Title: Herbal Teas for A Healthy Lifestyle
1Herbal Teas for A Healthy Lifestyle
2There are always such times in our lives when we
have to choose between health and unhealthy food.
And most of us choose the later, in spite of
being aware that it is a wrong choice. For all
such guilty people, herbal tea might bring some
3 4- Herbal tea are rich is anti-oxidants, mineral and
vitamins that are extracted for herbs and
perfectly blended with the traditional tea leaves - There are different flavours for one to choose
and enjoy it as an alternate drink instead of
consuming the regular high calorie cafe or latte - Herbal tea is not a medicine therefore it could
be takes as many times as you wish - Some herbal teas can be made at home however a
reliable product in the market will assure good
results for the fact that a perfect balance
between tea and herbs is maintained
5- It is also good to start your day with a cup of
herbal tea as it stimulates the vital organs and
helps keep you active throughout - Green tea is best for beginners and can come a
long way in helping to get rid of caffeine
addiction and weight loss - Herbal detox tea is excellent way to feel light
after a heavy dinner, Christmas party or birthday