Title: Edward F' Owens, Jr', MS, DC
1Vertebral Subluxation Research Philosophical
Roots to Modern Development
- Edward F. Owens, Jr., MS, DC
- Director of Research
- Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic
- Spartanburg, SC
- Relationships
- Philosophy
- Art
- Science
- Hypothesis formulation
- Experimental methods
- Subluxation measures
- Examples of works in progress
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4Practice objective dictates application
5The scientific method applied to chiropractic
- Hypothesis formulation
- derived from deductive philosophy
- asking the right questions
- Hypothesis testing
- inductive process
- methods suitable to hypothesis
6Another Vertebral SubluxationHypothesis
Complex organisms depend on the bidirectional
flow of information between the central nervous
system and the peripheral cells in order to adapt
to a changing environment in a coordinated manner.
7Distortion of InformationDisturbed Function
- Metabolic demands
- Alcohol
- Inflammation
- Trauma
- Spinal lesion in close proximity to neural tissue
8Vertebral Subluxation
Negative mechanical influences can occur in the
area of the spine and interfere with information
processing. These are called vertebral
9Which comes first?
Articular derangement leads to neurological
Neurological dysfunction leads to articular
10General Hypotheses
Misalignments of vertebrae can change the course
of the spinal cord, producing interference in the
transmission of nerve impulses.
Slight disarticulations in spinal joints can
restrict nerve transmission by occluding the IVF
Articular derangement leads to neurological
Changes in vertebral mobility can alter joint
loading and mechanoreceptor output in such as way
as to disturb spinal reflexes.
IVD material can encroach on the spinal canal or
IVF causing restriction on the volume of neural
11More specific hypotheses
Misalignments of vertebrae can change the course
of the spinal cord, producing interference in the
transmission of nerve impulses.
Sensory nerve conduction can be assessed with SSEP
Misalignment can be measured on x-ray
12General Hypotheses the other limb of the tree
Compression or irritation of efferent tracts
leads to loss of muscle control.
Poor sense of joint strain leads to improper, or
prolonged loading.
Neurological dysfunction leads to articular
Irritation of sensory tracts leads to loss of
feedback from joints and muscles.
Improper muscle tone leads to fixation and
improper instantaneous axis of rotation.
13More global hypotheses
Vertebral subluxations at any segment will effect
physical functioning.
Subluxation can be assessed clinically using a
well known technique.
Physical function can be evaluated using
performance measures.
14RAC-IV Presentation
15Experimental DesignVS - Paradigm
- 1. Test function independent of symptoms
- 2. Observe structural and articular status
- 3. Correct structure
- 4. Re-test function
Using Common VS measures would allow comparison
of techniques for effectiveness
16Validation of Measures
- Challenges
- No gold standard
- Hypothetical nature
- Often subjective
- Possibilities
- Covariation of neurological and articular
measures - Fixed Pattern Stasis, poor adaptation
17Subluxation Detection
- Altered neurological function
- muscle tone
- leg length difference
- posture/balance
- thermography
- Altered articular function
- X-ray Analysis
- palpation
18Some Projects Underway
- Dissecting the Prone Leg Check. Alan Hartley
- Thermographic Pattern Analysis. John Hart
- Muscle Palpation Studies. Joe Donofrio
- Maintenance/Wellness Applications of
Subluxation-Centered Chiropractic Care. Brian
19Leg Check
20Leg Checking Apparatus
21Assessment of the modified Prill leg check and
Prill Push Test as indicators of vertebral
subluxation by comparison with established
indicators. Alan Hartley
22Recent developments
23Leg Check Force Application
24Force profiles
25Paraspinal temperature measurement. TyTron dual
probe computerized infra-red device.
26TyTron Screen Shot
27Thermographic Pattern Analysis using Objective
Numeric Methods
- Preconditioning
- Normalization
- Smoothing
- Sliding
- Clipping
- Congruence Calculations
- Area difference
- Slope comparison
- Correlation
- Stewart/Boone methods
- Slope
- Amplitude
28Screen shot of interface
29Muscle Palpation Studies
- Reliability testing
- Validity testing
- Anatomical structure location
30Where the rubber meets the road
- Do patients who receive care for subluxation
correction experience positive clinical outcomes? - General health measures
- Quality of life surveys
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