Title: Living Hope International Ministry, Inc
1Rev. Caretha Brown left a career with the Federal
Government to fulfill her vision. In 1978,
Caretha began visiting and counseling women in
jail through Good News Chaplaincy, she became the
womens liaison. She was possibly the 1st woman
to act, unofficially, as a Chaplain in Orange
County Jail. Caretha continued to dream about a
vision God had given her. She gathered
information and put ideals on paper. Caretha knew
there was a great need for a residential Faith
based treatment facility for women in Orlando
In 1985, after making phone calls and talking
with various people, a door opened. In a few
months she Incorporated Living Hope Ministry, and
began preparing for her first resident. Having
Faith pays, God saw her good works and provisions
were provided. New Beginnings Residential Home
was the 1st Faith based recovery center in
Orlando for women leaving jail or prison. Over
the past 22 years New Beginnings has assisted
over 25000 men and women, over 800 of the women
were residents of New Beginnings home, sixty
percent regained their lives. Today Living Hope
Ministry offers 7 services New Beginnings
Residential Home Incarcerated
Education New Beginnings
Community Outreach Community Workshops and
Seminars Community Support Groups Good
Samaritan Fund Children of Hope
2Living Hope International Ministry, Inc.
- New Beginnings Home
- New Beginnings Outreach
- Incarcerated Education
- Children of Hope
3Living Hope is making a positive impact in the
lives of Central Florida Women, Wives and
4Did You Know? (According to prisons and jail
Inmates at midyear 2006)
- Female Prisoners increased by 4.8
- The number of adult females in local jails grew
at a faster rate (4.9) than the number of adult
males (2.2)
- From 2000 to 2006 the number of adult females in
local jails increased by 40
- One in three women is incarcerated on a drug
- About one half of women in state prison had used
alcohol, drugs, or both at the time of offense
- Fifty seven percent of women in state prisons
reported that they were Physically or Sexually
assaulted at some point in their lives.
5Living Hope is helping Central Floridas
Incarcerated Men, Husbands and Fathers find
their way
6Did You Know? (According to prisons and jail
Inmates at midyear 2006)
- Orange County Florida ranks number 17 among the
50 largest US local jail jurisdictions With an
average daily population of 4500, Capacity is
- The number of inmates in the custody of State and
Federal prisons and local jails increased by
2.8between 2005 and 2006 to reach 2,245,189
- Four Jurisdictions accounted for 52 of the
increase The Federal Bureau of Prisons,
California, Texas and FLORIDA
7According to the Heart of Florida United Way 2008
community impact survey The top 5 concerns
among people living in Central Florida
- Crime and unsafe neighborhoods
- Youth violence
- Affordable healthcare
- Drug and alcohol abuse
- 5. Jobs paying a living wage
8Living Hope International Ministry, Inc
- Releasing Men and Women from lives of dysfunction
and repeated incarceration
9Incarcerated Education
- In 2007 we provided classes for over 5000
incarcerated men and women
10Incarcerated Education
In Cooperation with the Florida Department of
Pilot Seminole County, November 2007
11Implementing Florida Ready to Work
- Why
- Community Impact
- Opportunity to obtain jobs at a living wage
- Reduce Recidivism
- How
- Paper Pencil
- Marketing
- National Intuitive
- SCANS - Secretaries Commission on Achieving
Necessary Skills - EFF Standards -Equip For the Future
12Mission, Goal and Objective
- OUR MISSION is to provide comprehensive services
to women 18 and older, giving them the
opportunity in a homelike, secure environment,
the ability to recover from chemical dependency,
abuse and a dysfunctional life style - OUR GOAL is to enable the woman who is often an
ex-offender, chemically dependent, battered and
abused to change her life style toward more
stability. - OUR OBJECTIVE is to decrease the recidivism
rate, and to break the generational pattern of
family dysfunction
13Florida Ready to WorkIncarcerated
- November 2007 (Between Nov. and Feb. No
activity) - To Date 241 Assessments Seminole, Orange and
Osceola Counties - Received 92 Scores
- Level 3 18 (20)
- Level 4 40 (43)
- Level 5 6 (6)
- 31 did not earn a certificate
- Many inmates assessed at level 7 in specific
skills areas.
14Graduation Ceremony
- Work Release Osceola County
15Inmate Impact
- Motivational
- Identify Wasted Potential
- Self Worth
- Possibility
- Competitive
16We are making an impact in the lives of Women
17Fathers can provide for their Children!
18Paving the Way