Title: IM 313 Work study
2No Problems?..?
3(No Transcript)
4No Problems!
Any Improvement?..?
5Make Improvement
(Make it Better)
Problem Solving Problem Definition
In search of Opportunity
6In search of Problem
Problem Actual - Expected
Status Quo
Problem Awareness Problem Discovery Techniques
MURI Irrationality ?????????????????? .. MURA
Inconsistency ??????????????? MUDA Waste
73-MU Checklist
- Manpower
- Technique
- Method
- Time
- Facilities
- Jigs Tools
Materials Production Volume Inventory Place Way
of Thinking
8Muda 7 Wastes
- Over Production
- Excess Inventory
- Transportation
- Defect / Rework
Ineffective Process Delay / Idle Unnecessary
9- Selecting the Theme
- Establishing Goals
- Determining a Time Frame
- Defining Roles Responsibility
- Data oriented (Performance / Behavior)
- Observable
- Measurable
- Describe the gap
Problem Statement
10Problem Solving Process
0. Define the problem 1. Collect data 2.
Analyze the data 3. Generate alternatives 4.
Evaluate the alternatives 5. Develop an action
plan 6. Implement 7. Follow up
11Problem Solving Techniques
- Brain Storming
- 5W 1H Questions
- 7 QC Tools
- 7 New QC Tools
- Other Thinking Methods
- (Kepner-Tregoe method, Six hats,)
12Gossip with the Discipline
- Never criticize any opinion
- State your own opinion freely
- Expand others ideas Capitalize on it
- Evaluate ideas quantitatively (DARE method, Rank
method, etc.) - Dont take more than 1 hr.
13DARE Method
To determine the degree of importance for
each factors Procedure 1. Compare each pair
of factors in overlapping fashion 2. At every
pairs, assign points to each factor for
differences in degree of its importance 3.
Calculate the coefficient of importance for each
14Evaluation of Importance of factors DARE Method
155W 1H Questions
What is done? Who does the work? Where is the
work done? When is the work done? How is the
work done?
16 QC Circle Small Group Activities
TPM Group
7 QC tools
- Pareto and 80/20 rules
- Causes and effect diagram
- Histogram
- Check-sheet techniques
- Control Charts
- Graphic presentation of data Pie, Bar, Line,
Radar, etc. - Correlation analysis Scatter plot
177 QC tools
- Most are Numeric data, except
- Developed in 1950s
- Relatively simple and well established
- Analytic approach
7 New QC tools
- Verbal data, Unstructured
- Developed in 1980s
- Design approach
187 New QC tools
- Affinity Diagram
- Relations Diagram
- Tree Diagram
- Matrix Diagram
- Arrow Diagram
- Process Decision Program Chart
- Matrix Data Analysis
19Typical Applications of New 7 tools
- RD (new product, new technology)
- Claim Analysis
- Productivity Improvement
- Improvement of Analytical and diagnostic skills
- Production Scheduling
- Policy Deployment
Introduction of Automation Analysis of Market
Information Sales Management etc...
20Search for Possible Solutions
Intrinsic knowledge
The Elimination Approacheliminate the basic
causes Systematic Logic New knowledge /
- my own work
- people oriented
- low costs
- shared information
- an Accumulation of Small Changes
- Continuous Improvement
management-drive few champions investment technolo
gy oriented closed information non-incremental dra
matic outcome Big Changes
22Evaluation of Alternatives
May be not only one correct answer Consider
future difficulties Actually could be performed?
-- try out, lab test, pilot project Capital
concerns Politics..??
80/20 Deming
23Recommend the actions
Top-Down Authorized Group Specialists Bottom-Up
RINGI Approach Participative Empowered /
Autonomous Group (Individual)
Standardization Get Approval Presentation Report
Write Up
24Implementation Follow Up
- Record Share Learning
- QC Presentation
- Company Database
Remaining Rooms for Improvement Set
(new) standard Verify the results
Implementation Develop an action plan
Select problem Analysis
PDCA Cycle Shewhart Cycle Deming Wheel
26What makes Problem Solving Difficult?
Objectives / Values Fact / Problem
Understanding Tools / Techniques
Prof. Takeshi KAWASE Keio University, Japan
27This is a story about 4 people Everybody,
Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.
- There was an important job to be done and
Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure
Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it,
but Nobody did it. - Somebody got angry about that because its was
Everybodys job. Everybody thought Anybody could
do it. But Nobody realized that Everybody
wouldnt do it. - It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when
actually Nobody asked Anybody.
28(No Transcript)