Title: 2003 Extraordinary Accomplishments
1A Valuation Process
2Most would say, Yes.
3Most would say, No.
4What is NBFAA membership worth to your company?
A valuation exercise
6State Licensing Guide - 375.00
7State Licensing Guide - 375.00
Discounted Training - 300.00
500.00 (per state/per year)
8State Licensing Guide - 375.00
Discounted Training - 300.00
Monthly Legislative Updates - 500.00
Consumer/Web exposure through association
9State Licensing Guide - 375.00
Discounted Training - 300.00
Monthly Legislative Updates - 500.00
Publicity and exposure through association
membership - 500.00
10State Licensing Guide - 375.00
Discounted Training - 300.00
Monthly Legislative Updates - 500.00
Publicity and exposure through association
membership - 500.00
Discounted seminars and educational sessions as
conferences - 350.00
Coupons for products and services
11State Licensing Guide - 375.00
Discounted Training - 300.00
Monthly Legislative Updates - 500.00
Publicity and exposure through association
membership - 500.00
Discounted seminars and educational sessions as
conferences - 350.00
Coupons for products and services - 4,300.00
Security Industry Recruiting Center
12State Licensing Guide - 375.00
Discounted Training - 300.00
Monthly Legislative Updates - 500.00
Publicity and exposure through association
membership - 500.00
Discounted seminars and educational sessions as
conferences - 350.00
Coupons for products and services - 4,300.00
Security Industry Recruiting Center - 500.00
Company Credibility/Competitive Edge Affiliation
with 60 year old National Association
13State Licensing Guide
375.00 Discounted Training
300.00 Monthly Legislative Updates
500.00 Consumer/Web exposure
500.00 Discounted Expo access and exhibit
pricing (ESX)
150.00 Coupons for products and services
4,300.00 Security Industry Recruiting Center
500.00 Company credibility/Competitive Edge
500.00 7,125.00
14Additional Benefits
- Professional E O and General Liability
Insurance with limits up to - 1 MILLION per occurrence
- 2 Million aggregate
- Ability to access excess insurance coverage with
limits, - when combined with Security America of
- 5 Million per occurrence
- 5 Million Aggregate
- Umbrella policy with up to 4 Million over
primary coverage
15Product and Service Discounts Through NBFAA
16One voice in the face of adversity
17Media exposure and validation across the nation
- NBFAA released a combined total of more than 200
press clippings featured in national and trade
magazines, newspapers and online. - Multiple articles in
- Security Sales Integration
- Campus Safety Magazine
- Security Distributing Marketing
- SecurityInfoWatch
- Security Products
- Cygnus Business Media
- Security Technology Design
- Fire Chief
- Security Systems News
- Boston GlobeTulsa World and Forbes Magazine
18Government Relations
Industry watchdog on federal, state, and local
Lobbies on behalf of the industry for/against
proposed legislation
Facilitates dialogue between members and
government officials
19Industry Relevant Communications
- Knowledge is power and NBFAA keeps an eye on the
social, economic and technological changes in
your environment and reports them to you through
regular publications including - Newsline (quarterly print publication)
- Stay Connected (quarterly print publication)
- Member Update (bi-weekly electronic publication)
- E-alerts (electronic communications as warranted)
- www.alarm.org provides useful information to
members and consumers
20Education and Professional Development
Online professional development courses Business
and personal skills training Updated
certification renewal program Alarm Industry
Research and Educational Foundation Research to
Benefit the Industry (AIREF) Industry
Apprenticeship Program
21Youth Scholarship
Chartered State Associations participating in the
program include
Indiana Kentucky Louisiana New Jersey North
Ohio Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Tennessee Virginia
California Connecticut Georgia Kentucky Illinois
22We believe it does, only if you take
advantage! www.alarm.org