Title: The Promise of Ministry
1The Promise of Ministry
2Clarifying Your Ministry Passion
3Possible Hindrances
- Low self-esteem
- Pride
- Unrepentant sin
- Rejection
- Accountability
- Failure
- Success
4"Let us throw off everything that hinders and
the sin that so easily entangles, and let us
run with perseverance the race marked out for
us." Hebrews 121
5"For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do." Ephesians 210
6Your Servant Profile
- Spiritual Gifts
- Personal Style
- Ministry Passion
7Remember, you can have Any Spiritual Gift,
with Any Personal Style, with Any Ministry
8Your Servant Profile
10SAME Passion DIFFERENT Gifts
11When you can serve and faithfully express your
Servant Profile, its a good MINISTRY FIT.
12Your Ministry Possibilities
13Factors that impact the Next Step
- Time Availability
- Spiritual Maturity
14Unique Contribution
- Serving where you are able to reflect your
Servant Profile
15Community Contribution
- Serving where you arent able to reflect your
Servant Profile - Serving in general ways
17A Lifetime of Service
- Believers are to be worshipers for a lifetime
- Believers are to be stewards for a lifetime
- Believers are to be servants for a lifetime
18Serving is for a lifetime for EVERY believer!
19Circle of Gifts