Prof. RÓMULO VEGA GONZÁLEZ 13 de junio del 2007
800-600BC to 55BC The First Inhabitants- The
Celts, Indo-European tribe (Germanic, Italic,
Greek, etc) Migrated from centre of Europe
3(No Transcript)
4Stonehenge Probably a religious site of the
Druid religion
5Digitally Reconstructed Stonehenge
6Between 55 BC (Julius Caesar) and 50 AD Roman
invasions and final conquest -camps -Londinium
7(No Transcript)
8Romans brought Christianity to Britannia 4th
century Celts adopted this new religion
Early Christian Churches In British Isles
9Germanic The Angles and Saxons in
407AD Fishermen and farmers The Danes in 9th
cent Vikings- ships They spoke Germanic
languages Latin (French) French Normans in 1066
10Dena scip Danish Viking ship
11OLD ENGLISH 400 to 1066 Anglo-Saxons Villages
or burge
Medieval Estampie
12Oral tradition Epic singing Beowulf Meadu-heall M
eadhall Modern drawings of Heorot
Danse royale
13Scop singing at meadhall with a harp
14Caedmons hymn
15Grendels claw under roof
First page of Beowulf
16Christian woman Anglo-Saxon woman warrior
17A secret land they guard high wolf-country Windy
cliffs.fearful lake Frost-bound trees at the
waters edge Strange water-fires Tearing
waves gloomy wind Stirs awful storms till the
air turns choking The heavens weep
18He held him tight, the strongest man Who ever
lived in the days of this life
19King Ethelbert becomes Christian in 597 Roman
Catholic Church founded monasteries in
Canterbury, promoting peace and unifying people
Veni Sancte Spiritus, Codex Engelberg
20MIDDLE ENGLISH Norman invasion in 1066 in
French becomes the language of the law and
courtofficial William the Conquerors victory
21Normans established Feudalism
22Henry IIs conflicts with the Church led to four
of his knights murdering Thomas Becket
Henry II condemned the act and atoned for it
through a holy journey to his tomb in Canterbury
Alma redemptoris
23In Chaucers Canterbury Tales different pilgrims
go on this same pilgrimage and tell their own
stories at an inn the night before leaving.
24The Knight
The Prioress
25Oxford Cleric
The Doctor
26Wife of Bath
The Parson
27The Miller
Pilgrims en route to Canterbury
28POLITICS King John was forced to sign the MAGNA
CARTA Beginnings of constitutional government by
restraining royal power
29ART-The Gothic Church Aiming at God Pointed
arches aiming at heaven Light through the
windows is Gods light
Ulm, Germany Tallest church in the world, 168m
Campanis cum cymbalis
30The Gothic Church represents the body of
Christ Walking to the altar represents the path
from earthly life to heavenly life
Metz France
Machauts Kyrie-ca.1300
31Every time you enter a Gothic church, you enter
symbolically to Earth-heaven and body of
Christ, with the pointed arches and points aiming
at heaven and God
Gloria in excelsis Del Et in terra pax hominibus
Barbara simplex.1300
32Gloria in excelsis Del Et in terra pax hominibus
Perotin Organum 1200
33The light of God shines through the window. The
way to the altar represents lifes path
Coronados altar
Colognes altar
Perotins Organum-ca.1200
34Gothic historicism of the 19th century reached
Costa Rica, though late Teodorico Quirós
(1938) San Isidro de Coronado church Ave Maris
Stella, XVth
35Compare sizes
36SOCIETY The Black Death killed three quarters of
the European population
Christ der ist erstanden Buxheimers book
Flagellants in hope of getting cured
Sick monks
37MUSIC Musical notation emerged in the Middle Ages
at the Catholic Church Listen to Sumer is
icumen Take a look at the text in the last
page of tutorial 2 in your text course
38MUSIC You have been listening to Church and
court music. Take a look at these street
musicians, probably playing along pilgrimages,
fair markets and street festivals of the Middle
39MUSIC Medieval nota A type of
dance Interpreted by German group Corvus Corax
40ACTIVITIES- Answer the following questions.. Be
brief and concise. Every university centre will
be assigned a question. You will have 15min
minutes for preparation. Choose a leader to
guide your opinions and present the questions to
all the centers During presentation, I read the
41- Tutorial 1-Prereading
- The Seafarer-First stanza
- What sufferings has the speaker endured at sea up
to lines 26? - Identify three images related to weather in the
first stanza. What does each convey about the
speakers experience at sea?
42Pre-read Beowulf 3. Mention characteristics of a
legendary hero? What are modern versions?. How
epic is Beowulf? 4. Read lines 710 to 727,
describe the mood and characteristics of
Anglo-Saxon life as the monster Grendel
approaches the mead-hall? 5. What paralellism
can you establish between Beowulfs diving to the
bottom of the sea and Christs conquering evil?
43Tutorial 2 6. What is characterization?
(Kinsella 116) Take a look at the pictures of
some of the pilgrims (see above) and write next
to them some of their characteristics as
described by the tales. See if the images present
some of these traits 7. How would you relate
these medieval characters to modern versions?