Title: Mid-Summer’s Dream Festival
1Mid-Summers Dream Festival
- For Advanced and Challenge Dancers
- Four full-time Halls A-2, C-1, C-2, C-3A
- Composite or wood flooring in all halls!
- Saundra Bryant Todd Fellegy
- Ross Howell John Marshall
- Anne Uebelacker
- Thursday, July 28 to Saturday, July 30, 2011
- The Yorktowne Hotel, York, Pennsylvania
- A Number System will be in Use
- Casual Attire Acceptable
- Air Conditioned Halls
Register EARLY, Squares are LIMITED 1 session
Thursday, 3 sessions each on Friday and Saturday
Dance Fee 55 per person Make Checks Payable to
Dream Festival Mail form and dance fee to Mary
Hutchinson 46730 Graham Cove Sq., Sterling, VA
Please Make Your Own Hotel Reservations Identify
yourself as being with the Dream Festival or
Square Dance Festival to ensure preferred Room
Rate of 94 per night (Single or Double
occupancy triple 109, quad 124) TOLL FREE
For further information call 703-444-7075 Or
e-mail mary.hutchinson13_at_comcast.net
NAME(S) __________________________________________
______ AMT. ENCLOSED _________ ADDRESS
__________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP
____________________ PHONE ______________________
_______ E-MAIL ___________________________________
C-1 C-2 C-3A