Native American Cultures in North America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Native American Cultures in North America


Native American Cultures in North America Georgia Performance Standards SS4H1: The student will describe how early Native American cultures developed in North America. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Native American Cultures in North America

Native American Cultures in North America
Georgia Performance Standards
  • SS4H1 The student will describe how early Native
    American cultures developed in North America.
  • a. Locate where the American Indians
    settled with emphasis on Arctic (Inuit),
    Northwest (Kwakiutl), Plateau (Nez Perce),
    Southwest (Hopi), Plains (Pawnee), and
    Southeastern (Seminole).
  • b. Describe how the American Indians used
    their environment to obtain food, clothing, and
  • SS4G2 The student will describe how physical
    systems affect human systems.
  • a. Explain why each of the Native American
    groups occupied the areas they did, with emphasis
    on why some developed permanent villages and
    others did not.

Essential Question
  • How did the environments of the regions of North
    America impact the choices Native Americans
    (Arctic-Intuit, Northwest-Kwakiutl, Plateau-Nez
    Perce, Southwest-Hopi, Plains-Pawnee, and
    Southeastern-Seminole) made concerning food,
    clothing, and shelter?

People Arrive in the Americas
  • Scientists are not sure how the first humans came
    to North America but there are several theories.
  • A theory is an explanation or belief about how
    things happen or will happen.

  • One theory about how the first humans came to
    North America is that hunters came across a land
    bridge between Asia and North America.

  • During the Ice Age, much of the Earths water was
    frozen in glaciers. In some areas, the ocean
    floor was no longer covered by water. The Bering
    Strait, between Alaska and Asia, became grassland
    and formed a bridge that scientists call Beringia.

  • Humans hunted the animals that lived in the
    Beringia. They followed the animals from Asia,
    across the Beringia, into North America.
  • Movement like this, from one area to another, is
    called MIGRATION.

  • It is believed that migration over Beringia
    stopped about 10,000 years ago. Around that time
    the Ice Age began to end and the glaciers slowly
    melted, filling the oceans with water.
  • Water now covers the land bridge between Asia and
    North America.

  • Another theory is that people traveled by boat
    along the coast or across the oceans.

  • The people who came to North America either by
    way of the land bridge or boat followed the
    migrating animal herds across North and South

Inuit (IN oo it)
  • The Inuit Indians settled near the Arctic, in
    what is now Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. Their
    homeland has a very cold climate where ice and
    snow cover the land for up to nine months each

  • Because of the extreme cold, their were few
    plants to eat so the Inuit hunted seal, whale,
    caribou, and other animals for their food.

  • Since there were few trees in the area, the Inuit
    used other materials to build their homes. They
    cut blocks of hard-packed snow to build their
    shelters, called IGLOOS. They also built shelters
    made of stones, wood, and caribou skins.

Kwakiutl (kwah kee OOT l)
  • The Kwakiutl Indians were a large American Indian
    group in the Pacific Northwest.
  • They built their villages near the coast or
    rivers to make hunting and gathering food easier.
  • Their main sources of food were fish and other
    ocean animals.

  • The Kwakiutl also found many uses for wood. They
    built large homes from cedar trees and then
    decorated them with wooden carvings or paint.

  • Because the Kwakiutl did not farm or herd
    animals, they did not have cotton or wool.
  • Instead, they made clothing from bark. They
    shredded cedar bark to make skirts, aprons, and
    waterproof capes and hats.

  • Kwakiutl villages had houses built facing the
  • Members of the same CLAN lived together in a
    large house. A clan is a group of related
  • Each village also had houses that were built for

  • In the spring, summer, and fall, the Kwakiutl
    left their villages to settle near good fishing
  • During the winter months they returned to their
    villages and lived off the food they had dried,
    and used the time to carve, weave, and hold
    celebrations such as potlatches.

  • Today most Kwakiutl people still live along the
    west coast of Canada.
  • Because fish are plentiful in that region, many
    still earn their living by fishing.
  • Some earn a living by working in the logging
  • The Kwakiutl carry on many of their cultural
    traditions through dance, songs, stories, and
    works of art.

Nez Perce (NEHZ PURS)
  • Lived in the Plateau region between the Cascades
    and Rockies. They traveled on the regions many
    rivers and settled in the valleys.

  • In the Spring they caught salmon in the river
    valleys. During the summer and fall they gathered
    and hunted different plants and berries. During
    the winter they settled in the villages and lived
    on the food they had trapped or gathered earlier
    in the year.

  • The Nez Perce were once one of the largest
    nations of the Plateau region.
  • Today they keep their traditional culture alive
    and work to protect their fishing rights in the

  • The Hopi are among the oldest Indian groups in
    the Southwest. They began living in what is now
    Arizona before 1350.

  • They are one of several groups known as Pueblo
    (PWEH bloh) Indians.
  • Pueblo means town in Spanish.

  • The Hopi lived in an area of dry land.
  • They used irrigation to grow beans, squash, and
    corn (their most important crop).
  • Corn was their main crop. They grew yellow, blue,
    red, white, and purple corn. They grew enough for
    the year and kept it in storage rooms in their

  • The Hopi used the resources available to them to
    make containers to store their water and food.
  • They dug clay and shaped it into large and small
    pots. They were some of the first people to fire
    their pottery with coal to make it strong and

  • Today the Hopi still follow many of their
    cultural traditions. They live in their villages
    in the Southwest and continue to take part in
    dances and ceremonies.
  • They are skilled at making traditional pots,
    weavings, baskets, and silver jewelry.
  • Some Hopi hold jobs in local companies, are
    teachers, or run their own business.

  • The Pawnee lived in the Eastern Plains where
    there was enough rainfall to farm.
  • They live in what is now known as Nebraska and
    parts of Kansas.

  • They settled in permanent villages near rivers
    and built earth lodges.
  • A lodge is made using bark, earth, and grass.
    These homes helped protect the Pawnee from cold
    and stormy weather.

  • Unlike other Plains Indians, the Pawnee had two
    different economies. They farmed for half the
    year and hunted for the rest of the year.
  • In the spring and fall, the Pawnee stayed in
    their villages and raised crops such as corn,
    squash, and beans.
  • In the summer and winter,
  • they hunted buffalo
  • on the Plains.

  • In the 1700s, some of the Creek people moved to

  • They wanted better land for farming and hunting.
    They also wanted to avoid conflict with other
    American Indians.
  • These Creek people became known as the Seminole
  • They built their homes along rivers and streams.
    Each village was made up of about 30 families.
  • They hunted birds and caught fish from the
    rivers. They grew corn, melons, and beans.

  • The Seminole made clothes from fur and woven
  • They traded goods with Spanish colonists in

Essential Question
  • How did the environments of the regions of North
    America impact the choices Native Americans
    (Arctic-Intuit, Northwest-Kwakiutl, Plateau-Nez
    Perce, Southwest-Hopi, Plains-Pawnee, and
    Southeastern-Seminole) made concerning food,
    clothing, and shelter?

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