Title: Mt' Diablo Unified School District
1Mt. Diablo Unified School District
2Mt. Diablo Unified School DistrictMulti-Year
Revenue/Expenditure Budget Projections2004-05
First Interim Report
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Beginning Balance 19,190,623 7,620,725
REVENUE Total Revenue
246,961,079 249,666,571 253,357,679 EXPENDITURES
Total Expenditures 258,530,977 250,318,
307 254,129,344 Revenue/Expenditure
Difference (11,569,898) (651,736)
(771,665) Actual revenue/expenditure
difference is (3,049,233) after excluding
one-time expenditures funded by beginning
3Mt. Diablo Unified School DistrictMulti-Year
Revenue/ExpenditureBudget Projections2004-05
First Interim Report
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Revenue/Expenditure Difference (11,569,898)
(651,736) (771,665)
Ending Balance 7,620,725
6,968,990 6,197,325
Reserved for revolving cash/stores 1,050,000
1,050,000 1,050,000 Reserved for economic
uncertainties (2) 5,170,620 5,170,620
5,170,620 Designated lottery funds (with cap at
105) 199,212 388,427 568,142 Designated
one-time money 0
0 0
Unrestricted/Undesignated Ending Balance
1,200,893 359,943 (591,437)
reduced by approximately 2.8 million to reflect
the carryover of school site, department, and
other budgets from fiscal year 2003-04.
4Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
5Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
6Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
7Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
Three factors. . .
8Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
Deficit spending of 3,049,233 in the current
fiscal year
9Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
Declining Student Attendance 309 fewer students
equals 1,485,672 in lost revenue
Based on fiscal year 2004-05 revenue which was
funded at 4,808 per student attendance (ADA).
10Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
11Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
States challenge is to correct deficit
spending otherwise, the districts revenue will
continue to be underfunded
12Mt. Diablo Unified School District2004-05 First
Interim Report
As noted in a November 17, 2004 article by the
states Legislative Analyst, Elizabeth Hill
the state still has a lot of hard work to do
to reduce its spending and/or raise
taxes. . .we really havent addressed this large
structural imbalance of deficit spending.
13- A full copy of the detailed
- First Interim Report
- is available upon request
14- or visit our web site
- www.mdusd.k12.ca.us/fiscal
15Mt. Diablo Unified School District