Title: Dr. Monica Martinez
1Re-Making Learning
- Dr. Monica Martinez
- Vice President for Education Strategy
- KnowledgeWorks Foundation
2Graduation Year 2020
- When students graduate in 2020, what will the
world be like? - Given that world, what will students need to
3What is the purpose of education if not for the
future generations?
42006 2016 Map of Future Forces Affecting
- refresh scheduled for january 2009
5How is the Map Arranged?
6What are the Drivers of Change?
- Grassroots Economics
- Smart Networking
- Strong Opinions, Strongly Held
- Sick Herd
- Urban Wilderness
- The End of Cyberspace
7Driver Grassroots Economicsfrom economies of
scale to economies of groups
- A new mode of production
- Openness
- Transparency
- Peering
- Sharing
- Bottom-up, rather than top-down, processes
8Vision of the Grassroots Economy
9What does this tell us?
- Production/ work is more
- Prosumer-based (Consumers produce)
- Cognitively complex
- Globally aware
- Team-based and collaborative
- Dependent on social skills
- Immediate
- Reliant on technological competence
- Mobile
- Bottom line
10Implications of Grassroots Economics
- How do we create reciprocal and distributive
relationships with coaches and teachers or
teachers and students? - What is a broader toolset to address this new
form of relational, social, collaborative
teaching and most importantly, to make learning
visible in this new context. - How do you decentralize and streamline curriculum
development to make a learning institution more
flexible and responsive to students or new
11Driver Smart Networkingfrom informed citizens
to engaged networkers
- The Information Age vs the Connected Age
- Passive Age vs the Active Age
- From informed consumer, citizen, parent, for
problem solving to a connected community of
sharing and self-organizing for problem solving.
12Examples of Smart Networking
- for mediaflickr, last.fm, pandora, wikispaces,
blogger - by locationnewmindspace, meetup
- for romancematch, okcupid, consummating
- for no real reasonmyspace, facebook,
friendster, twitter, hi5, orkut, etc. - for idealsmoveon.org,grassfire.org,shoutout.or
13What does this tell us?
- Technology/Social media is the primary tool to
facilitate communication. - Networking will create new forms of work,
socializing, and political action. - Collective action can become the norm.
14Implications of Smart Networking
- If learners can communicate anytime, anyplace,
with anyone, what new affiliations and group
dynamics can be leveraged for education? - How can an IT Platform be constructed as a social
and collaborative learning platform? - What opportunities are out there to develop
communities for learning student to student,
student to teacher, teacher to teacher? - How can interactivity be integrated into
educational practices? - How can value be added to what may be widely
15If These Walls Could Talk?
- Michael Wesch
- Kansas State University
16Potential new skills for teachers
- Mobbability the ability to work in large groups
and to organize and collaborate with many people
simultaneous. - Ping quotient responsiveness to other peoples
requests for engagements and to reach out to
others in the network. - Open Authorships ease with creating content for
immediate public consumption and modification. - Cooperation radar the ability to sense who
would make the best collaborators on a particular
17Over the next ten years, how will these minds,
new skills of our students and incoming teachers
remake organization?
- What it means to organize (verb)
- and
- What an organization (noun) looks like
182020 Forecast Amplified Organizations
- Extended human capacity remakes the organization.
- Amplified educators and learners embrace
technologies of cooperation, prototype new models
of learning, and cultivate open and collaborative
approaches to learning. - Education institutions will not be the exclusive
agents of learning, performance assessment,
support, or quality assurance.
192020 Roles Learning Agents
- Learning Partner
- Community Intelligence Cartographer
- Personal Education Advisor
- Learning Fitness Instructor
- Assessment Designer
- Social Capital Platform Developer
- Learning Journey Mentor
- Education Sousveyor
- The future is already here...
- The future is already here...
- ...its just not evenly distributed.
- - William Gibson, author
- Monica R. Martinez, PhD
- Vice President of Education Strategy
- KnowledgeWorks Foundation
- (513) 929-1109martinezm_at_kwfdn.org
- One West Fourth Street, Suite 200Cincinnati,
Ohio 45202