Title: The FEST Model
1The FEST Model for Testing the Importance of
Hysteresis in Hydrology
J. Philip OKane Department of Civil
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Research
Institute UCC
ASYMPTOTICS, University College Cork, Ireland,
March 17-21, 2004
1. Introduction soil physics 2. The BASE
model bare soil with evaporation and drainage 3.
The FEST model fully vegetated soil slab with
transpiration 4. The structure of FEST feedback
structure bifurcation
31. Introduction
1. Hysteresis in hydrology, climatology,
ecohydrology Is it significant? For what
questions? 2. Hysteresis in open channel
flow Rate dependent 3. Hysteresis in soil
physics Rate independent 4. Method Build test
rigs to answer the questions BASE model - pde -
soil physics FEST model - ode - plausible soil
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Some soil physics
7Soil a multi-phase material
Each phase has mass M and volume V The REV
representative elementary volume
1 cm
Air Ma, Va
Water Mw, Vw
Soil-solids Ms, Vs
1 cm
1 cm
8Ratios describe the multi-phase material
Total porosity ff (Va Vw)/(Va Vw Vs
) Void ratio e (Va Vw)/Vs m3
m-3 Particle density rs Ms/Vs Dry bulk
density rb Ms/(Va Vw Vs ) Water density
rw Mw/Vw Mg m-3
Air Ma, Va
Water Mw, Vw
Soil-solids Ms, Vs
9Moisture content
Volumetric wetness q Vw /(Va Vw Vs ) In
clay soils the soil matrix swells, Vs f(Vw), q
has no well-defined maximum value In gravel,
sand and silt, the soil matrix is rigid q has
a maximum at saturation 0 lt q lt qs lt 1, at
saturation Va 0 Mass wetness w Mw /Ms
q w rb /rw in rigid soils
10Potential energy of soil water
A mass m of soil water of volume V and density ?w
m/V is moved on an arbitrary path through a
vertical distance z by a force mg ?wVg
The dissipationless work done against the force
of gravity is mgz (?wVg)z There are three
alternative ways of representing the potential
energy of this water as dissipationless work (a)
per unit mass, (b) per unit volume, and (c) per
unit weight
11Potential energy per unit mass, volume and weight
12Total potential is a sum of partial
potentials y yg ym yo yp ya yW yg
gravitational potential ym matric potential yo
osmotic potential yp hydrostatic potential ya
atmospheric yW overburden potential
13Partial potentials with common reference state -
free water at z0
14Soil-moisture characteristic - matric potential,
soil suction or drying
?m ?m(?), ?m ? ?e lt 0, 0 lt ? ? ? s, ?e
air-entry potential, ? ? s ? ? (?m)
inverse function Specific water capacity
C(?) d?/d?m Drying and wetting are different
- hysteresis - usually ignored !
15Ym(z) partitions q(z) into liquid and vapour
h(z) relative humidity of soil-air Mw is the
molar mass of water (0.018 kg/mol), R the
molar gas constant (8.314 J/mol K) T the
constant temperature in degrees Kelvin (293 K at
16The BASE model - bare soil with evaporation and
Water flow in a column of soil
Vertical coordinate from the ground surface pos
itive downwards to the watertable (no air)
Soil 1
Soil 2
10 m
Soil 3
1 m
1 m
18Conservation of water mass in one dimension
fl is the flux density of liquid water (kg
m-2s-1) fv is the flux density of water vapour
(kg m-2s-1), in the direction of positive z
i.e. downwards,
19Generalised Darcys Law
Philip, 1955 Buckingham, 1907
20Philip-Richards equation ? form
Solutions sought in the space of continuous
functions ym(z,t) Discontinuities allowed in
q(z,t) to match discontinuous soil horizons
Philip 1955, Richards, 1931
21Boundary conditions forcing
Flux Boundary conditions Precipitation Evaporati
on Overland flow - ignore initially Interflow
- ignore in one dimension Potential Boundary
condition Ponded infiltration Fixed water
table Mixed Boundary condition Evaporation Drain
age to a moving water table
Forcing function Transpiration
22Standard hydrological questions
Infiltration surface runoff Evaporation Transpir
ation Redistribution Capillary rise Drainage
23Two pairs of switched boundary conditions -
atmosphere or soil control of fluxes?
Outer pair - fluxes at potential rates Raining
or drying atmosphere control Inner pair -
fluxes at smaller actual rates Surface ponding
or phase 2 drying soil control
24The raining and drying cycle
Potential evaporation
Actual evaporation
Soil drying begins
Soil wetting begins
Actual infiltration
Potential infiltration
25Alternating control
Potential evaporation
Actual evaporation
Atmosphere control! EaEp
Soil control ? EaltEp
Soil drying begins
Soil wetting begins
Soil control ? q0ltqR
Atmosphere control! q0qR
Actual infiltration
Potential infiltration
26Richards equation ? form
27Infiltration - atmosphere control
D \ K constant K linear K non-linear
K delta function D Mein Larson
(1973) constant D Breaster Breaster Clothier
et al (1973) (1973) (1981) Fujita
D Knight Rogers et al. Sander et
al. Philip (1983) (1988) (1974)
28Infiltration - soil control
D \ K constant K linear K non-linear
K delta function D Green Ampt
(1911) constant D Carslaw Philip Philip Ja
eger (1969) (1974) (1946) Fujita
D Fujita not solved not solved (1952)
29Evaporation - atmosphere control
D \ K constant K linear K non-linear
K delta function D not
applicable constant D Breaster Breaster
Kühnel (1973) (1973) (1989
C) Fujita D Knight Sander Sander
Philip Kühnel Kühnel (1974)
(19) (19)
complementary to infiltration
30Evaporation - soil control
D \ K constant K linear K non-linear
K delta function D not
applicable constant D Carslaw Kühnel
Kühnel Jaeger Sander (1989 C) (1946)
(19) Fujita D Fujita not
solved not solved (1952)
complementary to infiltration solution
31The FEST model -fully vegetated soil slab with
Goal from plausible biophysics an ode - for
testing hysteresis operators
32FEST ordinary differential equation
- Uniform moisture in the root zone
- Gradients in potential become differences
- Brooks-Corey-Campbell parametric expressions for
the matric potential and hydraulic conductivities
of soils - Square wave atmospheric forcing
33Transpiration Roots completely penetrate the
uniform root zone A 3-D wick sucks water from
the uniform roots to a uniform canopy Leaf
potential is matric potential of soil water plus
change in gravitational potential between the
roots and canopy Potential transpiration (given)
drives actual transpiration
34Potential transpiration - given
The Philip boundary condition Leaf evaporation
is proportional to the difference in humidity
between (a) the atmosphere, and (b) the
stomatal air in thermodynamic equilibrium
with its plant water in the canopy
35Actual transpiration drops below the potential
rate when stomates close at leaf potentials
between some higher value (e.g. -5,000cm) and
the wilting potential (e.g. -10,000cm)
36Feedback loops for transpiration
37Transpiration loops with soil physics parameters
Actual infiltration is the minimum of the
rainfall rate and the potential infiltration
rate Infiltration is assumed to occur
throughout the soil slab through preferential
paths due to worm holes, animal burrows and dead
roots presenting the infiltrating water uniformly
to the soil matrix.
39Potential infiltration rate is equal to the
hydraulic conductivity at the soil water
potential times the difference between that
potential and the air entry potential of the
rain divided by an arbitrary pore spacing
40Infiltration feedback loops
41Infiltration with parameters
42Feedback loops for drainage/capillary rise with
soil physics parameters
43Feedback loops for drainage, capillary rise
44Cut the feedback loops
Multiple equilibria Bifurcation
45Bifurcation to desert
Bifurcation on e over p 1.2, 1, 0.8 period
10 Bifurcation on e over p 1.2, 1, 0.8 period
20 Bifurcation on e over p 1.2, 1, 0.8 period
40 Bifurcation on theta(0)
53Insertion of Preisach operator
One insertion makes everything hysteretic Extensi
on in space horizontally with a scalar wave
equation bifurcation in space vertically with
Philip-Richards equation