Title: Victoria Education Center
1Victoria Education Center
Welcome To
- Positive Effective Behavior Plan
- 2007-08
- Victoria Education Center has devised a School
Code which clearly delineates student behavioral
expectations. VEC provides a clear description
of what will be viewed as acceptable and / or
unacceptable behavior as well as the consequences
of both. In this way, students will be better
able to adjust or modify their behavior, if
necessary, in order to enjoy a positive
experience here at Victoria Education Center.
- Victoria Education Center recognizes that in
order to promote, establish, and maintain a quest
for knowledge and a desire to learn, the school
must make every effort to provide an atmosphere
which allows each and every student, regardless
of race, creed, gender or ethnic diversity to
function without fear of prejudice and with the
assurance that their efforts will be evaluated in
a fair and equitable manner. VEC also
acknowledges that the curriculum must be
presented in such a fashion as to provide each
student with an opportunity to succeed within the
limits of his/her capabilities. Each student
must be encouraged and challenged to excel.
- The general aim of public education at Victoria
Education Center is to provide a school
environment that will enable students to think
clearly, to communicate effectively, to make
sound judgments, and to discriminate among
values. The schools mandate is to help all
students to acquire knowledge, understanding and
skills that will enable them to achieve their
full potential. The programs, activities and
experiences offered to students have been
developed to further the general aim of the
5Goals and Objectives
- To decrease suspensions by 20
- To decrease office referrals by 25
- To increase attendance by 25
6 VEC PEBS Committee Worksheet 2007-08
- Victoria Education Center
- _________________
- Committee is representative
- of the school faculty and
- includes an administrator.
7Viking Code of Conduct
- Readiness
- Responsibility
- Respect
8Viking Code of Conduct
9Staff Training
- PEBS Committee gives initial overview
presentation. - Teachers are encouraged to share information
throughout the year.
10Sharing PEBS Information With Staff
- Staff meetings
- Newsletters
- E-mails
- Memos
- PEBS bulletin in Staff Room
11School Wide Incentives for Encouraging Positive
- Viking of the Month
- I Noticed
- Posters throughout school
- Display of winners on V-Board
- Regular announcements of winners
- V-Bucks
- Awarded by teachers to students who exemplify the
Viking Code of Conduct on a daily basis in all
areas of the school. - Awarded to encourage and reinforce positive
behaviors among our students. - Teachers can award V-Bucks to students whether
they teach them or not. - V-buck
13V-Buck Collection
- Students will earn Viking bucks (V-Bucks) for
displaying appropriate positive behavior - 3 V-Bucks 1 treat at the school canteen
- 5 V-Bucks 1 cafeteria lunch
- 10 V-Bucks Choice of Student incentives (from
14Incentives for Students
- Homework Passes
- Ice Cream Passes
- Canteen/Cafeteria vouchers
- McDonalds coupons
- Sporting Event Passes
- Tim Hortons Coupons
- Dance Pass
- Movie Passes
- Wal-Mart gift certifications
15Teacher Incentives
- Teachers participating and encouraging the PEBS
plan will earn incentives. - Each month teachers that participate in the
V-Bucks incentive program will have their name
entered in a draw for gift certificates to
various local restaurants and shops.
16Sample Behavioral Expectation Matrix
17How We Teach Rules and Procedures
- Lesson Plans
- Opportunities for practice
- Active monitoring of rule following behavior
- Staff Development
- Public service announcements over the PA
- Posting rules prominently in building
- Viking Code of Conduct Home Page on all computers
18Primary Prevention/School Wide Prevention Programs
- Responsive Classroom
- Peer Mediation
- Conflict resolution/anger management
- Peaceful Schools
- Dont Laugh At Me
19Green zone 0 1, yellow zone 2 5, red zone 6
office referrals
Tertiary Prevention Specialized
Individualized Systems for Students with
High-Risk Behavior
Secondary Prevention Specialized Group Systems
for Students with At-Risk Behavior
Primary Prevention School-/Classroom- Wide
Systems for All Students, Staff, Settings
80 of Students
20Secondary Intervention Plan
- If is expected that minor misbehavior will be
dealt with by the classroom teacher. However, if
and when a more serious inappropriate behavior
occurs, such matters will be dealt with by the
school administration. Some consequences and/ or
strategies which may be employed include the
following - Send student to office to meet with
administration - Administration calls home parent, teacher,
student and administration. Consultation and
possible referral to counseling services. - Group Counseling (anger management group with
guidance, small group with outside services, peer
counseling) - Consequences may include loss of privilege,
detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school
suspension, up to and including expulsion. - Referral to behavior support team.
- Check In/Check Out/HUG Program.
21Tertiary Intervention Plan
- The Behavior Support Team will conduct a
Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and develop
a Positive Behavior Support Plan.
22PEBS Celebrations
- Friday Popular Music played between classes.
- Mid-Year Afternoon devoted to a spirit
activity. - School End One afternoon will be put aside for
fun activities in and outside school community.
23Plan for Support Monitoring
- Submit PEBS plan to
- Superintendent of Schools
- PEBS Team members
- Coordinator of Student Services
- PEBS will meet first Tuesday of each month
- Continuous training for team leaders and others
will be provided throughout the school year.