1ABSTRACT Spearfish Creek flows in a narrow,
incised canyon in the northern Black Hills
resulting in high velocity flows that place
increased stress on channel banks and bottom.
Potential results include damage to existing
roadways and bridges as well as channel widening
and damaged fish habitat. Thus, it would be
desirable to predict locations where increased
bank and/or channel stress would be expected
under varying flow conditions. An approximately
1.6 km reach was surveyed using a laser-digital
transit. Channel cross-sections were measured
every 30 m producing a detailed topographic map
of the channel, banks, and limited floodplains.
Flow modeling was performed using discharges that
were based on current stream-flow and known
historic flood flows. The stream was modeled as
segments, using SMS, where inflow to each segment
occurred at the upstream boundary. The segment
containing Squaw Creek tributary had two inflow
boundaries. Results indicted high stress at
numerous points along the entire stream channel
as a function of river channel morphology. Areas
of concern included sections that contained bends
or narrowing of the channel. Where the highway
was closest to the potential channel scour zones,
damage might be expected under severe flow
conditions causing immediate damage to the
fishery. These results will allow highway
engineers and fisheries personnel to maximize
efforts to sustain existing roadways and to
provide and maintain quality fisheries within
Spearfish Canyon.
- Water in Spearfish Creek is super-saturated with
respect to calcium and magnesium owing to its
source from the Madison Limestone. Water
temperature plays a key role in the precipitation
process since calcium has a decreased solubility
in cold water. Thus, colder water temperatures
favor precipitation of the cement rind and warmer
waters favor weakening and dissolution of the
cement rind. Rind thickness varies throughout
the study reach from less than 1/8 to more than
2 (Fig. 2). - Consequences of the rind are two-fold
- Cementing of the bottom sediment and subsequent
reduction in available fish spawning habitat - Immobility of the sediment at shear stresses
which would remove it were the cement not
present - Thus, determining required shear stress and
effect sediment mobility had on fish habitat were
- This project focused on potential effects that
physical and mechanical channel properties
(channel substrate, flow conditions, and banks
and other structures) had on fish habitat. Three
primary project goals were - model potential effects of increased discharge
on fish habitat - determine behavior of substrate (scour and
deposition of sediment) - identify potential locations of increased bank
- The study area was located approximately 10 miles
south of the city of Spearfish on Spearfish Creek
between Homestake Mining Co. (now Barric Mining
Co.) Hydroelectric Power Plant Number Two (Hydro
No. 2) and Maurice intake, a diversion tunnel
supplying Hydro No. 1 in Spearfish (Fig. 1). Two
streams flow through the study area. Spearfish
Creek (the larger of the two) originates from
springs emanating from the Mississippian Madison
Limestone and flows northward within the confines
of Spearfish Canyon. Squaw Creek (the smaller
tributary stream) enters Spearfish Creek about
1/3 mile below Hydro No. 2 and sources from
springs and seeps within the Cambrian Deadwood
formation aquifer east of Spearfish Canyon and
flows westward. The stream flows north out of
the Black Hills crossing saturated and
unsaturated Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata prior
to emptying into the Belle Fourche River.
Numerous Tertiary intrusions and other structural
features, such as faults, also contact the stream
channel. As a result, net groundwater
contributions and losses are realized from
springs and seeps and high permeability zones
between Hydro No. 2 and Maurice Intake (Table 1). - Spearfish Creek is a low sinuosity single channel
within the study reach although it does meander
through the bedrock of the canyon through which
it flows. State Highway 14A, located immediately
to the west of the main channel, is stabilized by
using gabion structures (wire mesh baskets filled
with cobbles and boulders) to armor the road side
channel bank which effectively constrains the
creek from natural meandering and bank
adjustments during high flows. Thus, increased
shear stress generated during high flows would
primarily be directed toward the gabions and the
channel bottom promoting scour. Potential loss
to fish habitat under these conditions would be
high. In addition, under extreme flow events,
gabions could easily be washed out causing bank
and possible road failure, both of which would
exacerbate loss of fish habitat.
Sediment transport sites shown in Figure 3 and
4. 90 Bend 300 Marker Hydro 2
Locations of discharge measurements shown in
Table 1. A B C
Figure 1. Study reach on Spearfish Creek.
Digital elevation model created using survey
data and SMS (Boss, Int.)
2Study Methods and results A 3-D numerical flow
model, Surfacewater Modeling System, was used to
evaluate potential effects of various flow
conditions on the banks and substrate of
Spearfish Creek. The model was run on a
topographic base map (Fig. 1) that was prepared
for this study from detailed surveys of the
channel, banks, floodplains, and surrounding
areas (Fig. 5). Head loss along the main channel
of Spearfish Creek was 80ft (4463 ft at Hydro No.
2 to 4383 ft at Maurice intake). Model
limitations for maximum head loss of lt25 ft
forced the study reach to be segmented for flow
analysis. For the study reach, 3 material types
were designated 1) channel, 2) vegetated bank,
and 3) engineered bank. Each of these materials
were assigned an erodibility factor (Manning
roughness coefficient) with in-channel erosion
also controlled through an eddy viscosity value
(transverse flow). Adjustment of parameter
values were based on actual physical conditions
at the stream and from published data. Flow
modeling was performed using the mean average
discharge (60 cfs), or the 50 probability flow
(Fig. 6), and a medium flood event discharge (250
cfs), or a 0.5 probability flow. Results from
the 250 cfs event for the confluence is shown in
Figure 7. The arrows represent flow magnitude
vectors, the larger the arrow, the higher the
velocity. At the upstream edge, flow is spread
across the entire segment and is flowing out of
the main channel. At this location, erosion on
the vegetated and engineered banks is low due to
the velocity slowing due to bank roughness and
vegetation. In the main channel above the
confluence, sediment is securely cemented forming
a mostly impenetrable bottom. flow impinging on
the outer, west-side bank, increases in velocity,
and thus, shear stress as well. A 1994 flood
event had an estimated discharge of 1200 cfs
(based on water elevations and cross-sections)
and undercut and eroded gabion structures along
the entire study reach (Fig. 8). Significant
channel erosion occurred as well as the cement
was broken by the high shear stresses generated
by this magnitude of flow. In 2000, damaged
gabions were removed and portions of the channel
were re-engineered.
Summary These results form a preliminary
assessment of channel and bank erosion for
Spearfish Creek indicate areas of concern exist
from both a fisheries and a highway standpoint.
During increased flow, increased bank stress (and
the potential for bank failures) exists at
several points along the highway side of the
channel. Many of these banks are protected by
gabion structures which in effect, transfers the
stress to the channel bottom which can reduce or
eliminate fish spawning habitat in these areas.
In extreme events, complete failure of the
highway side bank is possible by under-washing of
the gabions.