Title: Educational Technology Multimedia
1Educational Technology Multimedia
Multimedia is the use of a computer to present
and combine text, graphics, audio, and video with
links and tools that let the user navigate,
create, and communicate. Dr. Fred T.
Hofstetter University of Delaware
2Why Use Educational Technology?
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Should One Blindly Use ET?
- Most often face-to-face is BEST!
- Some educational needs MAY be met with ET.
- ET is a TOOL for TEACHERS.
7What is an Educational Need?
- Something you recognize to be a problem in your
teaching or in your students learning.
8What are some examples?
Each year my students have difficulty mastering
the calculation of a confidence interval. I go
over it in class and provide a handout. Nonetheles
s, I spend endless hours in the office going over
and over the procedure with students, seemingly
to no avail. Students miss class and are told to
"get the notes from someone". Sometimes this
works ok but often not. My students are diverse
in interests and abilities. I have a hard time
reaching all of them. My students are passive
learners. I want active learners.
9ET to the Rescue?
I will prepare a computer-based tutorial and
deploy it through the web for my students to
use. I will post a daily synopsis of what was
covered in class and ask students to submit
questions via the web. I will try to present
topics from several perspectives, by posting
URL's for sites on the web where our courses
topics are discussed by faculty at other
schools. The "student" becomes the "teacher by
producing a web page on a topic which includes
(a) training materials (b) a PowerPoint Slide
Show and makes a presentation to the class.
Students learn the calculation of a confidence
interval. I am able to use my office time for
more appropriate student needs. Students who miss
the classroom presentation on the confidence
interval, do the tutorial first and then see me
for questions. This approach helps those who
missed class as well as those who attended class.
The collection of daily notes is
particularly valuable around test time.
Students evaluations showed several comments with
a positive response to this accommodation of
different learning styles. Students have more
interest on "their" topics. They come to
my office to ask questions and get advice about
their presentation. They feel a sense of
ownership and hence do a quality job.
They particularly take pride in their finished
web pages.