1Towards the Top Advancing Women in the
- Gender balance in corporate leadership positions
an economic and business imperative - Daniela Bankier,
- Head of Gender Equality, DG Justice
- 29 April 2013, Dublin
- Â
2- Gender balance in corporate leadership
- an economic imperative
- a matter of interest for society
- and not just a "women's issue"
- Progress has been slow and the issue remains a
challenge for all EU Member States
3Women account for just 15.8 of board members
4All men at the top
97 of board chairs are men and just 3
women There are even fewer female CEOs just 2
In October 2012 just 19 out of 582 of the largest
companies in EU Member States had a female
chairperson or president. Only 14 had a female
Source European Commission Database on women and
men in decision-making
5Progress is slow around 0.8 pp. per year between
Figure 1 - Gender balance on corporate boards in
the EU, 2003-2012
6A comprehensive approach to tackle the existing
- - legislation the 40 rule
- - complementary measures
7 Improving gender balance among non-
executive directors of companies listed on stock
exchanges (excluding SMEs)
- Proposal for a Directive (November 2012)
- Binding objective of 40 for non-executive
directors - by 1 January 2020 (or 2018 for public
8Complementary measures
- Support initiatives to combat gender stereotyped
representations of women's and men's roles - Contribute to the creation of a social, economic
and business environment that facilitates equal
opportunities for women and men in leadership - Promote the economic and business case for gender
equality - Support/monitor progress across the EU
9Thank you for your attention!
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