Slavery Divides the Nation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slavery Divides the Nation


Slavery Divides the Nation Chapter 16 ... 1851-1855 Vice President for James Buchanan 1856-1860 United States Senator 1861 Democratic Party John Bell Life: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Slavery Divides the Nation

Slavery Divides the Nation
  • Chapter 16
  • 1820-1861

Missouri Compromise
  • 1819 Missouri applied for statehood.
  • At the time there were 11 free states and 11
    slave states in the US Senate
  • Missouri would upset the balance in the Senate
  • Crisis occur for several months
  • Missouri Compromise
  • Brainchild of Henry Clay
  • Missouri apply as a slave state
  • Maine apply as a free state
  • Congress drew a line at 36 30 N and stated that
    slavery was permitted below that line from the
    lands of the Louisiana Purchase and slavery was
    banned north of that line in the Louisiana

Wilmot Proviso
  • Wilmot Proviso
  • Missouri Compromise applied only to lands of the
    Louisiana Purchase
  • Mexican War added new lands
  • Slavery issue arises to these new lands
  • David Wilmot
  • Pennsylvania Congressman
  • Called for a law to ban slavery in any
    territories won from Mexico
  • Wilmot Proviso
  • Passed in the House in 1846 but failed in the
  • Views on Slavery
  • Southerners Slavery should be allowed anywhere
    and all runaway slaves should be returned
  • Abolitionists wanted slavery abolished
    throughout the entire country
  • Moderates had two views 1. extend the Missouri
    Compromise Line, 2. idea of Popular Sovereignty

Popular Sovereignty
  • Brainchild of Lewis Cass a Democrat
  • Definition the right of people to create their
    own government
  • How it effects the territories
  • Voters in a new territory would decide for
    themselves whether or not to allow slavery

Free Soil Party Arise
  • 1848
  • Zachary Taylor Whig 163
  • Lewis Cass Democratic 127
  • Martin Van Buren Free Soil 0
  • Campaign issues
  • How to deal with all of the new territory
  • That is why the Free Soil party arises
  • No slavery in the new territories
  • Cass supported the voice of the people in
    territories known as Popular Sovereignty
  • Taylor a slave owner did not speak on the issues
    but Southerners figured he favored slavery
  • Slavery now became a political issue

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  • 1850
  • California request entry into the Union as a Free
  • This would upset the balance of free and slave
    states in the Senate
  • Some southerners even suggested to secede from
    the Union
  • Clay vs. Calhoun debates
  • Calhoun
  • Slavery be allowed into the territories
  • Fugitive slave law
  • If both demands are not met that the states
    should part in peace.
  • Clay
  • Called for a compromise
  • Webster
  • Spoke after the two men and warned that the
    nation could not separate in peace, but a civil
    war would occur instead
  • He viewed slavery as evil but the breaking of the
    union was worse then slavery.

Compromise of 1850
  • Compromise of 1850
  • Headed by Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas
  • Five Parts
  • 1. California is allowed to enter the Union as a
    free state
  • 2. Mexican Cession territory would be divided
    into New Mexico and Utah territories
  • Voters would decide on the issue of slavery
    according to popular sovereignty
  • 3. It ended the slave trade in Washington, D.C.
  • 4. It included a strict fugitive slave law
  • 5. It settled a border dispute between Texas and
    New Mexico
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
  • Required all citizens to help catch runaway
  • Those who did not follow the law could be fined
  • Reaction to Compromise
  • FSA enraged the abolitionists
  • By enforcing it, abolitionist became unwilling
    supporters of slavery
  • Tension remained high because neither side got
    what they wanted

Uncle Toms Cabin
  • Uncle Toms Cabin
  • Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Northerners embraced the book
  • Saw slavery as a moral evil now
  • Congress could no longer avoid it
  • Southerners claimed it did not give a true
    picture of slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • Nebraska Territory
  • Was divided into two territories
  • Nebraska and Kansas
  • With the settlers deciding the issue of slavery
    by popular-sovereignty
  • This was settled in the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • Stephen Douglas was creator of this act
  • President Franklin Pierce supported the bill and
    helped it pass through Congress
  • Act goes against the Missouri Compromise and
    angers many northerners

  • New arrivals in Kansas
  • Proslavery and Anti-slavery settlers rush into
  • Border Ruffians proslavery settlers from
    Missouri who roughed up anti-slavery settlers
  • Two Governments
  • 1855
  • Border Ruffians and Proslavery settlers elected a
    proslavery legislature illegally
  • Anti-slavery settlers refused to accept that
    government and elected their own government
  • Bleeding Kansas
  • 1856
  • Proslavery settlers attacked an anti-slavery
    settlement in Lawrence, Kansas
  • John Brown, an abolitionist, decided to strike
  • Pottawatomie Creek
  • Brown and six other men dragged out 5 proslavery
    settlers and murdered them
  • This caused both sides to engage in guerrilla
    warfare, that resulted in 200 dead

Charles Sumner
  • Charles Sumner
  • Massachusetts Senator
  • Leading abolitionist senator
  • Denounced the proslavery legislature in Kansas
  • Criticized and singled out South Carolina,
    Senator Andrew Butler
  • Congressman Preston Brooks
  • Butlers nephew
  • Marched into the Senator chamber and beat Sumner
    until he laid unconscious on the Senate floor.
  • Sumner did not recover from injuries for 3 years
  • Massachusetts left Sumners seat vacant in
    defiance of the south

Dred Scott Case
  • Dred Scott
  • A slave
  • Lived in Missouri and then his master moved him
    to Illinois then to Wisconsin, where slavery was
  • Scotts master dies while in Wisconsin
  • Scott filed a lawsuit declaring he had lived in a
    free territory and became a free man
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford
  • Roger Taney, Chief Justice
  • Decision
  • 1st. Dred Scott could not file a lawsuit because
    he was not a citizen
  • 2nd Slaves were considered property
  • 3rd Congress did not have power to outlaw slavery
    in the territories
  • 4th Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional

Election of 1852
  • Election of 1852
  • Franklin Pierce Democrat 254
  • Winfield Scott Whig 42
  • John Hale Free Soil 0
  • The Whig party was in turmoil which lead to the
    Democrats easily winning the White House
  • Whigs were divided over the issue of slavery

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Republican Party emerges
  • Republican Party
  • Made up from Free-Soilers, northern Democrats and
    antislavery Whigs
  • Main goal
  • Keep slavery out of the territories
  • New party grew in members quickly
  • By 1856 they were a national party and ran a
    candidate for president

Election of 1856
  • Election of 1856
  • James Buchanan Democrat
  • John C. Fremont Republican
  • Millard Fillmore American (Know-Nothing)
  • Buchanan was from Pennsylvania who was a
    northerner with southern principles.
  • Fillmore and American party was fearful that a
    Republican victory would split the Union
  • They voiced a goal of unity
  • Without a single southern vote, Fremont received
    1/3 of the popular vote

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Harpers Ferry
  • Harpers Ferry, Virginia
  • Site of an arsenal
  • John Brown plan to raid the arsenal and arm
    slaves for an insurrection
  • Brown easily took control of the arsenal
  • No slave uprising occur, so no help for Brown and
    his gang
  • US Army was sent in to crush the raid
  • Lead by Robert E. Lee
  • Killed ten raiders and captured Brown
  • Browns trial
  • Court found him guilty of murder and treason
  • Sentenced to death
  • Brown became a martyr for the abolitionists cause

ELECTION of 1860 Abraham Lincoln
  • The Emergence of the
  • Republican Party

The Candidates of 1860
Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois Democratic Party
John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky Democratic Party
John Bell of Tennessee Constitutional Union Party
Abraham Lincoln of Illinois Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln
  • Life 1809-1865
  • Occupation Lawyer
  • Political Parties
  • Whig, Republican
  • Political Career
  • Postmaster of Salem, Illinois 1833- 1836
  • Illinois State Representative 1834 -1842
  • United States Representative 1847- 1849
  • Other
  • Lost US Senate race to Stephen A. Douglas in 1858
  • A Captain in the Black Hawk War

Republican Platform
  • The Republican Party absorbed anti-slavery Whigs,
    Democrats, Free-Soilers and most American
    (Know-Nothings) .
  • It became more moderate in its stance on the
    exclusion of slavery and denounced John Brown's
  • They were firm on no extension of slavery into
    the new territories.
  • The platform endorsed a protective tariff, the
    Homestead Act, and internal improvements.

Stephen A. Douglas
  • Life 1813-1861
  • Occupation Teacher and Lawyer
  • Political Party
  • Democratic Party
  • Political Career
  • State Attorney 1835
  • Illinois State Representative 1836-1837
  • United State Representative 1843-1847
  • United State Senator 1847-1861

John C. Breckinridge
  • Life 1821-1875
  • Occupation Lawyer
  • Military Career
  • Mexican War 1847-1848, Major
  • Political Party Democrat
  • Political Career
  • Kentucky State Representative 1849
  • United States Representative 1851-1855
  • Vice President for James Buchanan 1856-1860
  • United States Senator 1861

Democratic Party
  • The Democratic Party split completely along
    sectional lines.
  • Northern Democrats nominated Stephen A. Douglas
    on a popular sovereignty platform and against
    obstruction of the Fugitive Slave Law by the
  • Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckenridge
    on a slave code ticket. The platform favored the
    extension of slavery into the territories and the
    annexation of slave-populated Cuba.

John Bell
  • Life 1797-1869
  • Occupation Lawyer
  • Political Parties
  • Whig, American (Know-Nothing), Constitutional
  • Political Career
  • Tennessee State Senator 1817-1823
  • United States Representative 1827-1841
  • United States Senator 1847-1859
  • Other
  • Secretary of War 1841

Constitutional Union Party
  • The Constitutional Union Party was the
    middle-of-the-road political group.
  • The party consisted mainly of former Whigs and
    American (Know-Nothings).
  • Their platform was the Union, the Constitution,
    and the Enforcement of the Laws.

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Electoral College Breakdown
Last attempt at Peace
  • Crittenden Compromise
  • Extend Missouri Compromise Line to the Pacific
  • Unamendable amendment that would guarantee
    forever the right to hold slaves in states south
    of the compromise line
  • Received little support and failed

Result of the Election of 1860
  • Southern states start to secede from the Union
  • First being South Carolina on December 20,1860
  • By late February of 1861
  • Alabama (AL), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA),
    Louisiana (LA), Mississippi (MS) and Texas (TX)
    had also seceded from the Union.
  • They created the Confederate States of America
  • Jefferson Davis became its first and only

Fort Sumter
  • April 11, 1861
  • First shot of the Civil War is fired
  • Confederates (South) fired onto the Union fort
  • Major Anderson of the Union Army (North) refused
    to give up the fort
  • When the union ran out of ammunition they
  • Thus began the Civil War
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