Who was Georges Clemenceau? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Who was Georges Clemenceau?


The roles and goals of Clemenceau in creating the Treaty of Versailles Who was Georges Clemenceau? What role did he play? What were his goals in creating the Treaty ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Who was Georges Clemenceau?

The roles and goals of Clemenceau in creating the
Treaty of Versailles
  • Who was Georges Clemenceau?
  • What role did he play?
  • What were his goals in creating the Treaty of

Who was Georges Clemenceau?
  • In this room you are able to see Gorges
    Clemenceaus life. His life is divided to the
    four most important parts.
  • Who he really was and what roles he played
    during his political career?

His Youth
  • Like his ancestors he would study medicine,
    and, like them, Clemenceau entered the medical
    school primarily for an education. He may have
    had ambitions for a career at a higher level in
    medical or scientific research, but, distracted
    by politics, he did not even win a place as an
    interne at one of the Paris hospitals. In any
    case he did not have the temperament for patient
    research and long-drawn-out intellectual enquiry,
    although he had the journalist's or lawyer's
    facility for rapid assimilation and clear, if
    superficial, exposition. (Secondary source by
    David Robin Watson GEORGES CLEMENCEAU- A
    Political Biography Eyrne Methuen, p.21)
  • Was born in Vendée on 28th September, 1841. As a
    youth he attended Medical School, but without any
    great success. He always was fascinated in
    politics. The source describes his character as
    not helpful in his medical career. After
    finishing his medical studies he went to live in
    New York. He was impressed by the political
    freedom enjoyed by the people of the US and
    considered settling permanently in the country.
    However, in 1869 he decided to move back to
    France were he celebrated the establishmnet of
    the Third Republic.

Early career
  • In 1871,after the Franco-Prussian war Clemenceau
    was elected to the National Assembly
  • In 1876, he was re-elected to the National
    Assembly as a leader of Radical-Republicans.
  • In 1902 Clemenceau became a senator and four
    years later(1906), at the age of 61, was
    appointed Minister of Home Affairs.
  • Seven months later Clemenceau became France's
    Prime Minister (1906-1909)

Georges Clemenceau in 1872 (http//www.cheminsdeme
World War I
Liberal prime minister David Lloyd George (left)
at Versailles with the French prime minister
Georges Clemenceau and the US president Woodrow
  • Georges Clemenceau was one of the three fathers
    of the Versailles Treaty. However his opinion
    about the Treaty and the punishment for Germany
    was quite different to the David Lloyd George and
    Woodrow Wilson. Through his aggressive type of
    negotiation he got a nickname the Tiger.

His defeat
Georges Clemenceau (http//www.musee-clemenceau.fr
  • By January 1920, his political star had eclipsed
    and the French public held him responsible for
    the perceived leniency of the Versailles
    Settlement.In his retirement he constantly
    preached, spoke and wrote against the dangers of
    a resurgent Germany. He became very disillusioned
    with European diplomacy which became most
    apparent in his memoirs "The Grandeur and
    Misery". Georges Clemenceau even predicted that
    1940 would be the year that France was in its
    gravest danger from Germany.
  • Georges Clemenceau died in 1929.

What roles did he play?
  • Georges Clemenceau durnig his political career
    played many different roles, and all of his
    beliefs were strongly influenced by his father
    Benjamin Clemenceau.
  • However, the most important roles are the Prime
    Minister of France, Minister of the War and the
    creator of the Treaty of Versailles.

Political point of view influenced by his
Benjamin Clemenceau (http//www.musee-clemenceau.f
  • As a son of a gentleman, doctor Benjamin
    Clemenceau, he inherited from his father a
    lifelong detestation of Bonapartism and a
    commitment to democratic Republicanism. This
    political belief lead him throuth his whole
    career and had a huge impact on his goals in
    creation of the Peace Treaty.

The Tiger
LA BAIONNETTEFrench Journal, 13 March 1919
  • Clemenceau is a free-thinker of free-thinkers
    neither Heaven nor Hell has anything to say to
    him... He has thrown back to his animal ancestry.
    What is the totem of the tribe which has entered
    into him, whose instinct of depredation pervades
    his every political action? We have it! He is of
    the jungle, jungly. His spring is terrific. His
    crashing attack fatal. He looks as formidable as
    he is. In short, he is a Tiger, and there you
    are. That accounts for everything! (Primary
    Source by H. M. Hyndman Clemenceau, the Man and
    his time, 1919. p.81)

Georges Clemenceau is remembered as a great
statesman of France. Even in 1919 he had a
reputation of individual and agressive negotiator
however, the French nation loved him and had
great faith in his skills during the creation of
the Treaty of Versailles.
Prime Minister of France
I feel humble for the mistakes I have already
made and for those which I am likely to make. I
do not think I can be accused of having sought
power. But I am in power. I hope it will not be a
misfortune for my country. You tell me I have
made mistakes... I am here because these are
terrible times when those who through all the
struggle have loved their country more than they
knew see the hopes of the nation centered on
them. I am here through the pressure of public
opinion, and I am almost afraid of what it will
demand of me, of what it expects of me. Georges
Clemenceau (Primary Source by H. M. Hyndman
Clemenceau, the Man and his time, 1919. p.324)
Clemenceau as a Premier of France was focused on
his country and his nation. As presented by the
source he always spoke in the name of the French
people and he felt that his attitudes to the war
and peace were alike with his nation.
Creator of the Treaty of Vresailles
  • Success is possible only if we remain firmly
    united.  We have come here as friends.  We must
    pass through that door as brothers... Everything
    must be subordinated to the necessity for a
    closer and closer union between the peoples which
    have taken part in this great war... I come now
    to the order of the day.  The first question is
    as follows "The responsibility of the authors of
    the war."  The second is thus expressed
    "Penalties for crimes committed during the war." 
    The third is "International legislation in
    regard to labour.
  • (Primary source by Geoges Clemenceau, 18 January

Georges Clemenceau as a creator of the Treaty of
Velrsaille played the major role as a
represenative of France and the Conference
President. The source presented extracts from the
Opening Speech on 18.01.1919, which explores his
basic goals in creating peace.
What were his goals in creating the Treaty of
  • Clamenceau believed that the responsibility for
    the Great War is all Germans.
  • What kind of punishment did he want to give to
    Germany? And what he achieve through his
    agressive negotiations with David Lloyd Georges
    and Woodrow Wilson? All this information is in
    this room.

Security of France

The most significant goal of Clemenceau was to
protect France from Germany and the future
conflicts with this country. The protection of
Great Britan and United Staces wasnt honest and
Clemenceau knew that the first future conflict
with Germany France would be left alone without
chance for deffence. By the Peace Treaty he
wanted to economicaly and militaraly harass
French soldiers on the Wstern Front.
Economical punishment for Germany
  • Clemenceau believed that all the harshest ways
    to punish Germany were allowed. The punishment
    would have to be that powerful that the German
    nation would never again rise to power. He
    determinably wanted Germany pay for the
    destruction of the war for all Allied nations,
    especially for France, who suffered the biggest
    losses durnig the war. Through negotiation of the
    Peace Treaty Germany needed to pay the entire
    cost of the war (6.6 bilion pounds-52 for
    France) and also France and Belgium received
    large amounts of German machinery, railway and a
    never-ending supply of coal(8,1 milion tons per
    annum for France).
  • Georges Clemenceau of France had one very
    simple belief - Germany should be brought to its
    knees so that she could never start a war again.
    He had seen the north-east corner of France
    destroyed and he determined that Germany should
    never be allowed to do this again.
  • Secondary source by David Robin Watson GEORGES
    CLEMENCEAU- A Political Biography Eyrne Methuen,

Demobilisation of Germany
The soruce presented the territories which
germany lost after WWI. One of the most
sifnificant goals for Clemenceau was to totaly
demobilise Germany, however, Treaty of Versallies
demobilised only Rhineland (dark green on the
map) and limited German army to 100,000 soldiers,
no tanks or heavy artillery, no air forces, no
U-boats. It was a big disappointment for
Clemenceau and France.
Mistakes of The Big Three?
  • Hitler did not wage war because of the Teaty of
    Vresailles, although he found its existence a
    godsend for his poropaganda. Even if Germany had
    been left with its old brothers, even if it had
    been allowed whatever military force it wanted,
    even if it had been premitted to join with
    Austria, he would still have wanted more the
    destruction of Poland, control of Czechoslovakia,
    above all the conquest of the Soviet Union. He
    would have demaned room for the German people to
    expand and the destruction of their enemies,
    whether Jews or Bolshevics. There was nothing in
    the Treaty about that... Peacemakers of 1919 made
    mistakes, of course... If they could have done
    batter, they certainly could have done much
    worse. They tried, even cynical old Clemenceau,
    to built a better order. They could not forse the
    future and they certainly could not control it.
    When war came in 1939, it was the result of 20
    years of decisions taken or not taken, not of the
    argumants made in 1919.
  • (Secondary source by Macmillan, 2001, p.499-500)

Many historians disagree about the consequences
of the Treaty of Versailles. There is no right
answer for their arguments because no-one is able
to control the future. The three different views
of peace left history with the question Who was
right? Old Clemenceau who wanted to harass
Gremany, idealistic Wilson who wanted world peace
or Lloyd George who was between them wanted
Greman colonies but didnt care much about the
peace. The source explains some aspects of this
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