news
- The Hantavirus can be destroyed with a simple
detergent - The disease itself is considered rare, as the
virus is not very infectious except under certain
circumstances (like an attack!) - The detection methods are improving, thus
allowing physicians and other health personnel to
catch the disease at an earlier time, thus
increasing the chances of full recovery
98Staying Safe
- As usual, PREVENTION is the BEST method
- Even if Hantavirus is not used as a bioterrorist
method, because of the nature of the rodent
reservoir, everyone is potentially at risk - Furthermore, education would help prevent or
contain an outbreak or an attack -
99Keep away from
- occupying rodent-infested vacant cabins or other
dwellings - cleaning barns or other outbuildings
- disturbing rodent infested areas while hiking or
camping - planting or harvesting fields,
- living in or visiting areas where there has been
an increase in rodents.
100Lowering the risk of contracting HPS
101Preventing the spread of a possible bio-terrorist
attack or outbreak
- Maintaining surveillance systems for emerging
diseases allows possible infectious diseases to
be detected quickly and efficiently - If the weapon is transmissible from person to
person, there may only be a short window of
opportunity to identify the organism and prevent
further spread before a second wave of illness
strikes - Training emergency personnel and more experienced
in addressing the cases of unexplained illness
(ie. Its NOT the flu) - Improving diagnostic techniques
- Making sure that resources for outbreak
investigations are readily available
- Simmons, J, Riley, L (2002). Hantaviruses an
overview, Comparative Medicine 52, 97-110. - Garcin, D, Lezzi, M, Dobbs, M, Elliott RM,
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