Title: Ocean Water Chemistry
1Ocean Water Chemistry
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3Figure 4.17a
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6Distribution of Earths Water
- Oceans 97.2
- Ice Caps and Glaciers 2.15
- Atmosphere 0.001
- Rivers and Lakes 0.009
- Inland Seas 0.008
- Groundwater 0.625
7Ocean Water is SALTY
- Salinity Total amount of dissolved solids
- Units o/oo 1/1000
- Range 33 37 o/oo
- Increase in salinity
- Increase in Density
- Decrease in Freezing Point
- Decrease in Vapor Pressure
- Increase in Osmotic Pressure
8Origin of Salts in Oceans
- Rivers (largest transport of chemicals to ocean)
- Rain CO2 ? H2CO3
- Si, Al, Na, K, Mg
- Volcanoes
- Cl, S, CO2
- Dust / Rain
- Fe, Si
- Anthropogenic
- CO2, P
9Example Geochemical Cycle
Concept of Steady State
10Example 2 Geochemical Cycle
11Residence Time(T Ocean amount/Output rate)
- Concentration of elements in seawater is
determined by their removal rate - Conservative elements
- Major Elements Cl, Na, SO4, Mg, Ca, K
- Minor Elements Br, Sr, B, C, F
- Non Conservative Elements
- Nutrients N, P, Si
- Dissolved gases O2, CO2, N2
- Trace Elements Fe, Al, Mn
- Organic Compounds
12Residence Time - Concentration
- Element Res. Time (yrs)
- Na 60 000 000
- Cl 80 000 000
- Mg 10 000 000
- K 6 000 000
- SO4 9 000 000
- Ca 1 000 000
- Mn 7 000
- Fe 100
- Concentration
- Crust () Ocean (mg/l)
- 2.4 10 770
- 0.013 19 500
- 2.3 1 290
- 2.1 380
- 0.026 905
- 4.1 412
- 0.5 0.0002
- 2.4 0.002
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14Dissolved Gases
Gas Solubility Decreases with Temp. and
Salinity Increases with Pressure
15Gases in Atmosphere Oceans
Percent Gas Phase by Volume Percent Gas Phase by Volume Percent Gas Phase by Volume
Gas Atmosphere Surface Ocean Total Ocean
N2 79 48 11
O2 21 36 6
CO2 0.04 15 83
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17Seawater pH
- Pure water pH 7
- Seawater pH 7.5 8.1
- Seawater is very well buffered!
- CO2(gas)H2O??H2CO3??HHCO3??2HCO32
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21H2O Universal Polar Solvent
22H20 Temperature and Density
23H2O Frozen Liquid density
24H2O Heat Capacity
- Heat Capacity heat needed to change the
temperature of a substance - Water has higher heat capacity than
- All solids
- All liquids, except liquid ammonia
- Latent heat of Vaporization heat needed to
evaporate a liquid - Water has the highest of all substances
25Seawater Temperature and Density
26Seawater Temperature and salinity
27Seawater Ice Formation
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29Electromagnetic wave penetration
30Open water(low productivity)
31Coastal and Estuarine waters (high productivity)
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33Nuclear Missile Submarine
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37How do we measure light penetration?
38Water Refraction
Eschrichtius robustus
39Sound Velocity
- Influenced by Salinity, Temperature and Pressure
- Increases with Salinity
- Increases with Temperature
- Increases with Pressure
- Concept of Midwater Sound Channel
- Study in Detail Fig 5-19!
40Sound Channel
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42Humpback WhalesMegaptera novaeangliae
43Gray Whale Sonar Proposal
44Gray Whale Migration
45Acoustic Pollution
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