Title: Fortifications of War:
1From Castle to Castle
- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Anne Parikka Project Co-ordinator for Olavinlinna
and Häme Castles Finnish National Board of
2- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
In the beginning ? military and/or prison use
? restricted and difficult to approach and
? security and prosperity to local region but
also a threat of attack increased ? strain
on local population in form of taxation, work
obligations etc
3- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
The situation the early and mid 20th century till
today abandoned castles without proper use
physical condition of castles and
The challenge of yesterday ? a fresh new start
but to what direction?
4- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
The situation today local, regional and
national monuments tourist attraction sights
5- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Challenges of today ? to achieve nation wide
recognition of importance and value not only on
emotional but also on economical level ? the
restoration work done years ago
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- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
The castles and challenges of tomorrow
visitors want more than just a guided tour ?
experiences of history through interpretation
7- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
physical condition of castles and
fortifications ? earlier restoration work and
maintenance work ? funding ? accessibility
(physical informative)
8- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
need for wider networking and co-operation ?
local, regional, national and international ?
benefits for both museums and tourists
9- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Identifying the challenges of tomorrow already
needs of special groups, maintenance
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- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
boards, signs, exhibitions, needs of special
groups, research, database!
11- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
INTERPRETATION SOCIETY ? theme tours based on
historical facts ? special ready-made tour
packages for different groups and occasions
12- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Troubleshooting the challenges of future
identifying own strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (SWOT) ? vision and
strategy for future possible only through
sense of both history and present-day need for
networking inside and across national borders ?
sharing knowledge and experiences ?
co-operation exhibitions, advertising etc ?
joint funding applications, e.g. EU and CBC
new technology ? sharing knowledge between not
only professionals, but with public as well
13- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Case 1 regional and national networking
partners castles and museums, local councils,
companies, schools
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- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
exhibitions Hero or Villain? exhibition in
Turku castle ? The Good, the Bad and the
Tough exhibition in Häme castle
happenings ? The Epiphany of Three Castles ?
The Europe Day ? Special Feast and Market Days
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- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Case 2 Häme castle and Skokloster castle
co-operation across national borders ? castle
to castle
16- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
different levels of co-operation ? visits ?
exhibitions ? e.g. Linen from Skokloster
Castle ? sharing ideas, items, experiences and
17- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Case 3 From Castle to Castle Finnish and
Russian joint project and network
18- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
many objectives ? publications such as guides
and academic books ? theme happenings and
seminars ? productization of theme guided tours,
services etc ? economical boost, both local and
regional ?? fortifications of war to accessible
tourist attractions that symbolize peace and
cultural heritage
19- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Case 4 Association of Castles and Museums
around the Baltic Sea members from all nine
Baltic Sea region countries established in 1991
20- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
The association aims to both promote cooperation
and increase understanding of cultural heritage
between Baltic Sea region castles and museums ?
network for teaching and learning amongst
colleagues of member castles and museums the
six pillars of the association
21- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
22- Fortifications of War
- Accessible Tourist Attractions of Peace
Aciu Kiitos Thank you
anne.parikka_at_nba.fi www.nba.fi