Title: Changing Adult Learners From Passive To Active Learners
1Changing Adult LearnersFrom Passive To Active
- Cyndi Marland
- Dartmouth Community Television
- Dartmouth, MA
- 508-984-1359
- Email cyndimarland_at_msn.com
2- It has been too much the custom to think of
education as an affair of youthit really should
be the work of a whole life. - Charles W. Eliot, President
- Harvard University
- 1869-1909
3Organizational Structure
Cable Television Revenue
Town Select Board
Dartmouth Community Television Governmental and
Educational Partnership Secures equipment and
pays staff
Dartmouth Council on Aging
Dartmouth Wanderers
4Dartmouth Wanderers Mission Statement
To focus on people, places and things in our
community of Dartmouth that can make the lives of
our citizens more productive and worth living.
5Production Topics Include
- History
- Oral histories
- Historical preservation
- Local history
- Governmental Affairs
- Town Meeting review with town officials
- Intergenerational discussions/debates on issues
that effect seniors and their families - Health Issues
- Partnership with local hospital
- Nutritionist featured on every magazine show
- Other programs and collaborations
- aquatics, cardiology, rehab, blood pressure and
6Life-Cycle Phases
K. Patricia Cross Increasing Participation and
Facilitating Learning
7Malcolm Knowles Andragogy Theory5 Basic
Assumptions of Adult Learning
- Adults are autonomous and self-directed.
- Adults have accumulated a wealth of life
experiences and knowledge which may include work
related activities, family responsibilities and
previous education. - Adults are goal-oriented.
- Adults are relevancy-oriented.
- Adults demand respect.
8Barriers To LearningAs Identified by The
- Transportation
- Occasionally seek assistance from COA
- Health
- Personal or spouse
- Extended Vacations
- Many go to Florida for 1- 4 months
9Reasons For Learning
- Knowledge Goals
- Become better informed
- Satisfy curiosity
- Community Goals
- Understand community problems
- Become better citizens
- Work for solution to problems
- Social Goals
- Meet new people
- Feel sense of belonging, self-worth