Title: Media
1Media Democracy
2Journeys With George
- Politics and Media
- The Role of the Press
- The Role of Image/Representation
- The Role of Commercial Logics
- The Role of Reporters
- The Role of This Documentary
- Your Role
3Nicholas Garnham The Media and The Public
- Changes in media structure and policy important
political questions and concerns - citizens concerned with the health and future of
democracy neglect media policy at their peril - Increased market focus of the media
profitability ? what defines important public
information - public information public good ? public
information private commodity - Implications?
- Changes how we communicate (when patterns and
logics of communication are channeled through
capitalist dynamics)
4Capitalism and the Mass Media
- Capitalism provides conditions for development of
free press - Creates new class and institutions in civil
society to create new political force Public
Opinion - Protected from undue power interests (in theory)
- Open and equal access to all (in principle)
- Provides rules for rational discourse, political
views and decisions beyond plays of power (i.e.
power dispersed) - Concerned with public good and private interests
- Capitalisms evolution distorts these
relationships - Neoliberal /Monopoly capitalism ?uneven
distribution of wealth and information - Rise of advertising, PR, and costs of access to
media - Flow of public information ? manipulation
- State as Public Provider/Defender against Private
Power ? State/Market interests merge - What Information is for the public good?
5Government for Sale
- How Lobbyists Shape Policy and Law
- /Campaigns
- Power Elite/ Experts
- Revolving Doors
- http//www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/08/track-indu
stries-revolving-door-lob.html - Alternative Voices
6Public Service Media Model
- How to address people as citizens (rational
political beings) rather than consumers - Problem
- Fundamental contradiction between seeing people
as citizens or consumers (at the level of their
value systems and social relations) - Political Realm
- The individual is defined as a citizen exercising
public rights of debate, voting, etc. within a
communally agreed structure of rules and towards
communally defined ends - The value system is essentially social and the
legitimate end of social action is the PUBLIC
GOOD - Economic Realm
- The individual is defined as a producer and
consumer exercising private rights through
purchasing power on the market in pursuit of
PRIVATE INTERESTS - Outcome for government/media relationship and
serving the public good? - political communication commercial
communication - public communication politics of consumerism
- politicians advertise for your (irrational) vote
- citizens are addressed as private individuals
rather than as members of a public within a
privatized domestic sphere rather than within
public life - Information framed/debate curtailed to a
point where ones inclusion is dependent upon
ones belief in a media frame - it is in the interests of the controllers of
multinational capital to keep citizens in a state
of disunity and dysfunctional ignorance unified
only by market structures within which capital
and power can flow freely which at the same time
assists in the development of their capital and