Title: Germany Today a Normal Nation
1Germany Today- a Normal Nation?
- Tom Tykwers Lola Rennt (1998)
2Was Germany ever abnormal?
- German Sonderweg
- National Socialism and the Holocaust
3Effects on German social psyche
- Question of guilt
- Divided nation
- Special place in the world
- The problem of national identity
- Bonn as capital
- Vergangenheitsbewältigung
4Role of Culture
- artists as conscience of the nation
- avant-garde aesthetics
5Changes since unification
- nation state
- foreign policy
- Berliner Republik
- Normalisation
6Normalisation and Culture
- apolitical art
- neue Lesbarkeit
- American style
7German Cinema before 1989
- Rainer Werner Fassbinder/ Werner Herzog/ Wim
Wenders - Domestic Comedies
8What is strange about this film?
- Pace
- Camera/Lighting
- not like Hollywood
9Lola Rennt
- Low Budget (3mill DM)
- Won lots of awards
- the German entry for the 1999 OSCAR for Best
Foreign Language Film.
10Lola Rennt
- Fast narrative pace
- different types of film / images
- use of techno
11Lola Rennt
- A German film?
- Twyker "just as easily be set in Peking,
Helsinki or New York, the only thing that would
change is the scenery, not the emotional
12Lola Rennt
- A Berlin film?
- Brandenburg Gate?
- Reichstag?
- The Nazi past in Berlin?
- Film of the new unified Berlin
13Lola Rennt
- Sepp Herberger (1954 World Cup)
- Vor dem Spiel ist nach dem Spiel
- Der Ball ist rund und ein Spiel dauert 90
14Lola Rennt
- Eberhard Diepgen (former Mayor of Berlin)
Taken from Tom Tykwer's Lola rennt A Blueprint
of Millennial BerlinMargit Sinka
15Lola Rennt
- Michael Naumann, Minister of Culture
Taken from Tom Tykwer's Lola rennt A Blueprint
of Millennial BerlinMargit Sinka
16Lola Rennt
- Globalisation
- Computer Games
- Or very German?
- Fairytale structure
17Lola Rennt
- Other issues at work?
- chaos theory
- Purpose of life and the role of fate?
- All you need is Love?