World War I 1914-1918 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War I 1914-1918


World War I 1914-1918 It was – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: boat | sank | war | world


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War I 1914-1918

World War I1914-1918
  • It was "The War To End All Wars,"- a senseless
    slaughter that set the stage for the bloodiest
    century in human history.

The Great War
I. Setting the Stage

An Uneasy Peace
  • At the turn of the 20th Century, the nations of
    Europe had been at peace with one another for
    nearly 30 years.
  • However, below the surface, several forces were
    at work that would help propel Europe into war.

Long-Term Causes of WWI
  • 1. Nationalism, or a deep devotion to ones
  • Nationalism can serve as a unifying force within
    a country. However, it can also cause intense
    competition between nations, with each seeking to
    overpower the other.
  • What kinds of things can nations compete over?

Long-Term Causes of WWI
  • 2. Imperialism, or larger nations controlling
    weaker nations and territories.
  • The nations of Europe competed fiercely for
    colonies in Asia and Africa which sometimes
    pushed them to the brink of war.

Long-Term Causes of WWI
  • 3. Militarism, the the development of armed
    forces and their use as a tool for diplomacy.
  • The nations of Europe believed that to be truly
    great, they needed to have a powerful military.

Long-Term Causes of WWI
  • 4. Alliance System, treaties of countries to
    support one another in case of attack.
  • The Triple Alliance joined Germany, Italy and
  • In turn, Britain, France, and Russia join the
    Triple Entente.
  • A dispute between two rival powers could draw the
    entire continent into war.

An Assassination Leads to War
  • Nowhere was that dispute more likely to occur
    than on the Balkan Peninsula.
  • This mountain peninsula in the southeastern
    corner of Europe was home to an assortment of
    ethnic groups.
  • With a long history of nationalist uprisings and
    ethnic clashes, the Balkans were known as the
    powder keg of Europe.

An Assassination Leads to War
  • On June 28, 1914, the heir to the Austrian
    throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was
    assassinated by a Serbian rebel.
  • Austria-Hungary declared what it expected to be a
    bright, brisk little war against Serbia.

An Assassination Leads to War
  • A war between Austria and Serbia meant a war
    between Austria and Russia, Serbia's traditional
  • That meant war between Russia and Germany.
  • And that meant war between Germany and France.
  • And that meant war between Germany and Great
  • In a flash, the whole continent was at war.

II. War Consumes Europe
The Schlieffen Plan
  • Germany quickly put its military plan into
  • Under the Schlieffen Plan, a large part of the
    German army would race west, to defeat France,
    and then fight Russia in the east.
  • The German army would avoid Frances line
    fortifications by sweeping west through neutral
    Belgium and then turning in a huge arc south into
    France. The French army would be destroyed
    defending Paris.

Europeans Take Sides
  • By mid-August 1914, the battle lines were clearly
  • Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary,
    Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire
  • Allies Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan,
    and Italy.

Europeans Take Sides
Europeans Take Sides
  • In the late summer of 1914, millions of soldiers
    marched happily off to battle, convinced that the
    war would be short.

A Bloody Stalemate
  • German plans for the Western Front soon began
  • As the German right flank drove deeper, it
    separated from the rest of the invading force.
  • Recognizing their vulnerability, the Germans
    pulled up twenty-five miles short of Paris.
  • Now, it was Frances chance to attack.
  • What followed was the Battle of the Marne where
    the German advance was stopped.

A Bloody Stalemate
  • As a result of the Battle of Marne, Germanys
    lightning-quick strike instead turned into a long
    and bloody stalemate along the battlefields of
  • The deadlocked region in northern France became
    known as the Western Front.
  • A quick victory in the west no longer seemed
    possible for Germany.
  • They were going to have to fight a long war on
    two fronts.

War in the Trenches
  • When the German advance was stopped, two lines of
    deep trenches zigzagged from the English Channel
    to Switzerland.
  • Trenches were rat-infested, muddy, and filled
    with shell craters and barbed-wire.
  • Armies traded huge losses for pitifully small
    land gains.

War in the Trenches
  • The space between the opposing trenches won the
    grim name of, no mans land.
  • When officers ordered an attack, the men went
    over the top of their trenches.
  • They were usually met with murderous rounds of
    machine gun fire.
  • Artillery fire and poison gas brought death right
    into the trenches.

New Weapons of War
  • Machine Guns
  • Firepower increased from several rounds per
    minute to 600 rounds per minute.
  • Because the gun could wipe out waves of attackers
    and make it difficult for forces to advance, it
    helped create a stalemate.

New Weapons of War
  • Tanks
  • First developed by the British were used to clear
    a path through barbed wire for the infantry.
  • The first tanks were slow and clumsy. The tanks
    top speed was 4 mph.

New Weapons of War
  • Poison Gas
  • Introduced by the Germans, the greenish-yellow
    fog of chlorine blinded and caused death by
  • Soldiers wore gas masks to protect themselves.

New Weapons of War
  • Airplanes
  • Originally, planes were used for taking
    photographs of enemy lines.
  • Soon, both sides used them to drop bombs.
  • Guns soon were attached to the planes, and pilots
    fought each other in the air.

New Weapons of War
  • Submarines
  • German submarines, known as U-boats, eventually
    waged unrestricted warfare on Allied ships.
  • The U-boats primary weapon was the torpedo, a
    self-propelled underwater missile.

New Weapons of War
  • New tools of war had not delivered the
    fast-moving war many had expected.
  • All this new technology did was kill huge numbers
    of people more effectively.
  • In February 1916, the Germans launched a massive
    attack against the French near Verdun. Each side
    lost more than 300,000 men.
  • In July of 1916, the British army attached the
    Germans in Verdun. On the first day more than
    20,000 British soldiers were killed.
  • By the time the battle ended, each side had
    suffered over half a million casualties.

The Eastern Front
  • Even as the war on the Western Front claimed
    thousands of lives, both sides were sending
    millions more men to fight on the Eastern Front,
    along the German and Russian border.
  • Without modern technology, the Russian army was
    barely able to hang on.

The Eastern Front
  • By 1916, Russias war effort was near collapse.
  • They had yet to become industrialized, so they
    were continually short on food, guns, ammunition,
    clothes, boots, and blankets.
  • The Russian army did have one asset its
    numbers. Throughout the war, Russia suffered
    enormous battlefield losses.

III. War Affects the World
The World at War
  • By early 1915, it was apparent to all the warring
    nations that swift victory had eluded them.
  • As war on both European fronts promised to be a
    grim, drawn-out affair, all the Great Powers
    looked for new allies to tip the balance.
  • They also sought new war fronts on which to
    achieve victory.

The World at War
The U. S. Role
  • At first, the U.S. was neutral, selling goods to
    both the Allies and the Central Powers.
  • Then, on May 7, 1915, the British liner,
    Lusitania is sunk by a German U-boat, killing
    1,198 people, including 128 Americans.

The U. S. Role
  • By 1917, failed crops and a British naval
    blockade, caused severe food shortages in Germany
  • They were desperate to strike back.
  • The Germans announced that their submarines would
    sink without warning any ship in the waters
    around Britain, a policy called unrestricted
    submarine warfare.
  • Ignoring warnings by U.S. President Woodrow
    Wilson, German U-boats sank three American ships.

The U. S. Role
  • In February 1917, a German telegram, known as the
    Zimmerman note, was intercepted which suggested
    an alliance between Germany and Mexico.
  • It said if war with the U.S. broke out, Germany
    would support Mexico in recovering its lost
    territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
  • On April 2, 1917 President Woodrow Wilson asked
    Congress to declare war.

The U. S. Role
  • Only about 200,000 men were in service at that
  • American officers had little combat experience.
  • Almost all of the armys weapons were outdated.
  • The Selective Service Act passed in May 1917
    drafted 3 million men chosen by lottery.

War Affects the Home Front
  • World War I soon became a total war, the
    countries devoted all their resources to the war
  • In Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, and
    France, the entire force of government was
    dedicated to winning the conflict.

War Affects the Home Front
  • In each country, the wartime government took
    control of the economy.
  • Governments told factories what to produce and
    how much.
  • Nearly every able-bodied civilian was put to work.

War Affects the Home Front
  • So many goods were in short-supply that
    governments turned to rationing.
  • Rationing is a system where people can only buy
    small amounts of goods, such as butter and shoes.

War Affects the Home Front
  • Governments also censored news about the war.
  • Many leaders feared that honest reporting of the
    war would turn people against it.
  • Governments also used propaganda one sided
    information designed to persuade support for the

The Wars Impact on Women
  • Thousands of women replaced men in factories,
    offices, and shops.
  • Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields,
    paved streets, and ran hospitals.
  • Although most women left the work force when the
    war ended, they changed many peoples views of
    what women were capable of doing.

IV. A Flawed Peace
The War Ends
  • Although there were no Allied forces on German
    soil or no decisive battle that had been fought,
    the German war machine and economy were too
    exhausted to continue.
  • So on Nov. 11, 1918, the two sides signed an
    armistice, an agreement to stop fighting.

The War Ends
The Treaty of Versailles
  • On January 18, 1919, a conference to establish
    the terms of peace began at the Palace of
    Versailles, outside Paris.
  • Delegates from 32 countries attended the talks.

The Treaty of Versailles
  • U.S. Pres. Wilson presented a plan for peace
    known as the Fourteen Points.
  • The plan called for liberty and
    self-determination for all.
  • The Allies rejected his plan.

The Treaty of Versailles
  • Britain and France were more concerned with
    national security.
  • They wanted to strip Germany of its war-making
  • They also wanted Germany to pay for the suffering
    the war had caused.

The Treaty of Versailles
  • The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28,
    1919, called for the following
  • A League of Nations whose goal would be to keep
    peace among nations.

The Treaty of Versailles
  • The establishment of new nations including
    Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia.
  • New territories for Britain and France in the
    Middle East.

The Treaty of Versailles
  • Limited Germanys military and forced them to pay
    reparations in the amount of 33 billion.
  • Forced Germany to acknowledge that it alone was
    responsible for the war.

Results of the Treaty of Versailles
  • In the end, the Treaty of Versailles did little
    to build a lasting peace.
  • The U.S., considered after the war to be the
    dominant nation in the world, rejected the
  • Sowed seeds that led to the 2nd World War.

Results of the Treaty of Versailles
  • The treaty humiliated Germany.
  • Other nations were no less responsible for the
    start of the war.
  • A severe economic depression made it impossible
    for Germany to pay the reparations.
  • The German mark became practically worthless.

Results of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Russia felt ignored.
  • They fought with the allies for three years and
    suffered higher casualties than any other nation.
  • The new government, the U.S.S.R. became
    determined to regain the territory it lost.

The Legacy
  • Both sides paid a tremendous price in terms of
    human life.
  • 8.5 million dead
  • 21 million wounded
  • An entire generation of Europeans were wiped out
    became known as the Lost Generation.
  • In addition, over 300 billion dollars were spent
    fighting the war, a staggering amount for that
  • The Great War shook European society to its
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