Title: MTTS Meetings
1MTT-SMeetings Symposia Report Sponsorship
RequestsJanuary 11-12, 2004Ft. Worth, Texas
- Chairman Barry Perlman
- Vice Chairman Robert Weigel
- Web Support Vincent Rosati
2Meetings and Symposia Committee
Chairman - Barry Perlman Vice Chair
- Robert Weigel Asian Liaison -
Kazuhiko Honjo/Shigeo Kawasaki ARFTG Liaison -
Ed Godshalk Electronic Performance
Electronic Packaging - Bob
Jackson European Liaison - Jozéf
Modelski EuMW Conference Liaison -
Andre Vander Vorst European Conference on
Wireless Technologies (ECWT) - Richard
Ranson/Roberto Sorrentino GaAs IC Liaison -
Peter Staecker Intl MW/OE Conference
(IMOC) Denise Consoni (SBMO) Microwave
Photonics Topical Meeting - Peter
Herczfeld RAWCON Liaison -
Steve Kenney RFIC Liaison - David
Lovelace UWB/SP Liaison - Larry
Carin Finance, Accounting, and Audits R.A.
3Other Liaisons and Meetings
Mediterranean Microwave Symposium -
Samir El-Ghazaly MIDAS MMW/MW/RF Design
Simulation - Steve
Marsh Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Comms, MIKON
- Jozef Modelski Sarnoff Symposium
- Gerhard
Franz Wireless Design Conference (WDC) -
Richard Ranson Topical Symposium on
MM Waves (TSMMW2002/3) - Tatsuo
Itoh IMOC 05 Brazil -
S. Barbin Terahertz
2004 - Linda Katehi Intl
Communications Satellite Systems Conference -
Jerry Fiedziuszko Intl Symposium on
Phased Array Systems and Technology - Glenn
4Meeting and Symposia Report from Region 8Jozef
Modelski AdCom Liaison
5TELSIKS 20036th International Conference on
Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and
Broadcasting Services
- MTT-S Technical Cosponsor
- Dates October 1-3, 2003
- Venue University of Nis, Serbia Montenegro
- Chair Bratislav Milovanovic
- Report By Bratislav Milovanovic
- Technical Program Mobile Communications,
classical cable and optical communications,
multimedia communications, RF and microwave
techniques, broadband wireless access,
telecommunication networks, modulation and
coding, and Internet technologies. - Summary 220 papers submitted 178 papers by 357
authors selected 18 Invited Keynote talks 31
countries represented Special session honoring
Prof. Aleksandr Marincic of the Serbian Academy
Of Science and Art.
6MIKON 200415th Intl Conf on MW, Radar and
Wireless Communications
- Warsaw, Poland, May 17 19, 2004
- Conference Chair Jozef Modelski
- Contact person (Conference Vice Chair) Edward
Sedek e-mail sedek_at_pit.edu.pl - www.pit.edu.pl/MIKON-2004
- Held during Microwave Radar Week in Poland
combining 3 conferences to mark
Telecommunications Research Institute (PIT) 70th
anniversary (May 17-21, 2004)
7Report on EuMc EuMA(André Vander Vorst)
- Preliminary results Munich 2003
- (6-10 October 2003)
- A first with Horizon
- Goal increasing the attendance
- Fees significantly reduced (EuMA)
- (From 2000 to 2001 and 2002 -10)
- 2003 (EuMC, society member, on-time registration)
- (non-academic) 420 (academic) from 510
- Fee academic and non-academic 360 Regular Fee
- Student 70 from 110
- Same far seniors 70 Reduced Fee
- CD included
- Printed Proceedings, extra charge 70
8Registration and Exhibits
- Registrations
- EuMC 761 (absolute record)
- ECWT 272
- (GAAS 326)
- Total individuals 1016
- Total registrations 1359
- Workshops only 87
- Workshops 543
- Booth Rental 2,000 m2
- Totals
- Unique Delegates 1103
- Attendance (Conference/WS) 1902
- Exhibitors 1257 1257
- Exhib. Only Visitors 1016 1016
- Guests 2 2
- Press 20 20
- Staff Personnel 26 26
- New category of Associate Membership announced
during the EuMW - Initially free of charge
- An annual fee will be considered
- Large number of applications received
- Creation of EuMA electronic newsletter
- (Wilson, A. Vander Vorst, J. Walker)
- Intent is to issue three times per year
- Proposal for an EuMA Journal was well received
- Discussed further by the Board of Directors
- Detailed proposal to General Meeting October
2004 - Amendments to the national representation on EuMA
GA creating three additional members of GA
10Future Venues
- Arrangements well advanced for EuMW in Amsterdam
(Oct 04) - Together with 1st European Conference on Radar
(EuRAD) - Future schedule of EuMW venues is as follows
- 11-15 October 2004, RAI Congress Center,
Amsterdam, - The Netherlands
- 3-7 October 2005, CNIT, Paris, France
- 10-15 September 2006, G-MEX Centre,
Manchester, UK - 2007 Milan or Rome, Italy
- 2008 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2009 Munich, Germany
112003 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference
November 4-7, 2003 Sheraton Walker Hill, Seoul,
12(No Transcript)
13APMC 20042004 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference
- Location New Delhi, India
- Dates December 15-18, 2004
- General Chair Prof. R. Gupta, UDSC
- Technical Chair Prof. E. Sharma and A Verma,
UDSC - Web http//www.apmc04.org.in
- Paper Deadline June 4, 2004
14ICMMT (Intl Conference on Microwave and MMW
- Location Beijing, China,
- Dates August 18- 21, 2004.
- Chair,Professor Zhenghe Feng
- Web info http//www.cie-china.org/icmmt2004
- Info POC T. Itoh
152004 RFIC Symposium
- Update for IMS TPC Meeting
- S. Lloyd, RFIC Chair
- Reported by David Lovelace
16RFIC Symposium Update
- Technical Sessions
- Paper submission deadline was 1/5/04
- No major issues with submission system
- gt310 papers submitted 30 increase from 03
- 22 technical sessions, 110 papers Same as 03
- 12 invited papers
- 30 presentation acceptance rate
- Planning 40 Interactive Forum Papers 20 less
than 03
17RFIC Symposium Update
- RFIC TPC Meeting
- 2/15/04 at the ISSCC Conference
- One day meeting, ISSCC providing complimentary
room - Number of sessions and rooms allocated for RFIC
decided ahead of time - Advanced program material to be ready within 3
days of TPC - Final manuscripts due 3/15 to allow time for
digest (This is tightest deadline w/ new TPC)
18RFIC Symposium Update
- RFIC with do both a digest and a separate CDROM.
- Both included with RFIC registration
- 50 for extra CDROM, Same as IMS
- InControl will do the CDROM. PDFs will be
Xplore compliant.
19RFIC Symposium Update
- Plenary Session
- RFIC Student Paper Contest
- Contest judged by TPC ahead of conference
- 3 committed Speakers
- Broadcom WLAN/Cell Convergence
- Start-up
20RFIC Symposium Update
- Panel Sessions
- Two panels this year
- Monday Panel organized by RFIC
- Very strong panel members
- Tuesday Panel arranged through IMS sponsored by
- Strong panel and interesting topic
21RFIC Symposium Update
- RFIC Reception
- Sunday night, 6-8pm
- Transportation will be provided
- Ballroom in convention center
- Drinks and catered appetizers
- Complimentary with RFIC registration
- Additional tickets can be purchased
- Same budget as 03
22To Do List for Coordination with IMS TPC
- Review registration
- Location
- RFIC Registration Chair?
- RFIC Material (Program, Digest, CDROM)
- Review RFIC content in IMS Program
- Last date information can be updated?
- Discuss list of IMS accepted papers
23RFIC Future
- Updated RFIC MOU in draft stages
- Final draft to be completed June 04
- Create RFIC organization document
- Formalizes RFIC organization
- Final draft to be completed June 04
2412th Topical Meeting On Electrical Performance of
Electronic Packaging EPEP 2003 October 27 29
The Westin Princeton Princeton, New
Jersey Conference Co-chairs Michel Nakhla,
Carleton University
Tawfik R. Arabi, Intel
CoSponsors The IEEE Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society The IEEE Components,
Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
Society The general subject of the meeting is
the electrical modeling, design, analysis, and
characterization of electronic interconnections
and packaging structures.
2513th Topical Meeting On Electrical Performance
of Electronic Packaging EPEP 2004 October 25
27 Portland, Oregon Conference Co-chairs
Tawfik R. Arabi, Intel
Bob Jackson, University of
Massachusetts Sponsors The Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society The Components, Packaging and
Manufacturing Technology Society (since
2001) The general subject of the meeting is the
electrical modeling, design, analysis, and
characterization of electronic interconnections
and packaging structures.
26Final Report on EPEP 2003 October 27 29,
Princeton, New Jersey Conference Co-chairs
Michel Nakhla, Carleton University, Tawfik R.
Arabi, Intel Meeting attendance was 158 - down
10 from the previous year Receipts were
81,232 expenses were 71,553. The 9678
surplus (12 of receipts) will be split between
For EPEP 2004 Conference services for EPEP04
were put to competitive bid between EDP (current
provider) and IEEE Conf. Services. The EDP quote
was much lower. EDP will administer EPEP04 The
conference budget will be studied for further
cost savings
27EPEP Technical Program Committee Jerry
Aguirre, Kyocera America Tawfik
Arabi, Intel Corporation
Andreas Cangellaris, University of Illinois
Moises Cases, IBM Corporation
Alina Deutsch, IBM Corporation
Paul Franzon, North Carolina State
University Robert Frye, Agere
Systems Helmut Grabinski, University of
Hanover Robert Jackson,
University of Massachusetts
Ravi Kaw, Agilent Technologies
Luc Martens, University of Gent Dean
Neikirk, University of Texas
John Prince, University of Arizona
Magdalena Salazar, University of Madrid
Madhavan Swaminathan, Georgia
Institute of Technology Jose
Schutt-Aine, University of Illinois underlined
names are MTT members
282003 Topical IEEE Workshop on Power Amplifiers
for Wireless Communications
- Meeting was held Sept. 8-9 in San Diego, CA.
- Genl Chair Peter Asbeck (UCSD), Tech Chair
Larry Larson (UCSD) - 26 Papers were presented incl 5 invited and 1
plenary - Main focus was on use of PAs in handsets and
base stations. - Highlights incl Bill Vasillakis (PowerWave) on
PAs for base station trends and Ali Hajimiri
(CalTech) on novel CMOS handset PAs. - Total attendance was 89 slightly down from normal
100. - Web site for addl info PAWorkshop.ucsd.edu.
- Good news! Surplus was approx. 2,500
- Next years meeting will be held Sept 13-14, 2004
292004 IEEE Topical Workshop on Power Amplifiers
for Wireless Communications
- Dates September 13-14, 2004
- Location San Diego, CA
- Abstract due date July 15, 2004
- Author Notification Date August 9, 2004
- Contact Information asbeck_at_ece.ucsd.edu
- Web-site PAWorkshop.ucsd.edu
- Executive Committee
- General Chair Larry Larson
- TPC Chair Peter Asbeck
- Finance Chair Clark Bell
- Publicity Chair Paul Draxler
- Local Arrangements Chair Don Kimball
- Anticipated attendance 90-100
30Call for Papers
IEEE Topical Workshop on Power Amplifiers for
Wireless Communications
September 13 and 14, 2004 San Diego, CA
Instructions for Authors Prospective authors are
requested to submit by email an electronic copy a
2 page abstract (one page text, not to exceed 500
words, and one page figures) clearly describing
the novel features of their work, to Prof. Peter
Asbeck, at the address listed below. Abstracts
of accepted papers will be given out at the
conference. The deadline for abstract
submissions is July 15, 2004. Authors will be
notified of the acceptance decision by August 9,
Abstract submission address Prof. Peter
Asbeck ECE Department, MS 0407 UCSD, 9500 Gilman
Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093-0407 858-534-6713
Conference Executive Committee General Chairman
Larry Larson (UCSD) TPC
Peter Asbeck (UCSD) Publicity Chair
Paul Draxler (Qualcomm) Finance
Chair Clark Bell (HFPlus) Local Arrangements
Don Kimball (UCSD)
For information, please contact Peter Asbeck,
858-534-6713, asbeck_at_ece.ucsd.edu or visit the
website http//PAWorkshop.ucsd.edu
IEEE MTT-S, in collaboration with UCSD Center
for Wireless Communications
31RAWCON 2004 Moving to Atlanta!
Co-Chairs Steve Kenney and Ke Wu Date September
19-22, 2004 Location Omni International Hotel
(IMS-2008 Headquarters Hotel - hopefully
co-located with MTT-S AdCom Meeting) Program Si
milar to 2003 Theme Systems and
Technology 4-6 Workshops, 12
sessions Sponsorship MTT-S (/Tech), ComSoc
(Tech only) TPC Chairs Dr. Mohammed Madihian
(NEC Labs) Prof. Xiaodong Wang (Columbia
Univ.) Exhibition Expand! Focus on CAD
Vendors Web Page http//rawcon.org
32UWB Systems and Technology (UWBST)Nov 16-19,
2003Reston, VA
- Chair Jeffrey H. Reed
- Mobile and Portable Radio Research Group (MPRG)
- Virginia Tech
- Blacksburg, VA
- reedjh_at_vt.edu
33Technical Scope of UWBST
- Antennas
- Circuits and Devices
- Channel Modeling and Measurements
- Communications Systems and Waveforms
- Interference and Multiple Access
- Radar Position Localization
- Networks
- Timing Acquisition
34UWBST 2003
- Nov. 16-19, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Reston Virginia
- SponsorsIEEE MTT-S and Northern VA Section
- Technical Co-SponsorsIEEE Aerospace
Electronic Systems Society, Signal Processing
Societyand Electromagnetic Compatibility
Society - Corporate SponsorIntel
35Organizing Committee
- General Chair
- Jeffrey H. Reed
- Virginia Tech
- Deputy Director, MPRG
- 432 Durham Hall, MC 0350
- Blacksburg, VA USA 24061
- Tel (540) 231-2972
- Fax (540) 231-2968
- reedjh_at_vt.edu
- Vice-Chair
- William H. Tranter
- Virginia Tech
- btranter_at_vt.edu
- Technical Program
- Co-Chairs
- R. Michael Buehrer, Dong Ha
- Virginia Tech
- buehrer_at_vt.edu
- ha_at_vt.edu
Publicity/Public Relations Brian D. Woerner
Virginia Tech woerner_at_vt.edu Publications Annam
alai Annamalai Virginia Tech annamala_at_vt.edu Exhi
bits Robert J. Fontana Multispectral Solutions,
Inc. Germantown, MD USA 20874 rfontana_at_multispectr
Finance Co-Chairs Jeffrey Reed Brian D.
Woerner Virginia Tech reedjh_at_vt.edu woerner_at_vt.edu
Registration Rebecca Shelor Virginia
Tech rshelor_at_vt.edu Local Arrangements Co-Chairs J
enny Frank Virginia Tech mprg_at_vt.edu Amir
Zaghloul Northern VA Center, VT Falls Church, VA
USA zaghloul_at_vt.edu
- Planned 130 papers to be submitted and to accept
about 70 papers - Reality 130 Papers submitted and 76 papers
accepted - Planned Peered reviewed high quality
- Reality 3 reviews per paper plus technical area
chair review - Planned Two tutorials, two parallel sessions,
posters, exhibits - Reality two tutorials, two parallel sessions,
poster session, and a panel and one of the
plenary sessions is tutorial in nature (antennas) - Planned Approximately 300 attendees given the
popularity of UWB - Reality 213 attendees
- Planned Student Recognition Prize Paper Award
- Reality Awarded to Claudio Silva, U. of
California, San Diego.
37Financial Summary(Best Guess as of 1/7/04)
- Attendance 213
- Expenses 88,810
- Income from tutorials, registration, exhibits,
sponsorship 123,810 - Expected surplus35,000
- Actual financial status to be determined
38Future UWBST Conferences
- 2004 Kyoto, Japan May 19-21
- 2005 Zurich venue planned pending approval of
proposal from Ian Oppermann, Univ of Oulu,
Finland - Additional info Contact Dr. Oppermann, Univ. of
Oulu, 358-8-553-7628, ian.oppermann_at_ee.oulu.fi - 2006 Expecting USA proposal
39IWUWBS/UWB-ST 2005Zurich, Switzerland
- Presentation by
- Local Organizing Committee
- (Ian Oppermann)
40Presentation Overview
- Date of meeting
- Venue Information
- Local Organising comittee
- Progress
41Venue ETH Campus
- Hotels
- There are many hotels in the direct
neighbourhood and further hotels within walking
distance (Zurich City). - Lunch
- Lunch can be taken in the Dozentenfoyer,
renowned for its gorgeous view on Zurich, Lake
Zurich and the Swiss Alps. - 150th Anniversary of ETHZ
- 2005 will be the year of ETHZs 150th
anniversary. Therefore, ETHZ will offer an
additional attractive program and will appear
exceedingly festive.
42Venue ETH Campus
43Venue ETH Campus
44Venue ETH Campus
45Venue and Dates
47Key Committee Members
- International Advisors
- Prof. Ryuji Kohno
- Dr. Ian Oppermann
- Prof. Hamid Aghvami
- Prof. Pentti Leppänen
- Dr. Yuki Sanada
- Dr. Roger Kaul
- Prof. Armin Wittneben
- Technical Chair
- Walter Hirt (IBM)
- Local Orgsanising
48Conference Experience
- Communication Technology Laboratory (CTL) has a
solid track record of successful conference
organisation. - Most recently,
- International Zurich Seminar on Communications
2004 - International Zurich Symposium Technical
Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2003
49Getting To and From
- Getting to Zurich from the Airport
- Trains leave every 15 to 20 minutes and take
about 10 minutes to get you to Zürich Central
Railway station. - Getting to ETHZ from Central Railway station
- a) The tram ride will take about 10 minutes or
- b) Walking will take about 15 minutes.
- ETH have reaffirmed desire to host
- Several initial meetings have taken place
- Suitable venue found
- Dates under discussion
- Proposal for MTT-S Support pending for June 04
51Zurich, 2005
52Sponsorship Requests
53Ratification of Technical Cosponsorship E-Vote
- Joint International Conference on UWBST IWUWBS
E-Vote Results 25 For, 1 Against
Motion Approve Technical Cosponsorship for the
2004 Joint Conference on Ultrawideband Systems
and Technology and the International Workshop on
Wideband Systems (Joint UWBS IWUBS). Technical
Cosponsorship does not include or imply any MTT-S
participation in the IEEE Conference Publications
Business. (Formerly Book Broker) Date/Location
May 19-21, 2004, Kyoto, Japan (Venues to
alternate between
North America and Asia) Sponsors
CRL, IEEE Tokyo Section, and MTT-S Tokyo
Chapter Chair/POC General Ryuji Kohno,
Yokohama University, Japan
Technical Tetshushi Ikegami,
Meiji University, Japan Program Format
Workshops, Poster Sessions, Tutorials History
Both conferences have been ongoing for several
years. Work is proceeding to make the
jointness permanent. Est. Attendance 200
Type of
Archive/Publication CD Web Site
54Request (1) for Technical Cosponsorship for
- International Symposium on Signals, Systems and
Electronics ISSSE04
Date/Location Aug 10-13 2004, University of
Linz, Austria Sponsors MTT Austria
Chapter, URSI CD Commissions, Austrian
Electrotechnical Association in Cooperation
w/IEEE Chair/POC Prof Dr. Kurt Schlacher,
U of Linz, Austria
ProfDr. Robert Weigel, U of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Germany Program Format Workshops, Poster
Sessions, Tutorials in 3 Parallel
Streams Topics Radar tech and devices, smart
antennas, CAD, RF/MW circuits, etc. History
Triennial since 1989 (Erlangen, Paris, San
Francisco, Pisa, Tokyo) Attendance
150-200 Exhibits Yes, in planning Type of
Archive/Publication CD CFP Jan 15 2004 Web
Site http//www.icie.jku.at/issse04/ Request
Approved by AdCom Jan 11, 2004!
55Request (2) for Technical Cosponsorship
- 15th International Symposium on Space Terahertz
Date/Location April 27-29, 2004/ North Hampton,
MA Sponsors University of Massachusetts at
Amherst Chair/POC Sigfrid Yngvesson (MTT), Neal
Erikson (MTT), Eyal Gerecht (MTT), Gopal
Narayanan (MTT), Grant Wilson Topics Theory,
Technology and Applications of the Field of Space
THz Technology Program Format Workshops, Poster
Sessions History Fourteen years (Tucson,
Cambridge MA, San Diego, Ann Arbor, ). MTT-S
has been a technical cosponsor in the
past. Attendance 125, International Exhibits
Few Type of Archive/Publication CD, Hard
Copy Web Site Pending receipt of papers Call for
Papers distributed, due Jan 15. Request Approved
by AdCom 1/11/04!
56Request (3) for Sponsorship
- Motion Approve Technical Co-Sponsorship for
MMS2004. - Date June 1-3, 2004
- Location Marseilles, France
- Theme Intl forum for reporting progress and
recent developments in MW theory and
applications, electromagnetic, antennas and
optical technology. - Topics MW/MMW Ckts, Photonics, Devices, CAD,
RF/Wireless, EM/Waves. - Poster Session Focus for Grad/Undergrad Student
Participation - Organizing Committee Mohamed Essaaidi
- WebAddresshttp//www.ieeefrance.org/section/newsp
ca5d9abf3e1c49415e5254b46d527c - History 1st MMS2000 was held in Tetuan, Morocco
(May 00) 80 papers/120 participants, May 2000
MMS2002 was held in Caceres, Spain (June 2002) - 90 papers/140 participants. MMS2003 was held in
Cairo, Egypt (May 03) - 65 papers/100 participants.
- All 3 meetings were Technically Cosponsored by
MTT-S. - Request approved by AdCom Jan 11, 2004
57MTT-SMeetings Symposia Chronology 2003-2005
58MS Summary (2003-2005)
- 2003 2004 2005
- USA 15 15
13 Sponsored 4 5
3 Cosponsored 4 5 5
Cooperative. 1 1 1
Technical. 6 4 4
- Foreign .. 21 19 20
Sponsored 0 0
0 Cosponsor 6 4
6 Cooperative. 8 8
8 Technical. 7 7 6 - Totals 36 34
59Countries Other than USA(Meetings we know about)
2003 2004 2005 Austria
0 0
1 Brazil.. 1 0
0 Canada/Nova Scotia 1 0
1 China . . . . 0 1
0 Czech Republic ... 0 1
0 Egypt .. 1 0
0 France 0 0
1 Germany 6 1 2 Hungary
.. 2 0 2 India
0 2 0 Japan 3 2
2 Korea 1 1 1
Malaysia.. 1 0
0 Netherlands. 0 2 0 Poland
. 0 1 0 Russia..
1 0 0 South Africa
0 0
1 Switzerland. 1 0 0 Spain
.. 1 1 0 Ukraine
4 3 1 United Kingdom 3
2 1 Not all venues for
2005 conferences have been identified.
60MTT-S MS Chronology (2004)
Date(s) Name of Meeting Location Jan
1-3 Intl Conference on Computers Devices for
Comms.(CODEC 04) Kolkata, IN Jan 4-8 National
Radio Science Meeting Boulder, CO Jan 10-12
AdCom/IMS Technical Paper Committee Meetings Ft.
Worth, TX Feb 15 RFIC Technical Paper Committee
Meeting (during ISSCC) San Francisco, CA Feb
25-28 Intl Conf Mod Probs in Radio Eng,
Telecomm, Comp Sci (TCSET) Lviv-Slavsko,
Ukraine Feb 26-27 Topical Symposium on MM Waves
(Joint with MINT-MMWS) Yokosuka, Japan Apr
15-16 Wireless and Microwave Technology 2004
(WAMI) Clearwater, FL Apr 26-27 Sarnoff
Symposium on Advances in Wireless
Communications Princeton, NJ May 9-12 AIAA Intl
Communications Satellite Systems Conference
(ICSCC) Montreal, Canada May 17-19 Intl
Conference on Microwave Radar and Wireless Comms
(MIKON) Warsaw, Poland May 19-21 Joint Intl Conf
on Ultrawideband Systems and Technologies Kyoto,
Japan May 20-21 Intl Workshop on Finite Elements
for MW Engineering Madrid, Spain Jun
1-3 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium
(MMS) Marseilles, France Jun 5-11 Intl
Microwave Symposium (Including AdCom
Meeting) Ft. Worth, TX Jun 7-9 Radio Frequency
Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) Ft. Worth,
TX Jun 11-12 Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques
Group (ARFTG) Ft. Worth, TX TBD European MIDAS
Workshop (TNO-FEL) TBD Aug 10-13 Intl
Symposium on Signals Systems, Electronics
Linz, Austria Sponsor Cosponsor
Cooperative Technical
61MTT-S MS Chronology (2004)
Date(s) Name of Meeting Location
Aug 18-24 Intl Conference on Microwave and
Millimeter-Wave Technology Beijing, China Sept
8-10 5th Topical Meeting on Si MICs in RF
Systems, (Si RF). Atlanta, GA Sep 13-17 Intl
Crimean Microwave Conference (CriMiCo) Savastipol
, Ukraine Sep 13-14 Topical Workshop on Power
Amplifiers for Wireless Communications San Diego,
CA Sep 14-17 Intl Conference on Mathematical
Methods in EM Theory Kiev, Ukraine Sep
14-17 Intl Conference on Infrared and
Millimeter-Waves (IRMMW) Karlsruhe, Germany Sep
18-19 MTT-S AdCom Fall Meeting Atlanta, GA Sep
19-22 Radio and Wireless Conference
(RAWCON) Atlanta, GA Oct 4-6 Intl Topical
Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) Ogunquit,
ME Oct 11-12 Intl Conference on Terahertz
Electronics (Purdue) W. Lafayette, IN Oct
11-15 European Microwave Conference
(EUMC/EUMW) Amsterdam, Netherlands Oct
11-15 European Conference on Wireless
Technologies (EUMW) Amsterdam, Netherlands Oct
24-27 Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuits
Symposium Monterey, CA Oct 25-27 Topical Mtg on
Electrical Performance of Electronic Pkg
(EPEP) Portland, OR Nov 8-9 Intl Symp on Hi-Perf
Electron Dvcs for MW and OE Apps (EDMO)
Pretoria, South Africa Nov ?? Microwave Workshop
and Exhibition (MWE2004) Yokohama, Japan Dec
2-3 Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group
(ARFTG) Florida Dec 15-18 Asia-Pacific Microwave
Conference (APMC) New Delhi, IN Sponsor Cospons
or Cooperative Technical
Tech Cosponsorship Applied For
62MTT-S MS Chronology (2005)
- Date(s) Name of Meeting
Location - Jan 8-9 IMS TPC/AdCom Meetings
Long Beach, CA - Feb 13 ? RFIC TPC Meeting
San Francisco, CA - Feb 14-18 Intl Zurich Symp and Tech Expo
on EM Compatibility Zurich,
Switzerland - Feb Topical Symposium on MMW
(TSMMW) Yokosuka, Japan - ?? Sarnoff Symp on Advances in Wireless
Comms Princeton/, NJ - ?? Topical Meeting on Si Monolithic IC
in RF Systems Garnisch, Germany - Apr IEEE Wireless and Microwave Forum
Tampa, Fla - ?? International
Communications Satellite Conference
Yokohama, Japan - ?? Mediterranean Microwave
Conference TBD - ?? Wireless Design
Conference (WDC) (Cancelled for 2003)
Munich, Germany - June 12-17 International MW Symposium
(Including AdCom Meeting) Long Beach, CA - June 12-14 RF Integrated Circuits Symposium
(RFIC) Long Beach, CA - Jun 16-17 Automatic RF Techniques Group
(ARFTG) Long Beach, CA - Sponsor Cosponsor
Cooperative Technical
63MTT-S MS Chronology (2005)
Date(s) Name of
Meeting Location ??
Intl Wkshop on Computational EM in Time
Domain Halifax, Nova Scotia ??
MIDAS Workshop Surrey, UK ??
Radio Wireless
Conference (RAWCON) Boston,
MA ?? Intl Crimean MW
Conference (CriMiCo)
Sevastipol, Ukraine ??
Topical Workshop on Power Amp for Wireless
Comms San Diego, CA ??
Microcoll Conference Budapest,
Hungary ??
Intl Topical Meeting on MW Photonics (MWP)
Budapest, Hungary ??
International MW and OE
Conf (IMOC) SMBO Brasilia,
Brazil ?? Intl
Conference on Terahertz Electronics
TBD ?? Intl
Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves
TBD ??
Korea-Japan Microwave Workshop Busan,
Korea Sponsor Cosponsor Cooperative
64MTT-S MS Chronology (2005)
Date(s) Name of Meeting
Location ?? European MW Conf (European MW
Week EUMW) ?? ?? European GaAs
Applications Symposium (EUMW) ?? ??
Microwave and Optronics Conf
(MIOP EUMW) ?? ?? European
Conf on Wireless Techs (EUMW)
?? ?? Intl Symposium on Phased Array
Systems and Tech Boston, MA? ??
Topical Conference on Wireless Comms Tech
(AP-S) Honolulu, HI? ?? MTT-S
Fall AdCom Meeting Boston, MA ??
Topical Mtg Electrical
Performance of Electronic Packaging ??
Asia-Pacific MW Conference (APMC)
?? ?? 2005 IEEE GaAs IC Symposium
?? ?? IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband
Systems and Tech ?? ??
Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG)
?? Sponsor Cosponsor Cooperative