Slavery in the United States - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slavery in the United States


... acquired some land in West Africa- Liberia and its capital- Monrovia. Only 15,000 free blacks settled in Liberia between 1822-1865. Abolitionists in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Slavery in the United States

Slavery in the United States
  • 1619-1848

Slavery in the Colonies
  • 1619- first slaves arrive in Virginia
  • Colonial assemblies pass laws that recognized the
    institution of slavery
  • Slavery existed in all 13 colonies
  • Quakers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey call for
    the abolition of slavery

Northern States and the American Revolution
  • Ideas of the Revolution threw the institution of
    slavery into debate slave trade stopped during
    the A/R
  • 1775- Quakers establish the first anti-slavery
  • Northern states where slaves were few passed laws
    for abolishing slavery
  • Slavery violated many northern state
  • Other northern states called for gradual
    emancipation and provided that slaves born from
    then on would be free at age 21 slavery
    gradually died in those states

Southern states and the American Revolution
  • Ideas of the Revolution were the same but the
    number of slaves was much greater
  • Virginia and Maryland debated the question but
    passed no laws abolishing slavery( some slave
    owners freed their slaves)
  • Carolinas and Georgia- little debate and no laws
    abolishing the highly profitable institution

Slavery and the Constitution
  • A fight over slavery would have fractured the
    fragile national unity of the new nation
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787- no slavery north of
    the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River
  • Three-Fifths Compromise- 3/5 of a slave would be
    counted for purposes of representation
  • Slave Trade Compromise- Congress could not do
    anything about the slave trade for 20 years until

Eli Whitney, the cotton gin and slavery
  • Massachusetts born Yale graduate
  • Spent time in Georgia
  • 1793-invented the cotton gin to separate the
    cotton seeds from the fiber
  • Impact- cotton production became extremely
  • 50 times more effective than picking cotton by
  • Reinvigorated the demand for slaves in the South
    great increase in slave population from 1800-1850
    due to natural reproduction

The Cotton Kingdom
  • Much of the South developed into a huge
    agricultural factory
  • Western expansion into the lower Gulf
    states-slaves brought in to pick cotton
  • La.(1812), Ms.(1817), Al.(1819)
  • Cotton exported to Britain
  • South used money to buy northern goods
  • North and South economy depended on slave labor
  • After 1840- cotton accounts for 50 of all
    American exports by 1850- most slaves lived on
    large plantations
  • South- produces 75 of the worlds cotton

Slavery and the Missouri Compromise
  • 1803- Louisiana Purchase
  • 1818- Missouri wants into the U.S. as a slave
  • 1820- Maine wants into the U.S. as a free state
  • 1820-3630north latitude - north-free-except
    Missouri south-slave

Free Blacks
  • Freedom after the A/R
  • Purchased freedom
  • Mulattoes- white father/black mother- sometimes
    given freedom upon the death of the father
  • Slaves without mastersconsidered a 3rd race-
    limited rights discrimination and segregation
  • 250,000 free blacks in the North-competition with
    European immigrants
  • Resulted in race prejudice

The Abolition Movement
  • 1820s- about 120 societies throughout the U.S.
  • Most members were moderates
  • Wanted gradual emancipation and payment to slave
    owners for the loss of property
  • Many opposed accepting free blacks as equals
  • Some believed in shipping all blacks back to

The American Colonization Society
  • 1817- supported by many prominent Americans such
    as Clay, Webster, Marshall, and Monroe
  • Colonization appealed to many because they
    believed that blacks and whites could not coexist
    in a free society some feared the mixing of the
    racesothers racist- believed in black
  • 1822-with the help of the federal government
    acquired some land in West Africa- Liberia and
    its capital- Monrovia
  • Only 15,000 free blacks settled in Liberia
    between 1822-1865

Abolitionists in the 1830s
  • Second Great Awakening convinced abolitionists of
    the sin of slavery
  • Britain abolished slavery in the West Indies in
  • Leading abolitionist- William Lloyd Garrison from
  • New and revolutionary ideas
  • Asserted that blacks were not Africans but
    American citizens
  • Blacks entitled to the same rights
  • Did not advocate force but rather constitutional

The Liberator
  • 1831- published in Boston and edited by Garrison
  • Wanted to change public opinion
  • Financed mostly by free blacks
  • Called for the immediate and unconditional
    abolition of slavery
  • Wrote I will not retreat a single inch- AND I

The Anti-Slavery Society
  • 1833- founded
  • 1840- 200,000 members
  • Lecturers traveled the country
  • Theodore Dwight Weld- preached the anti-slavery
    gospel north of the Ohio River married Angelina
    Grimke, a feminist and abolitionistAmerican
    Slavery As It Is
  • Wendell Phillips-wealthy Bostonian oratorproduct
    of the Second Great Awakening

Other Abolitionists
  • Arthur and Lewis Tappan-wealthy New York
    merchants-funded the abolitionist projects as
    well as Oberlin College
  • Sojourner Truth-freed black women fought for
    abolition and womens rights
  • Elijah Lovejoy-militant editor of anti-slavery
    paper in Illinois
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Toms Cabin-
    theme-enforced separation of slave families

Frederick Douglass
  • Greatest of the black abolitionists
  • Published The North Star, his own abolitionist
  • Former slave who escaped slavery at age 21
  • Wrote Narrative of the Life of Frederick
    Douglass- depicted his life as a slave, his
    struggle to read and write and his escape to the
  • Looked to politics to end slavery- backed the
    Liberty Party in 1840 and the Republican Party in
    the 1850s

Southern Reprisals
  • In 1820s- southern anti-slavery societies
    outnumbered northern societies most white
    southerners were nonslaveowning subsistence
    farmers who could not afford slaves
  • 1830s- southern abolition silenced
  • 1831-Nat Turner revolt-60 white Virginians
    killed over 100 slaves killedmost uncommon and
    least successful form of slave resistance
  • South blamed Garrison and abolitionistsproduced
    a wave of concern among slave owners that
    resulted in harsh slavery laws
  • Nullification Crisis of 1832 and the Force
    Bill-believed federal government would support
    abolitionists and try to force the South to free

Slavery in the South A Positive Good
  • Massive defense and rationalization of slavery
    in the South
  • Slavery supported by the Bible
  • Slavery existed in ancient Greece and Rome
  • Good for barbarous Africans who were civilized
    and Christianized
  • Master-slave relationship like a family
  • Slaves cared for in sickness and old age not like
    workers in the North
  • South in opposition to much of the Western world

Abolitionists Impact in the North
  • Unpopular
  • Slavery was part of the Constitution
  • Idea of the Union important abolitionists plea
    to disunite were seen as dangerously radical
  • North dependent on the South
  • Lewis Tappans house ransacked in 1834
  • Elijah Lovejoy killed
  • Politicians avoided abolitionism- political
  • 3rd Parties take up the cause- Liberty Party and
    Free Soil Party
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