Title: Therapeutic recreation in the public school setting
1Therapeutic recreation in the public school
setting Farrah Daye, Junior Therapeutic
Recreation Dr. Himanshu Gopalan, Associate
ABSTRACT Under the IDEA, therapeutic recreation
in the public school system is considered a
related service. This study is an exploration of
the current state of therapeutic recreation
services in education for children being served
through special education. Information will be
presented from a variety of sources on successful
programs such as horseback riding and aquatics.
Populations Served
Therapeutic Recreation Outcomes
Cerebral Palsy Spinal Bifida Down Syndrome Autism
Spectrum Disorders Mental Retardation Spinal Cord
Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Attention Deficit
Disorder Dyslexia Other Learning Disorders
Improved play and leisure skills Increased gross
and fine motor skills Enhanced social interaction
skills Improved muscle tone, endurance, and trunk
stability Increased community involvement Enhanced
communication abilities
Service Settings
Selected Intervention and Programs
Horseback Riding Animal Assistant
Therapy Adventure Programs Physical
Activities Sensory Simulations Art/Crafts
References and Resources
Cory, L., Dattilo, J. Williams, R. (2006).
Effects of a leisure education program on social
knowledge and skills of youth with cognitive
disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation
Journal, 40(3), 144-164 Etzel-Wise, D. Mears,
B. (2004). Adapted physical education and
therapeutic recreation in schools. Intervention
in School and in Clinic, 39(4),
223-232. www.NCTRC.org
http//www.deltasociety.org/ http//idea.ed.go