Title: Marketing
1- Marketing
- the message
- of physical
- activity to the
- older adult
- Presented by
- Colin Milner
- International
- Council on
- Active Aging
2Our focus today
- Look at history of the market
- Look at the key barriers to entry
- Examine solutions
- Get you to ask yourself what if?
3Understanding who your market is
Tip 1 Know your Market
- Animals sweat,
- men perspire, and
- women do neither
Tip 1 Know Your Market
5- Women were told
- that exercise
- would harm their
- reproductive
- organs
Tip 1 Know Your Market
6Mens FitnessExperience 10BX Training in the
Military or Muscle Beach
Tip 1 Know Your Market
7The top two concerns for older adults
- Wealth and health
- Yankelovich Monitor
- Since March 2000, 7.6 trillion in market value
has been sucked out of stocks based on the
Wilshire 5000 index, the broadest measure of U.S.
stock market worth - That's about 48 of the market's value at its
- Two years ago, parents of Boomers were worth an
estimated 14 trillion to 18 trillion
- Health care costs for people with a chronic
condition average 6,032, which is five times
higher than for those without such a condition.
- SOURCE Partnership for Solutions. A project of
Johns Hopkins University and the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation
- In 2000, direct medical costs for chronic
conditions totaled 510 billion.
- These costs are expected to double to more than
1 trillion by 2020 - 80 of direct medical
- Nearly half of the population - 125 million
Americans - live with some type of chronic
- SOURCE Partnership for Solutions. A project of
Johns Hopkins University and the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation
- Diabetes Expected to Soar by 165 over the next
50 yearsSOURCE Diabetes Care
- Nine out of 10 cases of type 2 diabetes could be
prevented if people exercised more, ate better,
stopped smoking and adopted other healthy
behaviors. SOURCE New England Journal of
Medicine -
- Middle-aged and older
- Americans face a 90 chance of
- developing high blood pressure
- during their lives
- SOURCE JAMA 20022871003-1010
- Depression-will be the second
- greatest cause of premature death
- and disability worldwide by 2020.
Tip 1 Know Your Market
14Bone biopsy from a normal woman, age 75
Tip 2 Educate
Bone biopsy from a women with osteoporosis, age 47
50 of postmenopausal women, over fifty, have the
initial stages of Osteopenia - JAMA
15The Loss of Muscle Strength with Age
Leg Strength
Tip 2 Educate
- 1 reason for joining
- in physical activity is
- health
- SOURCE Medical Fitness Association
17Desire of older adults
- 86 agree that exercise is
- important to their health
- and longevity
- 64 would like to
- participate in fitness
- activities more than they doFitness Products
Council and the Alliance for Aging Research
18(No Transcript)
19 20- Media image of fitness
- Stereotypes of older adults
- Belief system about whether
- exercise can have satisfying
- outcomes
- Self image as a non-exerciser
21- Body Beautiful images artwork, etc.
- Pro-shops geared towards youth
- Music
- Staff bias
- False expectations
22- Ability to participate in programs and use
23The group exercise program
- Intensity of the workout
- Scheduled times
- Age classifications
- Instructors without proper training
- Intimidating exercise equipment
- Name of the program
24Age friendly equipment
- Zero starting resistance
- 1 pound incremental increases
- Low impact-gentle on aging joints
- Easy to use
- Non-intimidating
- Counts repetitions
- Large display
- None or minimal pre-programmed workouts
- Display panel that is easy to read (large
- Starting speed at .5 mph
- Shock-absorbing deck
- Emergency lanyard with belt clip
- Low deck threshold
- Low motor housing/casing
- Medical handrails
26Recumbent bikes/steppers
- Easy entrance and exit
- Easy to set control panel
- Wide and comfortable seat with arm rest
- None or minimal pre-programmed workouts
- Display panel that is easy to read and understand
- Seat and arm adjustments should be easy to access
and easy to adjust
- Easy to reach key pad
27 28- Fear of injury, falls
- Exercise is fatiguing
- Overcoming drug fatigue
- Physicians not recommending exercise
- The exercise programs dont fit the needs
- No goals are set for improvement
29- Healthy doctors, healthy patients
- Health-conscious MDs more apt to give diet advice
- These doctors were also more than three times
more likely than their peers to ask their
patients about their diets, and to report feeling
confident discussing nutrition. - Doctors who participated in aerobic activity on a
regular basis were more likely to counsel
patients on the benefits of aerobic exercise.
- Another study founds that a female physician's
personal health habits often mirror the type of
advice she offers her patients.
- SOURCE American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- SOURCE Preventive Medicine 200235437-446
30Exercise prescription does work
Healthcare providers who give patients advice
about and support for physical activity can help
people improve their quality of life and reduce
aches and pains. Source British Medical Jou
rnal 2003326793
- Poor weather is a deterrent due to the fear of
falling, and the lack of transportation.
32- Facility Layout and Design
34Older adults are not all the same many
segments and issues exist
- Forty to sixty year-olds see midlife as a time
of reckoning and change
- Hold on tightly to midlife and arent prepared
to let go
- Work is the centerpiece of their lives
- They feel stretched
- They arent sure how to fit exercise into their
- Source AARP
Tip 1 Know Your Market
36Pre-retired and older than midlife
- Hanging onto this stage of life and
werent ready to move on.
- Although still career oriented, they have
started thinking about how to battle the aging
process a growing concern for them Source
Tip 1 Know Your Market
- Adopt a new sense of time, as their values and
beliefs begin to change
- Health and disease is a concern for this group
- They focus on how long they can maintain their
independence and functionality, as well as what
they would have to do to extend and maximize
itSource AARP
Tip 1 Know Your Market
38The first step towards attracting and serving the
older adult
Establish who is your target audience, and what
is their level of function
39Physically Dependent
- Cant execute some or all of the BADLs
- (Basic Activities of Daily Living- self-feeding,
dressing, toileting, transferring, and walking)
- Dependent on others for food and other basic
Tip 1 Know Your Market
40Physically Frail
- Performs BADLs but cant perform some or all of
the activities that are necessary to live
- Generally due to a debilitating disease or
condition that physically challenges them
Tip 1 Know Your Market
41Physically Independent
- Live independently
- Usually without
- debilitating symptoms
- of major chronic
- diseases
- Have low health
- fitness reserves
Tip 1 Know Your Market
42Physically Fit
- Exercises at
- least two times
- a week for their
- health,enjoyment
- and well being,
- have high health
- fitness
- reserves
Tip 1 Know Your Market
43Physically Elite
- Train on an almost daily basis
- Competes in seniors sport tournaments, or work
in a physically demanding job
- Levels of function identified in, Physical
Dimensions of Aging,
- Human Kinetics, 1995, by Waneen Spirduso.
Tip 1 Know Your Market
44Canadian Bert Morrow at 89
Tip 2 Educate
IDEA Inspirational Athlete of the Year 2002
Won three gold medals in the 80m Hurdles, the
100m Sprint and the 200m Sprint, at last years
Senior Olympics
- Three out of four mature consumers are
dissatisfied with marketing aimed at them.
- People ages 55-64 are more likely to be offended
by ads and less likely to enjoy them.
- 31 of people 55 and up avoid products in ads
they think stereotype people.
- SOURCE RoperASW. Consumers and the Center for
Mature Consumer Studies.
Tip 1 Know Your Market
- More than 60 of older consumers say ''quality''
is the most important factor in choosing a brand.
- On average, mature consumers now consider ''old
age'' to start at 72, not 65
- Consumers younger than 50 say ''old age'' starts
at 68 those older than 50 say it starts a decade
- SOURCE RoperASW. Consumers and the Center for
Mature Consumer Studies.
Tip 1 Know Your Market
- According to a new study traditional models of
elderly, frail matriarchs are giving way to ones
of active and healthy older women participating
in life, rather than sitting on the sidelines. - "Old age is seen as just one more opportunity for
women to be whatever kind of women they want to
- "Marketers who portray images of older women who
are active, healthy, having fun and celebrating
the relationships in their lives will be
rewarded." - SOURCE frank about women
Tip 1 Know Your Market
48Net impact
- Close to 78 of all consumers age 55plus have
purchased online. And, in one year the 50plus
market spends over 7,000,000,000 online.
- SOURCE Evergreen Direct
- Roughly half of 50-plus consumers own personal
- 70 have Internet access
- 92 of those PC owners have shopped online
- 78 have made purchases. SOURCE Senate
Tip 1 Know Your Market
49Terms with an impact
- Exercise Vs Physically Active
- Active Very positive response To participants,
active meant engaged with life, family and
community. They did not equate active with
exercise. For people at the older end of the age
spectrum, active meant going to church or playing
bingo. They also did not connect the word with
exercise. - Exercise Very negative response
- Study participants saw exercise as too hard and
difficult. Exercise is not a word that you would
want to use in your message.
Tip 1 Know Your Market
50Terms with an impact
- Physically active Very positive reaction
- The participants liked the term physically
active, because it implied they could do a wide
range of activities to be physically active,
rather than just going for a walk. They
intuitively understood the health benefits. - Other terms
- Moderate versus vigorous
- Most days of the week versus almost all days of
the week
- Five days of the week versus more than four days
and four or more days
Tip 1 Know Your Market
Tip 1 Know Your Market
Tip 1 Know Your Market
Tip 1 Know Your Market
Tip 1 Know Your Market
55- Marketing myths about the older adult
- Mature consumers are brand loyal. This is the
single-biggest myth, experts say.
- Source AARP and RoperASW.
- Marketers can reach mature consumers as
''spillover'' by advertising to younger
consumers. Marketing is becoming so segmented
that mature consumers need their own messages,
Frost says. ''Very soon, the 45-plus market will
represent half the population, and the
traditional target of consumers aged 25-44 years
old will shrink.'' - SOURCE USA Today
56 HEADLINE It's funny, the more we sweat, the
more the ladies find us completely irresistible.
- HEADLINE We swim laps and discuss world
politics. Baloney! We dog-paddle and
57Ten Marketing tips
- 1. Know your market
- 2. Just the facts, please
- 3. Build relationships
- 4. Use life stage marketing
- 5. Educate the market
- 6. Design with eyes in mind
- 7. Avoid scare tactics
- 8. Don't call them names
- 9. Demonstrate your credibility
- 10. Become a chronic marketer
58Presidential Active Lifestyle Awards
SOURCE The President's Challenge
- 4.7 years longer than the younger
- market - IHRSA
- 80 stay with a program at the end of a year,
based on how exercise made them feel
- 75 dropped out within 8 weeks, based on
non-relevant goal setting
- SOURCE American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Tip 1 Know Your Market
60Its all about the experiences
61- What we offer this market
- is the ability to die young
- at an old age.
- It's the closest they will
- ever get to the fountain of
- youth and that is priceless.