Title: Dr. Mohannad Barakat
1Dr. Mohannad Barakat Has Performed Surgeries With
Great Success
2Dr. Mohannad Barakat has been working in the
field of trauma, orthopaedic and spinal surgery
for many years. His specialities include
emergency medicine, ENT, genera surgery and
cardiothoracic surgery. He has excellent
knowledge of the industry and has given useful
presentations at local, national and
international level.
3He is involved with the teaching and examination
of students, junior and senior doctors at various
stages of their education, allied professionals,
and theatre staff. He has the Oxford Teaching the
Teachers certificate, and is an examiner on the
Miller FRCS (Tr and Orth) course. He is a
reviewer for the British Medical Journal, Journal
of Joint and Bone Surgery and the European
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology.
4He is competent is all aspects of trauma surgery
from simple to the very complex of trauma cases.
These includes all emergency trauma surgery, hip
fractures, long bone fractures, humeral
fractures, all hand fractures, all knee
fractures, ankle fractures, all paediatric
fractures, all adult/paediatric spine
fractures/injuries, including Halo application
and others. In the field of elective surgery, he
is competent in elective procedures with
significant experience particularly in spinal
5He has co-authored several publications covering
important aspects in orthopaedic, trauma and
spinal surgery. Some of the publications include
Multilevel Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Decompression
Mid-term outcome using a modified Hinge osteotomy
technique An early comparison of clinical and
mechanical aspects of hybrid and uncemented hip
resurfacing Bilateral hip reconstruction in
severe whole-body cerebral palsy ten year
follow-up results Leg length and offset
following hip resurfacing and hip replacement and
6Dr. Mohannad Barakat received distinctions in all
years of the University. He is the recipient of
several awards and honours in areas of anatomy,
physiology, biochemistry, pathology, surgery,
anaesthesia and orthopaedics.
7He is a respected member of the community. His
interests include basketball, tennis, golf,
volleyball, football, cycling and travelling. He
also likes to meet new people and learn from them.