Title: The Muscular System
1Chapter 4
2Functions of the Muscular System
- hold the body erect
- make movements possible
- smooth muscle moves food through the digestive
system - moves fluids through ducts
- generates heat to keep the body warm
- moves blood through veins
3Combining Form for Muscle
- MY/o muscle
- Myoparesis
- (my-oh-PAR-eh-sis)
- MYO/0 muscle
- -paresis Partial or incomplete paralysis
4Structure of the Muscular System
- Muscle Fibers
- long, slender cells
- each muscle consists of a group of fibers held
together by connective tissue - enclosed in a fibrous sheath
5Combining Forms for Muscle Fibers
- FIBR/o Fibrous tissue
- Fibromyalgia
- FIBR/o Fibrous Tissue
- MY/o Muscle
- -algia Pain
- Pain of the muscles and fibrous tissue
6Combining Forms for Muscle Fibers
- FIBROS/o Fibrous Tissue
- Fibrosis
- FIBROS/o Fibrous Tissue
- -is noun ending
- Abnormal formation of fibrous tissue.
7Fascia (FASH-ee-ah)
- Sheet or band of
- fibrous connective tissue
- covers muscles
- supports muscles
- separates muscles
8Combining Forms for Fascia
- FASCI/o Fascia or Fibrous band
- Fasciotomy (fash-ee-OT-oh-me)
- FASCI/o Fascia
- -otomy cutting or surgical incision
- cutting or surgical incision of the fascia
- Narrow band of fibrous connective tissue
- attaches a muscle to bone
- dont confuse tendons and ligaments
- ligaments attach bone to bone
10Combining Forms for Tendons
- Tenolysis
- TEN/o tendon
- -lysis set free
- Tendotomy
- TEND/o Tendon
- -otomy cutting or surgical repair
- Cutting or surgical repair of a tendon.
- Tendinitis
- TENDIN/o Tendon
- -itis Inflammation
- Inflammation of the tendon.
14Aponeurosis (ap-oh-new-ROH-sis)
- Fibrous sheet or expanded tendon
- giving attachment to muscular fibers
- origin or insertion of a flat muscle
15Combining Form APONEUR/o
- Aponeurotome
- APONEUR/o Aponeurosis
- -tome instrument to cut
- Instrument to cut the aponeurosis.
16Types of Muscle Tissue
- 3 Types
- Skeletal Muscle (striated) (voluntary) attach to
the bones makes motion possible - Smooth Muscle(unstriated) (involuntary) moves
internal organs - Cardiac Muscle (myocardium) forms most of the
wall of the heart.
17Kinesiology (kih-nee-see-OL-oh-jee)
- The study of muscular activity and the resulting
movement of body parts. - KINESI/o combining form
- -KINESIS or KINESIA suffix
- Prefix
- None
- Combining Form
- KINESI/o movement
- NEUR/o nerve, nerve tissue
- Suffix
- -osis disease, an abnormal condition
- Prefix
- none
- Combining Form
- HYP/o under, decreased, deficient, below
- Suffix
- -kinesia movement
- Decreased movement.
20Contraction and Relaxation
- Contraction tightening of a muscle, during which
it becomes shorter and thicker. - Relaxation muscle returns to its original form
or shape. - These contrasting action make motion possible.
21Muscle Tone
- Also know as Tonus
- normal state of balanced muscle tension
- present in the body when one is awake
- combining form
- TON/o tone, tension, or stretching
22Range of Motion
- ROM Range of Motion
- describes types of movements made possible by
muscles. - Page 76 Table 4.1
- Know contrasting muscle motions.
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26How Muscles are Named
- Origin and Insertion
- Muscle Origin place where the muscle begins
(originates) - Muscle Insertion place where the muscle ends.
27Example of Origin and Insertion
- Sternocleidomastoid helps flex the neck and
rotate the head. - Stern/o sternum, originates
- Cleid/o collar bone, originates
- mastoid/o mastoid process, inserts
29How Muscles Are Named
- Muscle named for action
- lifting
- flexing
- extending
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31Flexor carpi radialisis and extensor carpi
32How Muscle are Named
- Muscles named for location.
- location on the body
- or the organ they are near
33How Muscles are Named
- Named for fiber direction
- straight (rectus)
- oblique (slanted or angle)
- transverse (crosswise)
- sphincter (ring like)
34- ----------------rectus abdominus
- --------external oblque
- ---------internal obliques
- ----------transverse abdominus
35- -----------Pectoralis major
- -----------External oblique
36How Muscle or Named
- Muscles named for number of division forming
them. - Example
- Biceps Bi- means two
- triceps Tri- means three
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38How Muscles are Named
- Muscles are named because they are shaped like a
familiar object. - Example
- Deltoid muscle (shoulder cap)
- shaped like an inverted triangle or the Greek
letter delta.
40How Muscles are Named
- Muscles are named because of their size.
- Gluteus maximus largest muscle of the buttock
41Pathology Fibers, Fascia, Tendons
42Pathology Muscles
- Adhesion
- Atrophy
- Myalgia
- Myolysis
- Polymyositis
- Myomalacia
- myosclerosis
43Pathology Hernias
- A protrusion of a part or structure through the
tissues normally containing it.
44Pathology Muscle Tone
- Atonic
- Dystonic
- Hypertonic
- Hypotonic
- myotomic
45Pathology Voluntary Muscle Movement
- Ataxia
- Dystaxia
- Contracture
- Intermittent claudication
- Spasm (cramp)
- Spasmotic torticollis
46Pathology Muscle function
- Bradykinesia
- Dyskinesia
- Hyperkinesia (hyperactivity)
- Hypokinesis
- Tardive dyskinesia
47Pathology Myoclonus
- Myoclones
- Singultus
- Myasthemia
- Myasthemia gravis (MG)
48Pathology Muscular Dystrophy
- Muscular dystrophy (MD)
- Duchennes MD
- Beckers MD
49Pathology Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)
- Chronic
- Wide spread aching pain
- Tender points
- Fatigue
50Pathology Repetitive Stress Disorders
- Repetitive motions
- Ergonomics
- Overuse injury
51Pathology Myofacial Damage
52Pathology Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Rotator cuff tendinitis
- Impingement syndrome
- Calcium deposits
- Torn tendon
- Carpal tunnel
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Cervical radiculopathy
- Epicondylitis
- Lateral tennis elbow
- Medial golfers elbow
- Plantar fasciitis
54Pathology Sports injuries
- Sprain
- Strain
- Shin splint
- Hamstring injury
- Achilles tendinitis
55Pathology Paralysis
- Myoparesis
- Hemiparesis
- Paralysis
- Paraplegia
- Quadriplegia
56Diagnostic Procedures
- Deep tendon reflex (DTR)
- Electroneuromyography
- Range of motion
57Treatments Medications
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antispasmodic
- Atropine
- Muscle relaxant
58TreatmentsPhysical Therapy
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- Range of motion exercises (ROM)
- Carpal tunnel release
- Tenectomy
- Tenonectomy
- Tenodesis
- Tenoplasty
- Tenorraphy
62Things To Know!
- Page 80 Medical Specialties
- Page 80-85 Pathology of the Muscular System
- Page 85-86 Procedures of the Muscular System