Title: Pennsylvania Womens Agricultural Network
1Pennsylvania Womens Agricultural Network
2The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture togethe
r with The Pennsylvania Womens Agriculture
Network presented
Celebrating Entrepreneurial Women in Agriculture
At the 2007 Pennsylvania Farm Show January 9,
2007 VIP Room of the PA Farm Show Complex
3 Adding True Value Introduction to Cheesemaking
January 17-18, 2007 Keswick Creamery
4 Hands on Heavy Metal An Equipment Practicum
January 31February 1, 2007 PASA Preconference
5The First Annual Conference of the
Pennsylvania Womens Agricultural Network
Growing Together
Developing Skills Expanding Networks
March 2-3, 2007
6Hoophouse Construction
- Flint Hill Farm March 10, 2007
7 Building Financial Sustainability A Plan for
Continued Success
Victoria Inns March 21-22, 2007
8Fencing Workshop
Painted Hand Farm April 14, 2007
9June 13, 2007
10Equipment Workshop for Teens Hameau Farm July
19-20, 2007
11Soil Quality Workshop Ron Gargasz Organic
Farm August 1, 2007
12IPM for Greenhouse Growers
Still Pond Nursery August 8, 2007
13Meeting with Senator Casey Tait Farms August
15, 2007
14A Seasonal Dinner at Friends Farm Saturday,
August 18, 2007
15Farming Alternatives York County Farm
Tour September 26, 2007 York County
16Poultry Processingat Friends Farm October 16,
17(No Transcript)
18PA-WAgN Regional Representatives
NORTH CENTRAL (3) Maryann Frazier Email
mfrazier_at_psu.edu Telephone 814-865-4621 Claire
Orner Email quietcreek_at_windstream.net Telephone
814-849-9662 Gay Rodgers Email
agrodgers_at_acsworld.net Telephone
717-667-3731 Chris Wise Email
buyfresh_at_localnet.com Telephone
814-793-9379 SOUTH CENTRAL (6) Mary
Cottone Email mcottone_at_wilson.edu Telephone
717-709-1995 Jennifer Halpin Email
halpinj_at_dickinson.edu Telephone
717-423-6703 June Hertzler Email
mooecho_at_embarqmail.com Telephone
717-789-3070 Sandra Kay Miller Email
sandra_at_pa.net Telephone 717-423-5663
NORTHWESTERN (1) Lynne Gelston Email
drmthyme_at_yahoo.com Telephone 724-748-9124 Maggi
e Robertson Email kalzone_at_alltel.net Telephone
814-358-2882 SOUTHWESTERN (2) Melanie
Barkley Email meh7_at_psu.edu Telephone
814-623-5756 Sandy Brown Email
pghframe_at_aol.com Telephone 724-499-5680 Barb
Kline Email mildredsdaughters_at_earthlink.net Tele
phone 412-999-4209 Randa Shannon Email
rshannon_at_growpittsburgh.org Telephone
NORTHEASTERN (4) Cheryl Matulevich Email
farmhope_at_hotmail.com Telephone
570-289-4114 Heidi Secord Email
cchord01_at_hotmail.com Telephone
570-992-1159 SOUTHEASTERN (5) Lynda
Farrell Email lkfarrell_at_verizon.net Telephone
610-269-4977 Kathy Fields Email
KathysPonies_at_aol.com Telephone
610-838-2928 Anita Russo Email
KathysPonies_at_aol.com Telephone 610-838-0176
19PA-WAgN Steering Committee
Natalie Aurand Email naurand_at_newportsd.org Telep
hone 717-535-5557(h)/717-567-2518(w) Affiliation
Secontary School Educator Cheryl Cook Email
checook_at_state.pa.us Telephone
717-787-3418 Affiliation Agency Lyn
Garling Email ljg5_at_psu.edu Telephone
814-349-2697 Affiliation At Large
Farmer Lucinda Hart-Gonzalez Email
paradisefarm_at_adelphia.net Telephone
814-932-6761 Affiliation At Large
Farmer Laurel Hoffman Email laurel.hoffman_at_pa.u
sda.gov elephone 724-545-1022 Ext
110 Affiliation Agency
Amanda Kimble-Evans Email amanda.kimble-evans_at_ro
daleinst.org Telephone 610-683-1401 Affiliation
Non-Governmental Organization Sheila
Miller Email deitschlandfarm_at_comcast.net Telepho
ne 610-589-5617(h) Affiliation Farmer Linda
Moist Email lsm9_at_psu.edu Telephone
814-865-7031 Affiliation PA-WAgN Pat
Neiner Email patty_at_paorganic.org Telephone
814-349-2697 Affiliation Non-Governmental
Organization Virginia Phillips-Redpath Email
vredpath_at_aol.com Telephone 412-343-7354(h)/412-3
43-7659(fax) Affiliation Media
Allison Shauger Email allison_at_pasafarming.org Te
lephone 814-349-9856 Affiliation
Non-Governmental Organization Kathy
Soder Email kathy.soder_at_ars.usda.gov Telephone
814-865-3158 Affiliation Agency Maggie
Stonecash Email stonecam_at_dickinson.edu Telephone
315-559-3194 Affiliation College
Student Mildred Turner Email
mildred.turner_at_pa.usda.gov Telephone
814-883-6474(cell)/570-726-3196 x113 Affiliation
Economic Community Development
20PA-WAgN Working Group
Mary Barbercheck Kathy Brasier Jill
Findeis Nancy Ellen Kiernan Linda Stewart
Moist Carolyn Sachs Ann Stone Amy Trauger
21Research Progress and Results
- Focus groups in 5 regions on technical training
and educational needs - Interviews with 20 women farmers on
entrepreneurial activities and livelihood
strategies - Farmer needs assessment surveys-150
- Extension educator needs assessments-106
- Interviews with 20 extension educators on
experiences with women farmers - Survey of 2500 women farmers in the NE U.S.
23Research Results
- Focus Groups
- Identityfarm woman, farm wife, partner farmer
- Bodily differencesize, shape, weight of farm
equipment/tools - Social networkstrust, reciprocity, mutual gain
- Agricultural education should consider these
factors in developing programs - Adaptability, interactivity, informality,
24(No Transcript)
25Research Results
- Interviews
- Entrepreneurial/livelihood strategies that
benefit community - Community centers
- Locality based food systems
- Non-profit educational centers
- Production of public goods through market-based
activities - Clean food, clean water, education, safe spaces,
spiritual retreats, women-friendly farming
education, cooperative access to markets
26(No Transcript)
27Preliminary Research Results
- Farmer needs assessments
- Most frequently perceived challenge to successful
farming is the need for child care (34) and a
feeling of not being taken as seriously as
farmers (31) - Educational needs
- Maintaining/running equipment (56
- Building infrastructure
- Labor management
- Working with local gov
- Planning for retirement
28(No Transcript)
29Preliminary Research Results
- Extension educator needs assessments
- 60 of extension educators tended to agree that
women are involved in supporting community
involvement - 50 tended to agree that women have educational
needs that are somewhat different from men - 70 of extension educators say that marketing
educational programs to women farmers is somewhat
or moderately important
30Preliminary Research Results
- Extension educator interviews
- Women have one or two main identities
- Women do different kinds of agriculture
- Women are more visible on-farm
- Women have differences in learning styles
- Recommendations
- Make personal contacts
- Do site visits
- Invite family teams to workshops
- Diversify offerings
- Use WAgN as a resource
31(No Transcript)
- 2 academic journal articles
- Extension in-service trainings
- Academy award wining documentary!
- Executive summaries
- Extension articles
- Academic journal articles
33Academy Award Winning Documentary!
- Ladies of the Land
- Documentary about PA-WAgN and women farmers
- www.ladiesofthelandmovie.com