Title: Australias EEZ
1Barcoding Australian Fish
2Commenced October 2004
Bronwyn Innes, Bob Ward, Peter Last and Gordon
Yearsley CSIRO Marine Research, Australia
Tyler Zemlak, Jeremy de Waard and Paul
Hebert University of Guelph, Canada
Moore Foundation Wealth from Oceans Flagship
3Australias EEZ 200 nautical mile limit 8 x 106
km2 excluding EEZ off Antarctica 2.5x the size
of the Australian land mass
4- Estimate of wild caught fisheries production
2003-2004 - (US) 360 million
- Source ABARE
- Level of expenditure on recreational fishing
1999-2000 - (US) 1360 million
- Source ABARE
Estimated 4,500 species finfish (3,600
described) 25 endemic to Australian waters
5Australian Seafood Handbook
Great Barrier Reef Seabed Biodiversity project
Collections from museums, research institutions
Serendipidous samples
6Sequenced 1172 specimens for 655bp region of COI
( 283 species, 138 genera) 954 specimens (237
species) put into BoLD Remaining unentered data
will be put into BoLD in June 2005
7Platycephalus longispinis,
Mean genetic distance within species
0.22 between species 15.55
Twelve species of flathead (family
8Squalus sp.
S. mitsukurii
Mean genetic distance within species
0.33 between species 4.17
Thunnus species
Atlantic blackfin
Atlantic bluefin
Mean genetic distance within species
0.11 between species 1.04
southern bluefin
Pacific bluefin
10 Barcoding Australian Fish
Pairwise distance among members of different
taxonomic levels
Pairwise distance Kimura 2 parameter
725 sequences/individuals, 165 described species
(each with two or more individuals) 44 genera
(teleosts and elasmobranchs)
11COI neighbour-joining tree of 206 fish species
and 754 sequences
12Representative tree output from BoLD
13 14Tuna identification
15Identification of shark fins
- Large amounts of illegal capture of sharks in
northern Australian waters, largely for fins
alone - Quality fins sell for as much as 6 000 - 8 000
/ kg in Hong Kong. - Globally, gt100 million sharks killed per year
- Slow growing, long lived, long gestation, low
fecundity. - Many species morphologically very similar, and
many are protected.
16Fish fillet identification
17Egg identification
Positive ID sequencing of COI confirms
identification of eggs/larvae as blue mackerel
1.05 1.30mm diameter
18Future work
- Complete barcoding of Australian fish
- Commercial species
- Non-commercial species
- Link with CAML (Census of Antarctic Marine Life)