Transitional Fossils - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transitional Fossils


Transitional Fossils Evidence for Evolution Seminar Talline Martins and Heidi Hillhouse 02-14-06 Outline Introduction to transitional fossils Case studies Vascular ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Transitional Fossils

Transitional Fossils
  • Evidence for Evolution Seminar
  • Talline Martins and Heidi Hillhouse
  • 02-14-06

  • Introduction to transitional fossils
  • Case studies
  • Vascular plant evolution
  • Tetrapod evolution
  • Limitations
  • Arguments against transitional fossils

Defining the issue
  • A transitional fossil may be defined as a fossil
    which exhibits traits common to both ancestral
    and derived groups. This is especially important
    when groups are sharply differentiated. (Freeman
    and Herron 2001)

Defining the issue
  • A transitional fossil may be defined as a fossil
    which exhibits traits common to both ancestral
    and derived groups. This is especially important
    when groups are sharply differentiated. (Freeman
    and Herron 2001)
  • Transitional fossils are often used to test
    theories of species development. These theories
    include broad shifts in habitat use (aquatic to
    terrestrial organisms) or shifts in physical
    characteristics within a species or group of
    species (development of hard shells in

Dinosauria cladogram
Examples of Transitional Fossils
  • Cooksonia- emergence of vascular tissue in plants
  • Kalbarria brimmellae-transition from myriapods to
  • Ichthyostega- emergence of legs
  • Archaeopteryx- early evolution of birds
  • Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Indocetus, Protocetus-
    land to water transition (whale)

Many fossils that bridge major transitional gaps
have been found
Case study
  • Evolution of vascular plants

Land plant evolution
  • Raven (1977) predicted that adaptations should
    have arisen in a specific order
  • Alternation of generations, dispersal of spores
    by erect sporophyte
  • Cuticle
  • Xylem, later reinforced by lignin
  • Intercellular gas spaces and epidermal pores
  • Stomata with guard cells
  • (as reported in Thomas 1984)

Land plant evolution
  • Spore development
  • Combination of decay resistant spore walls
    (suggesting the presence of sporopollenin) and
    tetrahedral arrangement of spores (from haploid
    meiotic division) is considered diagnostic for
    land plants
  • Spore fossils suggest the presence of land plants
    50 million years before the first unequivocal
    land plant megafossils
  • (Kendrick and Crane 1997)

Land plant evolution
  • Xylem development
  • Structure of early land plants was similar to
    that of some green algae, but the addition of
    tracheid-like tubes demonstrates vascular plant
  • Example Differentially thickened walls in
    Cooksonia fossils supports status as early
    vascular plant (Edwards et al. 1992)

Vascular plant evolution
  • Two main branches of vascular plant development
  • Clubmosses
  • All other land plants

Kendrick and Crane 1997
Likely sister groups to land plants
Kenrick and Crane (1997)
Vascular plant evolution
  • Two main branches of vascular plant development
  • Clubmosses
  • All other land plants
  • Transitional fossils exist for both branches
  • For clubmosses Rhyniopsids, including
  • For other land plants Cooksonia (actually
    several species, some more similar to clubmosses)

Cooksonia pertonii apiculispora (Non-clubmoss
vascular plant lineage)
Tortilicaulis offaeus (clubmoss lineage)
Kendrick and Crane 1997
Case study
  • Evolution of Tetrapods

Tetrapod evolution
Backboned animals with four limbs
How did it happen?
  • Paleozoic Era late Devonian-early Carboniferous
    (365-310 mya)
  • Crossopterygians (bony fish)
  • Sarcopterygian fishes (lobe-finned)
  • Coelacanth or lung fishes?
  • Where?
  • Shallow fresh water, tropical Euramerica

Tetrapod evolution
Some structures associated with tetrapod evolution
  • Limbs and digits
  • Ability to move on terrestrial environment
  • Interlocking vertebrae/connecting ribs
  • Provide support on landnecessary due to gravity
  • Ear
  • ability to hear on land
  • Lungs
  • Breathing

Relationships among early tetrapods
Long and Gordon. 2004. Physiological and
Biochemical Zoology (77).
Acanthostega (360 mya)
Found in 1952, eastern Greenland
  • Limbs no ankles, paddle-like, 8 digits!
  • Skeleton ribs too short to support weight out of
    the water
  • Lungs present, internal gills

First fossil evidence that feet did not evolve
for walking!
Ahlberg et al. (2005) Nature
Ichthyostega (363 mya)
Found in 1955, eastern Greenland
  • Limbs strong enough to support itself, hind
    limbs were flipper-like, 7 digits!
  • Skeleton able to support organs out of water,
    but no lateral movement
  • Lungs present/gills

First fossil evidence for non-aquatic limb use!
Ahlberg et al. (2005) Nature
Pederpes (354-344 mya)
Found in 1971, but only described in 2002,
western Scotland
  • Limbs forward-facing hind feet,
    non-paddle-like, 5 digits!
  • Skeleton resembles that of Ichthyostega
  • Lungs present/gills

First fossil evidence for terrestrial locomotion!
Clack (2002) Nature
Limitations of transitional fossils
  • Some organisms dont fossilize well terrestrial
    animals, invertebrates
  • Some strata do not produce many fossils
  • Fossils are hard to find!

Arguments against transitional fossils as
evidence for evolution
  • Some arguments can be dealt with logically
  • Transitional fossils are missing
  • Response Only popular transitional fossils have
    gotten press (whale, Archaeopteryx). Others are
    not seen often beyond primary literature.
  • Punctuated equilibrium is often misunderstood
    with scientists agreeing with the lack of
    transitional forms
  • Response Need to educate the public about
    punctuated equilibrium

Arguments against transitional fossils as
evidence for evolution
  • Some arguments can be dealt with logically
  • Transitional fossils are missing
  • Response Only popular transitional fossils have
    gotten press (whale, Archaeopteryx). Others are
    not seen often beyond primary literature.
  • Punctuated equilibrium is often misunderstood
    with scientists agreeing with the lack of
    transitional forms
  • Response Need to educate the public about
    punctuated equilibrium

Arguments against transitional fossils as
evidence for evolution
  • Reconstructions are based often on incomplete

Ahlberg et al. (2005) Nature
Arguments against transitional fossils as
evidence for evolution
  • Some arguments are dead ends
  • The earth isnt really that old, therefore any
    dating arguments are obviously invalid
  • Fossils were placed by the devil to lure us away
    from proper faith.

Arguments against transitional fossils as
evidence for evolution
  • Some arguments are dead ends
  • The earth isnt really that old, therefore any
    dating arguments are obviously invalid
  • Fossils were placed by the devil to lure us away
    from proper faith.

Simpson tree of life
  • Freeman and Herron 2001. Evolutionary analysis
    2nd edition. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
  • Kenrick, P. and P. Crane, 1997. The origin and
    early evolution of plants on land. Nature. 389
  • Raven, J. A. 1977. The evolution of vascular
    land plants in relation to supracellular
    transport processes. Pp. 153-219. In Woodhouse,
    H. W., ed. Advances in Botanical Research 5.
    Academic Press New York.
  • Simpson based Tree of Life gi.cebitec.uni-bielefel
  • Thomas, R. D. K. 1984. When and How did plants
    and animals take to the land? Paleobiology 10(1)
  • The Virtual Fossil Museum http//www.fossilmuseum.

References (cont.)
  • Ahlberg, P. E. and Milner, A. R. 1994. The origin
    and early diversification of tetrapods. Nature
    368 507-514.
  • Ahlberg, P. E., Clack, J. A., and Blom, H. 2005.
    The axial skeleton of the Devonian tetrapod
    Ichthyostega. Nature 437137-140.
  • Clack, J. A. 2002. An early tetrapod from
    Romers Gap. Nature 41872-76.
  • Clack, J. A. et al. 2003. A uniquely specialized
    ear in a very early tetrapod. Nature 42565-69.
  • Coates, M. I. And Clack, J. A. 1991. Fish-like
    gills and breathing in the earliest known
    tetrapod. Nature 352234-236.
  • Long, J.A. and Gordon, M. S. 2004. The greatest
    step in vertebrate history a paleobiological
    review of the fish-tetrapod transition.
    Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
A mechanical support/environment/structures
B probable locomotion
C respiratory structures
D water balance/osmoregulation
E sensory systems cutaneous/visual
F probable prey-capture and feeding mechanisms
G probable mode of reproduction
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