Title: ChemFinder 8'0
1ChemFinder 8.0 Databases
2Webinar Overview
- ChemFinder Basics
- What is ChemFinder
- Browsing and Querying Databases
- The Database Wizard
- Creating Databases
- The ChemOffice Collection of Databases
- The Merck Index
- ChemACX Ultra
- ChemIndex Ultra
- Online Databases
- The Merck Index
- ChemACX
- ChemIndex
- Compendium of Chiral Auxiliary Applications
(Academic Press) - Organic Syntheses
3What is ChemFinder ?
- Chemical Database Management System
- View and Build Your Own Chemical Database
- A relational database tool
- Store chemical structures, physical properties,
notes and tables of data - Integrate with ChemDraw
- Search data
- Chemical structure (including sub-structure)
- Wild card text searches
- Numeric range searches
- Create your own forms
4Important Database Definitions
- Field Where the data values are stored
- Numeric, text, date or structure
- Record Set of related data items
- Table Collection of records
- Database - Storehouse for table or tables
- Place where the actual data is stored
- Form Displays information from database
- A window that allows you to view the data
- No chemical or relational information is stored
in the form
5ChemFinder 8.0
6ChemFinder 8.0 The Basics
- Querying an existing database
- Search all available fields
- Even perform reaction searches
- Browsing through your database
- Browse the data and sort through hits from a
query - The Database Wizard
- Creating/Importing a database
- Store all of your structure and relational data
7Searching a Database
8ChemFinder 8.0 Searching An Existing Database
- Sub-Structure Searching
- Use ChemDraw query structures
- Stereochemical properties
- Bond properties
- Search for reactants, products or intermediates
- Text Searching
- Search for exact match with
- Use or to search multiple strings
simultaneously - Numeric Searching
- Search numeric ranges using the lt, gt, - and
operators - Date Searching
- Search date ranges using the lt, gt, and
9Creating a Database
10ChemFinder 8.0 Database Wizard
- Open or create a database
- Select main table for form
- Auto form generation
- Fields to be included
- Style of the form generated
- Data box size
- Where the structure data box is placed
11ChemFinder 8.0 Creating a Database
- ChemFinder automatically generates fields for
mol_id, structure, formula and molweight
12ChemFinder 8.0 Creating a Database
- Choose from the following field types
- Text field max 50 characters
- Integer field for whole numbers
- Real field for real numbers
- Picture field store Windows metafile
- Memo/Rich Text field no character limit, styled
text - Date field dates displayed according to Windows
Regional Settings - Structure field for storing structures
- Generates 3 more fields when created Mol_ID,
Formula and MolWeight
13ChemFinder 8.0 Importing a Database
- Importing Structure Data and Reaction Data
- SDfile A plain text document that stores
structural and relational data - RDfile A plain text document that stores
reaction data and relational data - Typically stores multiple table data in a flat
document - ChemFinder imports (and exports) both
14The ChemOffice Database Collection
15ChemOffice Database Collection
16ChemOffice Database CollectionThe Merck Index CD
- Search and browse 10,250 monographs
- Chemicals, drugs, and biologically active
molecules - Names and synonyms
- Physical properties
- Preparations
- Patents and literature references
- Therapeutic uses
- 420 Organic Name Reactions
- Over 60 pages of supplemental tables
17ChemOffice Database CollectionChemACX Ultra DVD
18ChemOffice Database CollectionChemACX
- Products from 330 catalogs
- Over 290,000 unique substances
- Over 540,000 vendor products
- 660,000 vendor SKUs
- Names and synonyms
- Physical properties
- Source Information
- Pricing
- Only most current information
19ChemOffice Database CollectionChemSCX
- Screening Compounds from 15 Vendors
- 512,817 unique chemical substances
- 606,000 products
- 86.5 of the unique substances map to a unique
20ChemOffice Database CollectionChemMSDX
- Over 21,000 MSDS
- PDF Format
- Linked to ChemACX
21ChemOffice Database CollectionChemIndex Ultra DVD
22ChemOffice Database CollectionChemIndex Ultra
- Based on award winning www.ChemFinder.Com
- Over 78,000 compounds
- Names and synonyms
- Physical properties
- Internet references
- Separate fullerene database
- 3D coordinates preserved
23ChemOffice Database CollectionChemRXN
- ChemPrep
- gt16,000 reactions
- Extracted by ISI for ChemOffice from their
Reaction Citation Index - ChemSelect
- gt13,000 reaction
- Selected by InfoChem, GmbH for inclusion in
24ChemOffice Database CollectionNCI, AIDS, and
- NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program
- Over 200,000 compounds
- Synonyms
25ChemOffice Database CollectionNCI, AIDS, and
- AIDS screening results on over 43,905 records in
the NCI collection - EC50 (effective concentration, a measure of
protective effect) - IC50 (inhibits the growth of uninfected cells by
26ChemOffice Database CollectionNCI, AIDS, and
- Human Tumor Cell Line screening results on 41,000
records - 60 different human tumor cell lines
- leukemia, melanoma and cancers of the lung,
colon, brain, ovary, breast, prostate, and kidney - dose response data at at least 5 concentrations
- GI50 (50 Growth Inhibition)
- TGI (Total Growth Inhibition)
- LC50 (50 Lethal Concentration)
27Online Database Collection
28Benefits of Online Databases
- Portability
- No need to carry around book, CD, laptop, etc.
- Can access from any computer with an Internet
connection - Ease of use
- ChemDraw Plugin for structure searching
- Resource Friendly
- Small Footprint
- Internet Browser and ChemDraw Plugin
- Availability
- Average uptime over 97
- Personal or enterprise wide subscriptions
available - Currency
- Access the most current version of the database
29Online Databases brought to you by CambridgeSoft
30(No Transcript)